RIP George Floyd

Was he sticking up for him? Idk I interpreted as him going against Drew.

He might be now that I saw him quoting Mike Freeman's tweet, automatically assumed the worst with his history :lol: :smh:

The second tweet adds context, because he's agreeing with Mike Freeman

He's a good follow btw, he speaks his mind. I wish he was back on CBS.

He announced he was leaving BR recently, he might be back on CBS soon
Sara Sidner is about to blow up. She was the only one on CNN that did not criticize the riots. Doesn't hurt that she is a good looking woman either.
she was great when she worked in SF/oak/bay area. very talented and nice person

They just charged the other 3 officers with aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder

what's the timeline like for the trial?
I understand why we're not getting a perp walk, but why aren't their names publicized?

They aren't cops anymore. Why are they being protected?
Most football players are clowns.

I think it's because they've been treated like chattel their whole lives.

In the NBA you have your Steve Kerr's and Popovich's, where are they in the NFL or college football? Pete Carroll? Nick Saban has to hide being a liberal in Alabama. Dabo Sweeney will say some crazy stuff and they still can't wait to sign their signature. Fangino saying the NFL is fine, with a couple of black coaches, no black GM's and the Kaepernick situation.
After working in the NFL for two years, I can tell you that the problem is christianity. Every locker room that I went into had that christian grouping thing going, where independent thought is squelched, then intellectualism is shunned. It is that OTHER christianity that teaches one to follow, rather than lead. This is how they keep them in line, and then why few stand up and speak out against what we see going on today, and what has happened in the past. It didn't work on Kaep, and then a few others. That is why I got out of there, along with seeing the ******** first hand.
Kaep did the right thing. His silence, not talking to the media about what he was doing, was a brilliant strategical move. All that criticized him now have egg on their faces. He does not have to play anymore, his position and moves considering the current climate, will keep him in good standing forever in the Black community.
I understand why we're not getting a perp walk, but why aren't their names publicized?

They aren't cops anymore. Why are they being protected?

once a cop always a cop they are still being protected by their cop buddies and once their all in prison they not going to be kept in population
I just read that they upgraded chauvins charge to 2nd degree murder. They have to prove that he had intent to kill. I still feel like there's no way they let him walk. Country would burn down.
Sara Sidner is about to blow up. She was the only one on CNN that did not criticize the riots. Doesn't hurt that she is a good looking woman either.

CNN's coverage has been trash,been overwhelmingly 1 sided in the footage they choose to show.

Some of their anchors and journo's deserve props for pushing back and trying to provide a more complete picture but I haven't been impressed. Been the opposite of MSNBC's coverage.

Co-sign on Sara Sidner, saw her without a mask for the first time the other day and man...

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