Report: Malaysia Airlines flight SHOT DOWN in Ukraine

Man I couldn't imagine how terrible it must've felt for the passengers who survived the impact of the missile hitting the plane on that 30,000 or so feet drop knowing what's inevitable when you hit the ground, if they were conscious during the drop.

I was reading how with pan am flight 103, a majority of the passengers survived the bomb explosion and regained consciousness while the plane was falling to the ground.
My God that's awful.

 I read the TWA to NY flight exploded in mid air and that some of the victims actually survived the high altitude fall but drowned in the ocean 
This will change a lot of things when it comes to flying. People man :smh:

Those people did not need to die
Man I couldn't imagine how terrible it must've felt for the passengers who survived the impact of the missile hitting the plane on that 30,000 or so feet drop knowing what's inevitable when you hit the ground, if they were conscious during the drop.

I was reading how with pan am flight 103, a majority of the passengers survived the bomb explosion and regained consciousness while the plane was falling to the ground.

It's widely believed that some (if not all) of the astronauts in the Challenger shuttle were alive after the explosion. They don't know for how long though.
It's widely believed that some (if not all) of the astronauts in the Challenger shuttle were alive after the explosion. They don't know for how long though.
Wow, I figured the jet fuel + explosion would have made it almost a painless quick passing. 
it will just be sanctions for Russia. No actual conflicts. The pro russia rebels may be the scapegoats for the ordeal and be hunted

[COLOR=#red]You could be right Blake. Trust and believe the international intelligence community is on this incident. Here's the thing though...if it was Russia that "ordered" or suggested that the pro-Russia Seperatists in the Ukraine to do it then we have a tough choice. We don't want to get into it with Russia if we can at all help it. America tends to be a little more level headed when it comes to stuff like this because of the implications. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]Actually since this wasn't something that originated from an airport like hijacking or a bomb on the plane not much will change as far as airport procedures. Passenger planes will be diverted from the flight path over Ukraine and some parts of Russia until things get under control. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Here's the weapons system that brought the plane down...The SA-11 Gadfly mobile SAM unit. You may have heard it called the Buk in the news and that's what the Russians call it. The NATO codename for it is the Gadfly.

When I worked for the Feds I had to attend a two-week training session dedicated to knowing the capabilities of SAM systems of foreign countries and how to identify them in Satellite imagery. The Gadfly isn't even the most capable to be honest...the SA-21 SAM system can possibly take out our new F-22 Raptor in certain situations.[/COLOR]

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Flight patters, types of plains used, on board equipment, emergency exit capabilities. Of course this one attack won't change everything yet but if it continues it will. Commercial plains are sitting ducks in the air. How'd you like flights to be escorted by military air crafts and such? :smh:
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Flight patters, types of plains used, on board equipment, emergency exit capabilities. Of course this one attack won't change everything yet but if it continues it will. Commercial plains are sitting ducks in the air.

[COLOR=#red]They'll deal with the threat directly before they start outfitting commercial aircraft with those countermeasures. The type of radar required to track a SAM is pretty extensive, expensive, and it requires a lot of training to use it. They are also not going to change the type of plane used because there is already too much invested in the planes we already have. The intelligence community will get to the source of the problem and eliminate that threat. The good news is the equipment being used to down the planes (mobile SAMs) can't be used by the average person and there's a very small group of people that can operate it effectively. In this case the SA-11 was stolen from a Ukranian base by some Russian separatists and they used it. This means security must be upped at the facilities that house these weapon systems.[/COLOR]
Military escorts for commercial flights? Lol

No way the military is wasting money on commercial flights not to mention they could be shot down almost as easily.

I remember reading about an f22 shot down by an s300 which is like a 30 yr old SAM system. B12s get shot down by RPGs from time to time. We will just avoid the area until this small faction of perpetrators is made to pay.

If it comes out Russia was behind this well jus pretend it didn't happen. Accidents happen. International incident for a a cpl civilians? Nah.

Edit: well the guy that actually knows whassup pretty well summed that up
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Military escorts for commercial flights? Lol

No way the military is wasting money on commercial flights not to mention they could be shot down almost as easily.

I remember reading about an f22 shot down by an s300 which is like a 30 yr old SAM system. B12s get shot down by RPGs from time to time. We will just avoid the area until this small faction of perpetrators is made to pay.

If it comes out Russia was behind this well jus pretend it didn't happen. Accidents happen. International incident for a a cpl civilians? Nah.

Edit: well the guy that actually knows whassup pretty well summed that up

[COLOR=#red]JSJ are you reading internet articles my dude? Had to be a typo :lol: B-12 getting shot down by RPGS rom time to time? We have the B-1B bomber and the B-2 bomber otherwise known as the stealth bomber but no B-12 bomber in our fleet...and the only way an RPG would have a chance of shooting down a B-1B or an B-2 is if they are flying NOE (Nap of the Earth) which is done to fly under the radar coverage.

Though I must say I'm impressed with your knowledge of these type of things JSJ considering you haven't worked in the field...or have you hmmm.[/COLOR]
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Nah. Honestly I don't KNOW anything haha I'm jus highly interested and read a lot about military tech.

I do know the b12 is severely outdated at this point tho but I was trying to illustrate how something as clumsy as an RPGs has been known to eliminate military grade aircraft. The incident I'm referencing happened in northern Jordan I wanna say

Lately I've been delving into the iron dome with the palenstinian conflict raging.

Some experts are saying it's essiently a charade to give the public some peace of mind. and that 85% successful interception rate is a crock and could be as low as 5-10% what do you know about it?

It's also estimated that it costs somewhere between 60k and 100k per counter deployment while an RPG only cost 1k or so to fire. So essientally they're trying to bankrupt is real military before they launch a serious offensive. Good thing good ok uncle same will give them hundreds of millions at a time :smh
Lastly been reading about how high energy lasers designed by lockeed are the future of missile defense systems.

Wish I woulda taken school more seriously and studied engineering. I'd love to work for a DOD contracted firm.
Its just mind boggling how it was another Malaysian airline. Out of all the planes in the sky. Could it have been a coincidence or something fishy?

Also can the dudes who know about the technology being used expand on the capabilities one needs to use one of these things.

How does one differentiate between a commercial jet and say a military plane? Or are they just 2 blips on the radar
Its just mind boggling how it was another Malaysian airline. Out of all the planes in the sky. Could it have been a coincidence or something fishy?

Also can the dudes who know about the technology being used expand on the capabilities one needs to use one of these things.

How does one differentiate between a commercial jet and say a military plane? Or are they just 2 blips on the radar

Here's a thread that has lot of info about current stealth technologies and radar in regaurds to combat aircraft like the F22. Don't take anything that isn't sourced to heart tho obv a lot of ppl in the know on that site but a lot misinformed too. Do Ur own research but be warned you may find yourself researching all night long hah

That's the specific thread about Sam tech but the forum itself has a crazyyy amount of knowledge about Russia's military capabilities
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One of the top AIDS researchers in the world was on the flight headed to a conference.
You bring up a point worth addressing. Who was on the plane? Anyone of power? :nerd:
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