Report: Malaysia Airlines flight SHOT DOWN in Ukraine

Bros, I didn't even know we had missiles that traveled @ 1 Mile per second :wow:

That is ODEEE

[COLOR=#red]That's not even the fastest bro. Those SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) were designed to take out high altitude fighter and bomber jets which can get up to around Mach 1.5 (Mach is around 770 mph sea level, it's the point where the sound barrier is broken and causes a sonic boom). A Boeing 777 and most airliner jets travel at around 600mph. Also those SAMs turn at very high G forces... so even some fighters can't outmaneuver the best SAMs. Most military aircraft are equipped with countermeasures called chaffs and flares...chaff is metal strips released from the plane to confuse the missiles radar...flares are incendiary devices released from the plane that s hotter than the jets exhaust and that confuses heat seeking missiles. Countermeasures aren't foolproof but they give at least a chance for survival. It's like shooting fish in the barrel[/COLOR]
Where are the false flag/9-11 deniers with a theory on how this was orchestrated by the illuminati?
Bros, I didn't even know we had missiles that traveled @ 1 Mile per second

That is ODEEE
I honestly have moments of thinking about will I live to raise a family to adults, have grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Be that old man on the block with all the stories ish .... just live life

But tgis world we living in is so messed up. Everyone wants to prove they got the biggest baddest weapon. America, we cant keep our nose out of other folks issues and just handle our own.

I dont have any doubt there's a possibility of WW3 in my lifetime. N. Korea and Russia just waiting on a reason to push the button.

RIP to those lost in this senseless tragedy, really sad.
I honestly have moments of thinking about will I live to raise a family to adults, have grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Be that old man on the block with all the stories ish .... just live life

I feel the same way a lot, especially now that the wife and I are starting to talk about having babies. My parents tend to alleviate a lot of my fears by telling me stories about when they were my age in the 60s and 70s and they had a lot of the same worries. My generations children will most definitely grow up into a much different world, that's for sure. A lot that happens in this world upsets me, but I try to live as positive of a life as I can and I can only hope the majority of humans do the same.
I honestly have moments of thinking about will I live to raise a family to adults, have grandkids maybe even great grandkids. Be that old man on the block with all the stories ish .... just live life

But tgis world we living in is so messed up. Everyone wants to prove they got the biggest baddest weapon. America, we cant keep our nose out of other folks issues and just handle our own.

I dont have any doubt there's a possibility of WW3 in my lifetime. N. Korea and Russia just waiting on a reason to push the button.

RIP to those lost in this senseless tragedy, really sad.

With the mass amounts of nuclear warheads on either ends disposal, a WW3 will mean near extinction, maybe that's what it'll take for us to truly appreciate life
Putin keeps trying to push blame away. Saying this wouldn't have happened if Ukraine would just stop fightning
Man I couldn't imagine how terrible it must've felt for the passengers who survived the impact of the missile hitting the plane on that 30,000 or so feet drop knowing what's inevitable when you hit the ground, if they were conscious during the drop.

I was reading how with pan am flight 103, a majority of the passengers survived the bomb explosion and regained consciousness while the plane was falling to the ground.
Man I couldn't imagine how terrible it must've felt for the passengers who survived the impact of the missile hitting the plane on that 30,000 or so feet drop knowing what's inevitable when you hit the ground, if they were conscious during the drop.

I was reading how with pan am flight 103, a majority of the passengers survived the bomb explosion and regained consciousness while the plane was falling to the ground.

That gotta be one of the worst ways to go.... I rather not eem see it coming
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