RealTalk, Are Mac computers really that good? vol. new laptop

All that porn I've watched and no virus
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by sNc magic

My 15 inch Macbook Pro broke down after a year and half and would've cost $900 to repair. I switched to a 15 inch Lenovo and I can't complain. Faster than the $2,500 17 inch Macbook Pro for less than half the price. If you can get an i5/i7 processor, definitely go for it. It blows anything Apple has out of the water. You won't get any viruses as long as you take the necessary precautions. Apple is all hype, imo

See this is the thing, with a PC you have to take necessary precautions. With a Mac you don't. So basically, using a PC is like having sex with a disease infested vagina. You have to wear a condom to be safe. Using a Mac is like hitting a pristine vagina, go at it raw, and you don't have to worry about getting burnt.
horrible analogy
I've had my Dell with Vista for 2 years
I have no Antivirus...just Ad Block Plus on Firefox
The bulk of viruses come from downloading crap on limewire or unreliable sites, and clicking on suspicious links.
If you can't avoid that, in my opinion, you do not deserve to use the internet..


My PC is used for work... things a Mac either can't do, or would cost me alot extra to get one outfitted.
mac is amazing, but the cost keeps me away.

ill stay with pc, havent done me wrong yet. I use my sisters mac from time to time its cool, I have a question: how do you right click on a mac? I know theresno right click feature like on pcs, but how do you do it on a mac?
Drop some knowledge on me. I like Apple products.

Can someone school me on the iMac, difference between a Macbook and Macbook Pro and what exactly is the Mac Mini?

From a users perspective, I read up on the product descriptions.
You can get comparable specs for less money with a Windows computer compared to a Mac.

Most people lack knowledge of how to properly protect themselves online and their investment of a computer. Macs have the benefit of not getting as manyviruses compared to Windows, but if you take the necessary precautions which in fact are pretty simple, a Windows PC is a safe choice.

Appearance wise, as with all Apple products, they're great looking. But performance > appearance for me.
the hardware a mbp packs isn't any different than something you can find on idk... a dell. core 2 duo is commonplace. many brands out there offer highcapacity ram and HDD space so mbp aside from OSX doesn't offer something much different.

i was interested in a mac until i got windows 7
. after a quick laptop upgrade, im running windows 7 RC1 with 2gb RAM with 120gb of hdd space on my hppavilion dv5000 laptop circa 2006. for the most part its running great and w7 is extra quick. i dont see my laptop lasting another 5 yrs tho since the screenrecently started showing signs of age.

honestly tho, if it weren't for windows 7 i would've considered a mbp bootcamped with xp
i want a mac but definitely don't want to pay that price on a Pro.. but anyone know what kind of Asus would be good for Photo work running photo shoplight-room etc and dealing with large files... the macs at my school are just awesome and never seem to crash or have problems with me running or handling anytype of files
Originally Posted by rocafella kidd

i want a mac but definitely don't want to pay that price on a Pro.. but anyone know what kind of Asus would be good for Photo work running photo shop light-room etc and dealing with large files... the macs at my school are just awesome and never seem to crash or have problems with me running or handling any type of files
Just make sure to get something with a dedicated video card
I use a Mac Mini for my desktop, an ASUS netbook for schoolwork/travel. I love both, but if I could've afforded it I would have picked up a Macbook, noquestions asked.
Originally Posted by sNc magic

My 15 inch Macbook Pro broke down after a year and half and would've cost $900 to repair. I switched to a 15 inch Lenovo and I can't complain. Faster than the $2,500 17 inch Macbook Pro for less than half the price. If you can get an i5/i7 processor, definitely go for it. It blows anything Apple has out of the water. You won't get any viruses as long as you take the necessary precautions. Apple is all hype, imo

this is why you get apple care you genious. I don't care how fast your laptop is, It ain't worth it having to deal with windows
We've had pc's and Mac's in my house since I was little and I personally wouldn't suggest getting a Mac unless you're using more taxingmedia applications. I use my MBP to do all of my music production(logic 9), graphic work(illustrator), and of course my school work. I use a G5 tower to runsessions in my studio. If I were just browsing the internet and typing papers for class then there would be no question that I would just go with a windowsmachine and save a lot of money. Yes mac products are nice to look at but the truth(in my mind) is that if you don't require the functionality you'rewasting your money. Point is it's a wash... based on your needs of course.
"you get what you pay for" is very true with Mac, I emphasize the word "pay".....
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Performance wise, you can pay the same money for a PC and get the same results but what makes Macs better are the intangibles. I received a Mac courtesy of my school a few years ago and I can tell you right now I'm never going back.
Intangibles. I keep telling my friends, don't believe the spec sheets!
Originally Posted by marlsj

Originally Posted by shch

Do Macs ever crash or hang??

As much as PC's? No, not even close.

Doesn't matter if it's only for browsing the internet and listening to music, if you like macs and have the extra cash then go for it.

if you bought a mac so that you can download music movies and porn without getting viruses then i feel sorry for you. please dont say mac hardware is better
Originally Posted by sNc magic

I thought it was going to be a big deal switching back to a PC because of all the proprietary features that I would be missing, and it even took me a couple of weeks to think it over. But after having switched back for a week, it made me realize that it's not that big of a deal. I'd pick blazing fast performance over Apple's proprietary tech. I would only switch back to Mac if the ratio of performance to cost went down. They're definitely fine computers, just not worth the cost.

mac computers = C class benz...paying for luxury, not for whats under da hood.
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