RealTalk, Are Mac computers really that good? vol. new laptop

I have absolutely no complaints about my Mac. I've had it since June 08, and I have no desire to get anything else.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by FlipnKraut
I'll make sure you get fired

pfft, I'll get you fired.
my two cents: macs are pretty sick because i can switch from windows to mac as my operating system. vol. linux. And it doesn't crash as easy when you areon the internet. You don't have to deal with all the virus protectors business.
i cant stand pc's after i broke my 3rd one in a row just from being on the internet. (dude i swear the porn was in there before hand.)
Screw them and their terrible "genius" shtick.

How you going to give us a computer back in worse condition than we brought it to you in?
You can go put OSX on your pc or you can put windows on your mac. There aint no real reason not to use either option if you have the desire to do so.
I switched from PC to Mac in October of '08 and it was easily the best choice I've made as far as computers go.

Everything runs the way it's supposed to, everything works together, I don't worry about viruses anymore, and OS X is easily the best operating systemI've ever used. (Coming from a life-long windows user 97-vista)

As far as specs go, you can def get more bang for your buck from a PC like most have already stated.

It's hard to get an unbiased opinion when even thinkin about making the switch, but I'd really say check out a mac if you have a couple extra dollarsto spend. It's a good investment in my opinion, again specs won't be as great but once you boot it up for the first time your life will change
Overrated, overpriced bull +%%#. If you like the Mac OS that much, buy a much better performing pc and throw it on there for half the price.

BTW, Mac has viruses don't get it twisted. Programmers didn't care about writing viruses for Mac OS, but now that everyone hopped on the hype virusesare being written.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Overrated, overpriced bull %%!%. If you like the Mac OS that much, buy a much better performing pc and throw it on there for half the price.

BTW, Mac has viruses don't get it twisted. Programmers didn't care about writing viruses for Mac OS, but now that everyone hopped on the hype viruses are being written.

FALSE. The reason why Mac OS X does not get virus' is not because of the market share, it is because its written on the UNIX platform that is much olderand way more secure that Windows.
OS 9, which was not based on UNIX, was out when Apple had waaay less market share than it does now, and there were plenty of virus' on OS 9. The switch toUNIX happened with OS X.
Originally Posted by ishmedude

don't buy the mac if your not going to use it to fullest.

99% of computer users, no matter what OS do not use the computer to its fullest potential. Browsing the web/watching videos/listening to music does not requirea Core 2 Duo, 4gb dd3 ram, 512mb video card, ect.
A 15 inch macbook is 1600. I got a new 15 inch dell and customized the specs (RAM, Processor, Webcam, Drive etc.) to the max, or at least equal to that of aMac (Core 2 Duo, 300G, 4GB), in addition I got:

4 years of Dell service (If anything breaks a dell guy comes to my house and replaces the faulty part)
Lojack (Anyone steals it its tracked down)
Complete Care (Any accident non intentional or fire (spills, drops..anything you can imagine) and it is replaced or fixed

All for the grant total of 1300
Macs are definitely nice looking and trendy but if I can get more for less I'm def going for it..
I had a Mac and I went back quickly.

They are overpriced for no reason, you can get a PC for a fraction of the price with the same specs (if not better). The only thing Mac had over PC's wereOS, but with Windows 7 out that's debatable.

If you're into video editing and such then a Macbook is good for that, but just for any kind of laptop? Go the PC route, it'll be easier on yourwallet.
Originally Posted by sNc magic

My 15 inch Macbook Pro broke down after a year and half and would've cost $900 to repair. I switched to a 15 inch Lenovo and I can't complain. Faster than the $2,500 17 inch Macbook Pro for less than half the price. If you can get an i5/i7 processor, definitely go for it. It blows anything Apple has out of the water. You won't get any viruses as long as you take the necessary precautions. Apple is all hype, imo

See this is the thing, with a PC you have to take necessary precautions. With a Mac you don't. So basically, using a PC is like having sex with a diseaseinfested vagina. You have to wear a condom to be safe. Using a Mac is like hitting a pristine vagina, go at it raw, and you don't have to worry aboutgetting burnt.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by sNc magic

My 15 inch Macbook Pro broke down after a year and half and would've cost $900 to repair. I switched to a 15 inch Lenovo and I can't complain. Faster than the $2,500 17 inch Macbook Pro for less than half the price. If you can get an i5/i7 processor, definitely go for it. It blows anything Apple has out of the water. You won't get any viruses as long as you take the necessary precautions. Apple is all hype, imo

See this is the thing, with a PC you have to take necessary precautions. With a Mac you don't. So basically, using a PC is like having sex with a disease infested vagina. You have to wear a condom to be safe. Using a Mac is like hitting a pristine vagina, go at it raw, and you don't have to worry about getting burnt.
after seeing the virus thread on NT, make it a whole box of condoms and make the vagina burning.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by sNc magic

My 15 inch Macbook Pro broke down after a year and half and would've cost $900 to repair. I switched to a 15 inch Lenovo and I can't complain. Faster than the $2,500 17 inch Macbook Pro for less than half the price. If you can get an i5/i7 processor, definitely go for it. It blows anything Apple has out of the water. You won't get any viruses as long as you take the necessary precautions. Apple is all hype, imo

See this is the thing, with a PC you have to take necessary precautions. With a Mac you don't. So basically, using a PC is like having sex with a disease infested vagina. You have to wear a condom to be safe. Using a Mac is like hitting a pristine vagina, go at it raw, and you don't have to worry about getting burnt.
horrible analogy
I've had my Dell with Vista for 2 years
I have no Antivirus...just Ad Block Plus on Firefox
The bulk of viruses come from downloading crap on limewire or unreliable sites, and clicking on suspicious links.
If you can't avoid that, in my opinion, you do not deserve to use the internet..
I'm probably never going to go back to a PC if I was given the choice. I am pretty tech savvy and just had a lot of problems with my PC overall in the longrun, and I do not have to deal with that with my MBP.

Honestly, either platform is good. It just depends on preference in the end. The Macs ARE expensive...but if you got the extra cash and want to go and try tomake the switch, give it a try, it's worth it. Just get Applecare and you'll be all good.
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