real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by imsojayded

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

MJ, D.wade, Shaq married black girls and look where they are now

I dont see the Kobester complaining
Wasnt he 'complaining' when he cheated on her???
Not only did he cheat on her, but he cheated on her with a girl the color of my font.
Originally Posted by Swag Surfer

I went out with a white girl when I first transferred to my predominiately white catholic school during the basketball season
. Shiiit, I think black dudes just think that black girls are after their money though or just doing it to be known.
I disagree. A lot of black dudes I know think the white girls are after their money if they have some. The gold digging black girls fly undertheir radar.
dreaface wrote:

Okay, i understand where u are coming from obviously society holds white women on a higher pedistal then black women... Somehow some black men have bought into this lie and therefore feel like having a white woman is "moving up". But does this bother me no and i dont think it should bother anyone else. I dont want anyone who doesnt see value in me or any educated good black woman. Or that is fooled to think of one race over the next is somehow superior. They do the white man proud. I personally need someone smarter than that so i let the white girls have them.

i personally dont care that anyone dates only beef are the reasons dudes have guy said he generally finds white women moreattractive...that i can women are loud, nagging, etc. i have a problem with...very few have said they genuinely find white women just as ormore attractive than anyone else...their main reason is "they act better" which furthers a stereotype that black women are hard to handle...thendudes ask why alot of black women don't date outside their can they when black guys have done nothing but talk them down?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

dreaface wrote:

Okay, i understand where u are coming from obviously society holds white women on a higher pedistal then black women... Somehow some black men have bought into this lie and therefore feel like having a white woman is "moving up". But does this bother me no and i dont think it should bother anyone else. I dont want anyone who doesnt see value in me or any educated good black woman. Or that is fooled to think of one race over the next is somehow superior. They do the white man proud. I personally need someone smarter than that so i let the white girls have them.

i personally dont care that anyone dates only beef are the reasons dudes have guy said he generally finds white women more attractive...that i can women are loud, nagging, etc. i have a problem with...very few have said they genuinely find white women just as or more attractive than anyone else...their main reason is "they act better" which furthers a stereotype that black women are hard to handle...then dudes ask why alot of black women don't date outside their can they when black guys have done nothing but talk them down?
u let them have them? elaborate...
[h3]Re: real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??[/h3]or...why do white girls go with black athletes?
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

black men cant appreciate black women. they will throw out the "attitude" "drama" line when in reality they are weak and cant handle a strong woman.


Everytime this +@#% comes up, there's always somebody coming to quick conclusions and trying to emasculate the black man...which BTW was a tradition in slave owners' houses. Black men's power and masculinity is a threat to some...and they want to strip them of it in anyway possible. "What you have left is a big muscular body, with big big ol arms, big balls and big penis, and inside lies a tiny, tiny brain and a tiny, tiny man"

Funny how all the blame is placed on the men when nobody even mentions the kind of standards black women hold us up to and how our youth differs from other cultures when it comes to relationships. You can only look at "our" music, media, literature, and social norms to see how they differ from other groups and what kind of resentment could possibly arise from that.

I'll generalize just to keep it going : Black women hate black men because they can't be faithful to jumpoffs and don't treat them how beyonce says they should be treated. Black men hate black women because they won't STHU. Plus they tell them they have to work extra hard for a "diva", due to the fact that black women are "the type to get chose" and they get the most, not the lesser.

Of course, I am joking with that last paragraph, but there is a small ounce of truth in what I creating biases and fantasies in our minds...and ultimately resentment towards one another. Look at white teens and what music "they" listen Taylor Swift VS Beyonce for their young girls...songs like "I needa Soulja" aren't found in white pop music. That doesn't mean they don't listen to"black music" though...[sorry for generalizing]

I mean I think it's funny how some of yall say us race-mixers act like we're "too good" for black girls and are on a high horse...when all our lives we've been told that "n_ ain't shhh" and some of us were raised by only a woman who might just have a grudge against men..where does that grudge get passed down to? BLACK MEN. Don't come out and say black men who date out of their race think they're better than black men..without making a notion of how black women think they're better than black men and how COMPETITIVE yall can be. I've yet to hear a "normal" white girl mention "hatin a_ !%$!" or things of that nature. It's got a whole hell of a lot to do with class though, cuz the suburban black folk I know don't care for gaudy things like rims and expensive [fake] gucci bandanas [AYYY]. It be the hood __ with the beat up v6 charger on some blades..who can NOT drive
and try their hardest to make their presence known on the they're really
-ing on folk..same goes for the hoodrats. I see them with the OD hair extensions and accessories..on some "diva" +++$ in their facebook status
..And the nice normal black girls don't go hard like that at all...much more common sense.

Anyways..replace "black women" with "hoodrats" and there's alot more truth in this thread. Yall need to turn your back on them hoodrats and get you a normal black woman before you shun them away bo

That "can't handle a strong woman" line is the hoodrat staple asto why no one wants to deal with them. It's also used by black women who aren't from the hood but still aren't worth a damn at the end of the day.So to the black women who really are strong, avoid using that line. It actually has the opposite effect to your cause.If you are truly a strong black woman, it will show through your actions, not through what has become a cliche defense mechanism.

On the original topic, I think the truth is this:
Athletics is one of the easiest ways to gain popularity. When popularity comes, women are sure to flock. These athletes, with their new found fame, are goingto try what is new and different (which is initially considered "better") to them. Personally, I like women of all races/mixes, thick and thin, talland short. I just love beautiful women. But I'm from PG County, so I can't front like I didn't go after the "opposite" of what I grew uparound when I first got out on my own. I guess I landed somewhere in the middle, as my girl is a mix of Turkish/Egyptian. And I'm with her because I loveher, not because of her race. Culture? Maybe. Race? No.

Question about the "drama" debate:
One thing I don't get about this "all women give the same amount of drama" argument is that some guys will say that a black woman's attitudeis attractive to them. If I refer to it as "drama", they often say that they like it. When asked about white women they will say that they take toomuch, and they want "a strong woman". So what do you say about the black men who love black women partly because of this dramatic attitude thatothers say does not exist in relation to other races?
Originally Posted by Supafly122

[h3]Re: real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??[/h3]or...why do white girls go with black athletes?
But if you phrase it like that, you'll be deemed a salty racist...probably fat, too.
because they can't pull black chicks...duh.

that goes for all black dudes who wife white girls...

i thought this was common knowledge......

(no, i didn't read this whole post, either)
black dudes date white chicks because white chicks who date black guys are easy to get over on.....yall can say w/e you want about black women but when itcomes down to it, you cant handle a chick who wont put up w/ your stuff and its notoriously known that white chicks who only like black guys will damn near letthat man do anything and she wont do crap about most guys might think thats a good thing but i honestly i hate weak minded chicks....
Generalizing the characteristics of a race is stupid.

The bad thing is... weak minded people of all races start to believe these generalizations, and they subconciously pre-judge other races without even realizingor experiencing it for themselves. Or if they have that one bad experience that fits a generalization they will be like... "I told you so"

People are people. There is nothing wrong with having a preference, but there is something wrong with not talking to a particular race just because of a stupidgeneralization society has set.
It seems black chicks bring a lot of drama. I go to HBCU and the majority of women will drive you crazy. It seems you have to be damn near perfect to get atthem. White women seem to be easy going though. I've had nice looking white girls come up and ask if I'm single. All women carry some type of baggage.Can I brotha find a black female without drama? Where?
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

It seems black chicks bring a lot of drama. I go to HBCU and the majority of women will drive you crazy. It seems you have to be damn near perfect to get at them. White women seem to be easy going though. I've had nice looking white girls come up and ask if I'm single. All women carry some type of baggage. Can I brotha find a black female without drama? Where?
Ok, I go to an HBCU as well, but just like there's drama filled black women there's also white girls who have drama in their lives so whatare you really saying?

The fact that a girl will come up to you and ask you if you're single (in the context that you have worded it) pretty much shows what they are after.

But here's the problem I have...why is it when ya'll "try to get at us" and we pay you no mind we catch all this *&%*. I have a problemwith the fact that when I'm walking on the street dudes will stare and you can tell there staring at your face...but it's not until you get a glance ofsomeones @ss that people will try to pull that "hey ma" or w/e stunt. It's kinda obvious what you are after and I don't need to talk to youafter that...But I'm a prude because I don't want to f%k you nor do I want to engage in a meaningless relationship? Get the f^*k outta here withthat....

I think Thugnif. hit the nail on the head by saying that sometimes in black culture we (black people) have certain "standards" that are somewhatunrealistic. I will say some women have taken the whole independent thing too far but real talk some of ya'll (men in general) are just lazy as hell andjust think everything is a free ride. And if a woman has only one standard to hold you to immediately she's tryna chnage you...or she wants too much...and that's not far

oh and Anomolie I guess I prove you wrong...I'm a black female who goes to an HBCU without drama in her we exist
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

It seems black chicks bring a lot of drama. I go to HBCU and the majority of women will drive you crazy. It seems you have to be damn near perfect to get at them. White women seem to be easy going though. I've had nice looking white girls come up and ask if I'm single. All women carry some type of baggage. Can I brotha find a black female without drama? Where?
Ok, I go to an HBCU as well, but just like there's drama filled black women there's also white girls who have drama in their lives so what are you really saying?

The fact that a girl will come up to you and ask you if you're single (in the context that you have worded it) pretty much shows what they are after.

But here's the problem I have...why is it when ya'll "try to get at us" and we pay you no mind we catch all this *&%*. I have a problem with the fact that when I'm walking on the street dudes will stare and you can tell there staring at your face...but it's not until you get a glance of someones @ss that people will try to pull that "hey ma" or w/e stunt. It's kinda obvious what you are after and I don't need to talk to you after that...But I'm a prude because I don't want to f%k you nor do I want to engage in a meaningless relationship? Get the f^*k outta here with that....

I think Thugnif. somewhat hit the nail on the head.....

The problem is that black women and black men have very unrealistic...expectations to some extent.

However I will say this. Some females take the whole Miss Independent thing too far, but seriously some of it is just that men (in general), some of ya'll are very lazy and you want or go for what is easy and I don't think it is wrong that a women try to hold men to a higher standard then what you are used to...
im sorry, but
@ only getting hollered at from the back
^^Lol. It's more llike a checklist or something...

1. She look good from deep? [check]

2. She's closer...nice front body [check]

3. i can see her face, is it aight? [check]

4. she's walking past, fat @ss? [check]

4 checks? I'll holla!!!!! DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER

Like, don't get mad because we don't want to talk. and then let's not talk about the approach.....can u say...all wrong?
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

^^Lol. It's more llike a checklist or something...

1. She look good from deep? [check]

2. She's closer...nice front body [check]

3. i can see her face, is it aight? [check]

4. she's walking past, fat @ss? [check]

4 checks? I'll holla!!!!! DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER

Like, don't get mad because we don't want to talk. and then let's not talk about the approach.....can u say...all wrong?
i imagined more like "eh, she straight......" as you walk past....

then, upon confirmation of a fat **#, it's "Ay, AY, AY YOU"


i've seen such things take place......
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

@ thinkin white women are less drama

Like white dudes don't be ready to strangle their nagging white wives too


Yall watchin waay too many movies.
But that's what happens when the entertainment medium as a whole sticks to their predictable stereotypical ways

it takes a real weak minded black man to say "I don't mess with black women no more..."

Dudes co-signin too

More than likely they don't mess wit yo black %!% neither

Aint nothin wrong with liking who u wanna like tho
but if u closeminded enought to shut down on any nationality of women, especially ur own, 95% of the time the problem is YOU not the particular group of women

I agree 10000000% Most of the time its them ole Nick Cannon suburb dudes talking this non sense.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

black men cant appreciate black women. they will throw out the "attitude" "drama" line when in reality they are weak and cant handle a strong woman.


Everytime this +@#% comes up, there's always somebody coming to quick conclusions and trying to emasculate the black man...which BTW was a tradition in slave owners' houses. Black men's power and masculinity is a threat to some...and they want to strip them of it in anyway possible. "What you have left is a big muscular body, with big big ol arms, big balls and big penis, and inside lies a tiny, tiny brain and a tiny, tiny man"

Funny how all the blame is placed on the men when nobody even mentions the kind of standards black women hold us up to and how our youth differs from other cultures when it comes to relationships. You can only look at "our" music, media, literature, and social norms to see how they differ from other groups and what kind of resentment could possibly arise from that.

I'll generalize just to keep it going : Black women hate black men because they can't be faithful to jumpoffs and don't treat them how beyonce says they should be treated. Black men hate black women because they won't STHU. Plus they tell them they have to work extra hard for a "diva", due to the fact that black women are "the type to get chose" and they get the most, not the lesser.

Of course, I am joking with that last paragraph, but there is a small ounce of truth in what I creating biases and fantasies in our minds...and ultimately resentment towards one another. Look at white teens and what music "they" listen Taylor Swift VS Beyonce for their young girls...songs like "I needa Soulja" aren't found in white pop music. That doesn't mean they don't listen to"black music" though...[sorry for generalizing]

I mean I think it's funny how some of yall say us race-mixers act like we're "too good" for black girls and are on a high horse...when all our lives we've been told that "n_ ain't shhh" and some of us were raised by only a woman who might just have a grudge against men..where does that grudge get passed down to? BLACK MEN. Don't come out and say black men who date out of their race think they're better than black men..without making a notion of how black women think they're better than black men and how COMPETITIVE yall can be. I've yet to hear a "normal" white girl mention "hatin a_ !%$!" or things of that nature. It's got a whole hell of a lot to do with class though, cuz the suburban black folk I know don't care for gaudy things like rims and expensive [fake] gucci bandanas [AYYY]. It be the hood __ with the beat up v6 charger on some blades..who can NOT drive
and try their hardest to make their presence known on the they're really
-ing on folk..same goes for the hoodrats. I see them with the OD hair extensions and accessories..on some "diva" +++$ in their facebook status
..And the nice normal black girls don't go hard like that at all...much more common sense.

Anyways..replace "black women" with "hoodrats" and there's alot more truth in this thread. Yall need to turn your back on them hoodrats and get you a normal black woman before you shun them away bo

but it's not until you get a glance of someones @ss that people will try to pull that "hey ma" or w/e stunt.

So you got a phatty ey?
Good stuff.

I know my brother has a white chick and shes really down. Cool as hell too. But she would cut him if he left her soo...
Haha craziness see's no race.

I prefer any chick with nice thighs and a booty.
From a Native American to a Aborigine, it doesn't matter . Cover all continents.
This thread is going nowhere. On the one hand, a guy gets praise for saying that white women are just as dramatic as black women. On the other hand, a blackgirl is saying that white women give it up easier (less dramatic). Which one is it?

In other news, this thread has reminded me of the one thing LeBron should pick up once he arrives in NY...

("Yeah... You Mad")
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

but it's not until you get a glance of someones @ss that people will try to pull that "hey ma" or w/e stunt.
So you got a phatty ey?
Good stuff.

I know my brother has a white chick and shes really down. Cool as hell too. But she would cut him if he left her soo...
Haha craziness see's no race.

I prefer any chick with nice thighs and a booty.
From a Native American to a Aborigine, it doesn't matter . Cover all continents.

I Lol'ed....

And TraSoul...Your sig is WAY OFF
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