Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Charleston White is in the attention business…Good or bad, doesn't matter long as yo get it

My favorite interview of his is the one w/ Queenzflip. He broke character for the majority of the interview...talked in his normal voice and everything. Broke down exactly what his "mission" is. He said he literally created the persona because he was getting no attention when he was just being "normal".
Again, who else is talking about it? Who is bringing up the discussion.

What's the good that 95% of these rappers are adding?

You know how many activists been talking solutions not just using the easy "It's rap music" scapegoat. At his age I would hope he can make some sense here and there but overall he's a clown character, a old _ that figured out how to get people talking.
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Yeah, he's in character like most of the rappers. It still doesn't change the message. I do think he goes overboard though. Talking ill of the dead etc. But when you see idiots talking bout "disrespecting my culture" when said culture they are referencing is gang culture, then you know cats are out of control. Unfortunately these days it appears that his gimmicks are overshadowing his message.
You know how many activists been talking solutions not just using the easy "It's rap music" scapegoat. At his age I would hope he can make some sense here and there but overall he's a clown character, a old _ that figured out how to get people talking.

Again, who is gaining traction and attention for it and putting that discussion for public discourse.

You're sounding like the women who used to complain about Kevin Samuels.
Yeah, he's in character like most of the rappers. It still doesn't change the message. I do think he goes overboard though. Talking ill of the dead etc. But when you see idiots talking bout "disrespecting my culture" when said culture they are referencing is gang culture, then you know cats are out of control. Unfortunately these days it appears that his gimmicks are overshadowing his message.

I think his message is still getting out there.

I think there's groups who try to use that to dismiss the message.
Yeah, he's in character like most of the rappers. It still doesn't change the message. I do think he goes overboard though. Talking ill of the dead etc. But when you see idiots talking bout "disrespecting my culture" when said culture they are referencing is gang culture, then you know cats are out of control. Unfortunately these days it appears that his gimmicks are overshadowing his message.

He's doing the gimmicks for a reason. :lol:

Like I said at his age he should have a good message. I can't give a older _ extra credit for saying gang culture is bad. That's like giving a kid credit for knowing 2+2. All the phony beef'n, tryna provoke _'s, "Ima tell if...". Like 'cmon bruh. That's helping the black community?
Yeah, he's in character like most of the rappers. It still doesn't change the message. I do think he goes overboard though. Talking ill of the dead etc. But when you see idiots talking bout "disrespecting my culture" when said culture they are referencing is gang culture, then you know cats are out of control. Unfortunately these days it appears that his gimmicks are overshadowing his message.

It requires nuanced thinking to extract the message behind many of his arguments. Textbook example of "Baby & the bath water"

The talking crazy is what fuels the feedback loop and keeps him on the Akademiks','SayCheese's, and all the other outlets that market to a particular demo that he's trying to get in front of. It's meant to shock and awe.
He's doing the gimmicks for a reason. :lol:

Like I said at his age he should have a good message. I can't give a older _ extra credit for saying gang culture is bad. That's like giving a kid credit for knowing 2+2. All the phony beef'n, tryna provoke _'s, "Ima tell if...". Like 'cmon bruh. That's helping the black community?
Yeah, but his message is reaching some of the naive/aloof youth. People don't realize how easy a simple "do your homework , go to school and don't **** around or else you can amount to nothing and be out there on the street doped out" can impact a kid. It seems like common sense, but many of these kids are crashing out early simply cause the parents failed to inform them of the consequences when the kids go down certain paths.

I remember during the Ransom interview on Maths podcast where they had to spell it out for people(part of it for content) that your company can hype **** up and feed you misinformation and cause you to crash out. I was baffled that they felt that they had to tell viewers this, but then again common sense ain't so common.

Hell, there are adults doing stupid **** without realizing the consequences of their actions. If there is no one in their immediate telling the youth this, but they are able to catch it from someone on social media to help them think twice before becoming a statistic, then I can't necessarily be mad at CW.
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CW said on his last Say Cheese interview (I'm paraphrasing) that black culture is the only culture that uses violence to get their points across. Saying ignorant ish like that publicly is why I can't rock with him and trust me that's just one example of plenty.

I do agree with what he said though about J. Prince and other people that only make black people "check in" to their respective cities but leave the white people alone.

Whatever he's doing is working though since we're all here discussing him lol
I tune in to all Charleston interviews 🤷🏾‍♂️. **** be hilarious. First ***** I seen get the best of wack 100 on clubhouse. Once he started saying **** the dead rappers people got mad he dissed they favorite dead rappers. He really out here doing the work in the community tho so props to that. And I agree 100% about his stance on the tooka ****.
Nah try again.

So you not mad he dissed Nipsey and you claimed to be a fan? I’m mad he be disrespecting Nipsey and I think it’s even worse that he claimed he attended his funeral but at the end of the day that’s his opinion, he don’t gotta view Nip the way I did but that don’t mean his message is wrong because at the core of it when you strip away all the entertainment, I don’t see how you can disagree with him. I’m sure you listen to at least one rapper that has dissed a dead ***** or celebrated or rapped about killing, it is what is. He wrong because he not spitting over a beat?
Keep it a buck Charleston White only gets Hated because Hes a consistent reminder of the **** **** we allow in the culture & unlike a lot of these dudes he stands on it & is actually moving around in different hoods trying to do actual community work.

I was watching that No Jumper interview earlier & they brought homie up & one of the first things they brought up is his comment that all gang members should die. I personally have relatives/friends who are in that so of course i don't stand with him on that.

But do be upset about that & deem it as super disrespectful, When gangs literally promote killing & hurting other black men is *** backwards when you zoom out. in most cases gangs do way more to hurt the community then to help it, in some cases you got grown *** 30+ yr olds sending teens on dummy missions ******* lives up...

But ****** wanna put they Guns on Charleston White? The anger is misplaced & him consistently reminding dudes he will snitch, & he dgaf about what the hood feels about him be keeping dudes flustered.

I don't necessarily agree with the message because unfortunately the ****** he tryna get through too our too ****in dense to realize the hypocrisy in their anger & actions.
Yall are over simplifying and straight out ignoring a lot of the disrespectful and/or ignorant stuff he says but ok lol

Like I said before, he makes some lucid points but his ignorant ones are horrible. He needs to figure out a better balance to deliver his "messages".
Yall are over simplifying and straight out ignoring a lot of the disrespectful and/or ignorant stuff he says but ok lol

Like I said before, he makes some lucid points but his ignorant ones are horrible. He needs to figure out a better balance to deliver his "messages".

This is the exact same thing women were saying about Kevin Samuels.

Discounting the message, because he wasn't nice and pleasant with his delivery. Knowing damn well his message would have been tuned out if he did it differently.
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