Rank your team loyaly

1. Michigan Wolverines Football
1a.Texas Longhorns Football
2. Bears
3. Bulls
4.Sox(White & Red)..sue me
1. 49ers, Warriors, SF Giants
2. UCLA basketball
3. Sharks
4. Indianapolis Colts
1. Sacramento Kings
2. San Francisco 49ers
3. San Francisco Giants
4. Cal Golden Bears football
5 Buffalo Bills(BEASH MODE!!!!!)
Bulls, 49ers, noles, kentucky(bball team), and mariners:smh:....I love them all the same...even the stinkin !@# mariners
1. Miami Hurricanes (football) Had fam go there and been a fan since i was a young

2. UNC (basketball) being from NC i was raised watching them

3. New Orleans Hornets (been a fan since they was in Charlotte & I know chris but if he ever leave i'll probably stop liking them)

4. Atlanta Braves

thats it.....i really dont have a nfl team....i just like watching certain teams....
wow i didnt think there was so many niner fans here
...hang in therefaithfuls...we can only hope for the best
i've been living in the bay area for 15+yrs and hate every single team here except the Giants.

1. PHX
2. SF Giants
3. Colts
4. Padres (i'm from SD)
1. warriors
2. raiders
3. As
4. sharks

but i honestly dont care about 2-3 that much
I havent seen it in this thread, but its always funny when one person is a fan of the Yankees, Bulls, Cowboys, and Miami Hurricane football. I know there aresome people on here who are like that. Just hopping on bandwagons in the 90s. That would be like being fans of the Red Sox, Spurs, Patriots and USC football intodays world. Its just funny to me.
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