Ramadan Vol.

what are those health benefits? i've always heard not to starve yourself because the next time you eat your body will store extra calories knowing it will be starved. instead, eat multiple small meals throughout the day. and if i'm correct you can't drink either right? how is not drinking water a health benefit?

to go into starvation mode you have to stop eating for much longer than the fasting period. I know you dont respect personal experience but I know I'm much better hydrated than all my teammates while I'm fasting then they are. I've, never had to sit out during training camp due to dehydration while we usually have at least 3 that do. So I know thats a benefit to me. Small meals thing is complete bro science. Your body doesn't work like that. As long as you get your essential nutrients anywhere through out the day your fine. Look up intermittent fasting, many body builders have switched over to that
First and foremost, Ramadan mubarak to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters.

This time time of the year is one of my favorite. It provides me the opportunity to let go of all the negative and digressive thoughts.

I actually just got back from the gym after running a little more than a mile, and also lifting weights for a solid half-hour - not mention hitting the sauna for 10 minutes or so without any water or food, and I feel great so far. I thought I wasn't going to make it, but it felt as if I was gaining more energy and stamina as I kept going.

It's a great feeling.
Ramadan Mubarak NT

Ramadan is a beautiful thing because it's a month out of every year where the entire community looks inward, and strives for self betterment. It's an experience that's difficult to put in words, in terms of the effect the fast and the overall month can have on you.
First and foremost, Ramadan mubarak to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters.
This time time of the year is one of my favorite. It provides me the opportunity to let go of all the negative and digressive thoughts.
I actually just got back from the gym after running a little more than a mile, and also lifting weights for a solid half-hour - not mention hitting the sauna for 10 minutes or so without any water or food, and I feel great so far. I thought I wasn't going to make it, but it felt as if I was gaining more energy and stamina as I kept going.
It's a great feeling.
Thats crazy normally after playing ball while fasting I feel dead tired
Thats crazy normally after playing ball while fasting I feel dead tired

It's baffling to me man, I literally felt like I gained more energy as I went. Even to this point in time, I feel no desire to eat or drink any water. Granted, I know it can be unhealthy to physically do the things I did without any water or food - but I feel great. I'm here, just relaxing and posting on NT lol.
It's baffling to me man, I literally felt like I gained more energy as I went. Even to this point in time, I feel no desire to eat or drink any water. Granted, I know it can be unhealthy to physically do the things I did without any water or food - but I feel great. I'm here, just relaxing and posting on NT lol.
Maybe hooping in the summer sun might not be a good idea :lol:
I gotta try weight lifting tho since it isnt as physically tasking
Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims here

Im not muslim but have been IF'ing for over 2 years now.

I personally believe your sharper while in a fasted state because your body isn't using energy to digest food so you can essentially use more resources as brain power, etc..

Also the hormonal benefit is more epinephrine being released, the fight/flight hormone which will generally make you feel dialed in/heighten your senses

i'm at about 18 hours as I type this, about to go lift and I'm not hungry at all.
Best wishes for everyone taking this seriously. I'm not Muslim (not even remotely religious), but respect other's beliefs.

Only thing that makes me mad are the "Hood Muslims". The guys who bring it up at every chance they get but the only thing they follow is not eating pork. :smh:

We get it, Neef, you don't be eatin' dat swine. Now give me back the bottle of Jameson.
Am i the only one that doesnt go to the bathroom the whole day but after breaking faast i go and take a huge dump
Am i the only one that doesnt go to the bathroom the whole day but after breaking faast i go and take a huge dump
I normally dont feel like I gotta drop a hot one but I would if I have to
I definitely piss whenever I have to I'm not holding nothing in :lol:
Fasting can help protect against brain diseases, scientists say
ref: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/feb/18/fasting-protect-brain-diseases-scientists

Fasting for regular periods could help protect the brain against degenerative illnesses, according to US scientists.

Researchers at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore said they had found evidence which shows that periods of stopping virtually all food intake for one or two days a week could protect the brain against some of the worst effects of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other ailments.

"Reducing your calorie intake could help your brain, but doing so by cutting your intake of food is not likely to be the best method of triggering this protection. It is likely to be better to go on intermittent bouts of fasting, in which you eat hardly anything at all, and then have periods when you eat as much as you want," said Professor Mark Mattson, head of the institute's laboratory of neurosciences.

"In other words, timing appears to be a crucial element to this process," Mattson told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver.

Cutting daily food intake to around 500 calories – which amounts to little more than a few vegetables and some tea – for two days out of seven had clear beneficial effects in their studies, claimed Mattson, who is also professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.

Scientists have known for some time that a low-calorie diet is a recipe for longer life. Rats and mice reared on restricted amounts of food increase their lifespan by up to 40%. A similar effect has been noted in humans. But Mattson and his team have taken this notion further. They argue that starving yourself occasionally can stave off not just ill-health and early death but delay the onset of conditions affecting the brain, including strokes. "Our animal experiments clearly suggest this," said Mattson.

He and his colleagues have also worked out a specific mechanism by which the growth of neurones in the brain could be affected by reduced energy intakes. Amounts of two cellular messaging chemicals are boosted when calorie intake is sharply reduced, said Mattson. These chemical messengers play an important role in boosting the growth of neurones in the brain, a process that would counteract the impact of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

"The cells of the brain are put under mild stress that is analogous to the effects of exercise on muscle cells," said Mattson. "The overall effect is beneficial."

The link between reductions in energy intake and the boosting of cell growth in the brain might seem an unlikely one, but Mattson insisted that there were sound evolutionary reasons for believing it to be the case. "When resources became scarce, our ancestors would have had to scrounge for food," said Mattson. "Those whose brains responded best – who remembered where promising sources could be found or recalled how to avoid predators — would have been the ones who got the food. Thus a mechanism linking periods of starvation to neural growth would have evolved."

This model has been worked out using studies of fasting on humans and the resulting impact on their general health – even sufferers from asthma have shown benefits, said Mattson – and from experiments on the impact on the brains of animals affected by the rodent equivalent of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Now Mattson's team is preparing to study the impact of fasting on the brain by using MRI scans and other techniques.

If this final link can be established, Mattson said that a person could optimise his or her brain function by subjecting themselves to bouts of "intermittent energy restriction". In other words, they could cut their food intake to a bare minimum for two days a week, while indulging for the other five. "We have found that from a psychological point of view that works quite well. You can put up with having hardly any food for a day if you know that for the next five you can eat what you want."
this is my first year and i'm really having a hard time especially from a water stand point because i've become so use to frequently drinking through out the day...
I applaud all of you who are doing it this year. I threw in the towel this year. 17 hours is too much for my damaged body.
i've experienced this bolt of energy from not eating myself. I don't know why it happens but I felt it a couple times...I'm not muslim but there were periods where I couldn't eat and I felt tired/lazy/cranky but I had to push through it and I got energy from no where.

There was another time where I didn't eat for 18 hours and I felt like I was gonna go crazy though....like talking to myself crazy.
Salaam walaikum ramatullah wabaraktuh...

Ramadan mubarak to my fellow brothers and sisters.

May god grant you strength and sincerity during your time of fasting.
was feelin kinda mad today idk why but after i came out the mosque today i was feelin so good
How's everyone holding up? Can't believe its already Day 11. First five days were really tough working but after that I've adjusted. I've gotten back on my work-out regimen and it seems things are normal. At times, its tough to concentrate at work but thats only because I read all day. Anyhow, for anyone of yall that are still hungry during the day I recommend waking up for Suhoor and eating a big bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal stays in your stomach like a pile of rocks. I never find myself hungry.

Keep strong, family. It's just a mental game. We got this. Dope Lupe quote btw
A lot of knowledge about fasting that i did not know.  Good luck to all of us that are cleansing our body both physically and spiritually.
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