Man it would be foolish to get rid of McKenzie.

What strike does he have against him other than gettin his guy, Dennis Allen completely wrong.
FA misses, a lot of them. I understand it's hard to hit on the agents you sign, but back to back QB signings that were both costly and worthless is hard to dismiss. It's fortunate that the 2013 class started to come along this year.
I guess that's where I differ in opinion. His performance in FA isn't a strike for me.  No one he's brought was guaranteed anything beyond 1-years salary.

MJD is over the hill and is guaranteed a whopping $1 million dollars.

Woodley was a premier pass rushing target for a number of teams and ended up being a massive miss, he will get his $4.5M.

Tarell Brown and Carlos Rogers are getting around market value on 1-year deals. In Brown's case he's the real loser, he turned down a 3-year $10M deal in the offseason and now he wont get close to that this offseason.

Antonio Smith and Justin Tuck started slowly but for me they're both worth the money they're getting this season and I hope we don't cut them to save the $4-5M their each owed next year unless we can sign better younger replacements at a better value. 

The Flynn and Schaub pickups aren't that costly to me either. At the time of both contracts we were trimming fat everywhere else, and overpaying for what ended up being a year of backup service in Schaub's case is offset by the fact that the cap hit of Carr, Pryer, and McGloin during that time is peanuts.  Yea we paid Flynn $6.5 but I actually think the Schaub contract was good management, we're only on the hook for this year and only half of his total compensation for the year counts against the cap at $4.5M. I guess yea its a loss but as we all know we were in a situation where we were going to take repeated losses at the QB position until we righted the ship and found a franchise QB. 

My biggest fear now that Reggie's successfully completed step one in both remedying our cap issues and building a solid foundation to build upon is that if we don't win next season, some people will be calling for a new GM again when really, we should be looking at building a playoff team slowly the right way over the next three seasons, one draft class at a time. 
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I think we can pretty much all agree...if Gamble as GM and Harbaugh as Coach is on the table...we're taking that over RM 10x over.

Not mad at the job RM has done, this last draft class may have saved his job opportunity here or anywhere else...As much as I like DJ Hayden, I don't think you make that pick at 12 (Sheldon Richardson & Star Lotuleilei were available) . I don't think you take Menelik Watson either in the 2nd round (Le'Veon Bell was available
. So was Eddie Lacy & Kiko Alonso). The 2012 Draft Class was not great neither (even though I don't think he had a pick til the 3rd round or something?).
I think that if Harbaugh says he is willing to come if he can bring Gamble in with him that Reggie is out the door, regardless of how Mark feels about Reggie personally or professionally. There's just too great of an opportunity to upgrade at the most important position in football for us to pass it by, and Gamble is really well regarded.
Everything ive seen mentioned Harbaugh bringing in his own GM, is it far fetched to think him and Reggie could work well together?

If there was a trade I would think RM would have to be the one to facilitate that, I sure as hell wouldnt want Mark Davis alone in the room making that decision.
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I don't have any questions about Reggie and Jim working together, but I do think Jim would want to exercise some power during any contract negotiations and ask for his hand picked man to come in.
I don't think trading is even in question anymore...? Niners have been reported as getting ready to cut ties 24-48 hours after the last game.
FA misses, a lot of them. I understand it's hard to hit on the agents you sign, but back to back QB signings that were both costly and worthless is hard to dismiss. It's fortunate that the 2013 class started to come along this year.
That not enough to fire Reggie, remember alot of FA didn't want to play for the Raiders, also the contracts he gave those FA don't really hurt the Raider's salary cap for the long run ....also when he first came here he  wanted to built the team from  the draft ....IMO i think him and JIM can work together ....and Reggie doing a good job with picking young players and keeping the Raiders out of the RED 
Unfortunately any FA that said no ultimately land on him, regardless of whatever issues existed before he came. When you take a job as toxic as the Raiders GM/HC gig you take it with the understanding that there will be hurdles from the outset. It's in poor form to make those excuses when you don't perform well because you should understand that from the beginning.

I am okay with Reggie coming back. I don't know if it's the best decision but I'm okay with it.
I was reflecting back on end of 2013 season and was just thinking. Damn, last year had so many questions at the end of the year: Coach, QB, Def, RB, WR, Stadium, GM.

I guess I can feel good knowing at least 2 of those are checked off for the time being. lol.

Although DJ got burned on that one play by Watkins, I like what I have seen from him this season. I know a lot of arguments is regarding to where in the order he was drafted, but man....I hope his name is mentioned with Sherman, Peterson, Grimes next season.

I miss having that CB that QBs would be like..."Nah"

Anyone have thoughts on Brandian Ross?
Best game from DMC all season. Crazy, but I think he may be a #2 back moving forward...

As unproductive as he's been this season, I still don't want to see DMC leave next season 

I'm down with Bradian Ross...I think the secondary has over achieved all season..
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[h1]Raiders update: Mark Davis says the coach-hiring process will begin early next week, and he will be personally involved[/h1]
Posted on December 24, 2014  by Tim Kawakami

* This will be quick and mostly just repeating things I’ve already said on Twitter–I really do have to finish up my Christmas shopping and thank you Ally J for reminding me about that…

I had a brief conversation last night with Raiders owner Mark Davis, who said the interview process for a new permanent coach will start early next week when assistant coaches on playoff teams have a window to interview.

Davis could’ve started interviewing at any point after dismissing Dennis Allen and installing Tony Sparano as an interim, but said he is waiting until after the season because that’s when the top candidates will be available to talk.

When I asked directly about Jim Harbaugh and/or a possible trade with the 49ers, Davis said he had no comment due to tampering rules.

* Davis is making it clear that he’s going to be involved in the coach-hiring process this time, maybe very involved. Which is different from the last time, when he left it up totally up to Reggie McKenzie, who hired Allen.Some points:

Davis never felt a connection to Allen, for a lot of reasons, and that is something the Raiders want to avoid this time.

* About McKenzie… Davis said McKenzie is his GM but added that everybody’s being evaluated; Davis said McKenzie probably will be in the coach-interview process at least to start but Davis wouldn’t commit to how much McKenzie will participate in the process, how much of a say he’ll have in the final decision, or how long he’ll be involved in it.

My interpretation: The Raiders are going through the process, Sparano is a candidate, and nobody knows what Harbaugh will do.

–Sorry, there’s no transcript because Davis called me as I was driving through downtown San Francisco last night, there was no way to take word-for-word notes.
Raiders owner Mark Davis  sat down for lunch Monday with Alameda County Board of Supervisors President  Nate Miley  and Oakland Councilman Larry Reid  and again delivered the message that he wants to keep the team in the East Bay for the long haul.

“He must have said it 10 times — that he wants to stay in Oakland and he wants to get a deal done to build a football-only stadium at the Coliseum,’’ Reid said after the private get-together at the Claremont Hotel. “He was very serious.’’

Davis has been saying the same thing for months, all while exploring a possible move to Los Angeles or San Antonio.

The Los Angeles move, however, looks like a “no go” after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell  —  who had set a mid-February deadline for teams to show their interest in moving to L.A. — put the brakes on the process, effectively killing any move south until 2016 at the earliest.

So now begins the process of working out yet another yearlong lease in Oakland.
Best game from DMC all season. Crazy, but I think he may be a #2 back moving forward...

As unproductive as he's been this season, I still don't want to see DMC leave next season :lol:

I'm down with Bradian Ross...I think the secondary has over achieved all season..

I'm with you man.
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