Racism You've Dealt With

I got pulled over by a cop in Phoenix for having my high beams on (it was raining). He gives me a warning and then asks for license/registration. After he sees my name, he looks twice at me and asks with a completely straight face, "Do you have any weapons of mass destruction or grenades in the car?".

I have a Muslim name and look African American btw
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I wish people would know the difference between prejudice, discrimination, racism, and being stereotyped though

racism: involves a lot of untrue and offensive things about anotha race
discrimination: isolating or separating yourself from someone of anotha race under pretext that you will be doin yourself a big disfavor by associatin wit em 

stereotype: something negative or positive which is often true or proven about a large number of people of a certain race, causing one to assume that all persons of that race share that trait 

prejudice: uneducated, provocative and often malicious thoughts or words towards anotha race 
I once got "randomly" searched at the airport. One person out of a plane with atleast 100+ in there... SMH
My name's Mohammad btw
I once got "randomly" searched at the airport. One person out of a plane with atleast 100+ in there... SMH
My name's Mohammad btw
I get it sometimes when I play ball.  I was running the point in a pick-up game and happen to be 1 of 8 white guys on the floor, and the 2 black guys were on either team.  I am friends with the one on the opposing team.  Anyway, I throw 1 turnover late in the game, and my buddy steals it on the other team.  Well the guy on my team, instead of running back on defense, gets right in my face and says, "MAN, WHAT YOU ALL THINK WE LOOK ALIKE!" and shoves me.  I started 
and said, "I didn't throw the pass, what you all think we look alike".  My friend on the other team started
went up to the guy and said, "he's one of us, he's just VERY light-skinned"
I get it sometimes when I play ball.  I was running the point in a pick-up game and happen to be 1 of 8 white guys on the floor, and the 2 black guys were on either team.  I am friends with the one on the opposing team.  Anyway, I throw 1 turnover late in the game, and my buddy steals it on the other team.  Well the guy on my team, instead of running back on defense, gets right in my face and says, "MAN, WHAT YOU ALL THINK WE LOOK ALIKE!" and shoves me.  I started 
and said, "I didn't throw the pass, what you all think we look alike".  My friend on the other team started
went up to the guy and said, "he's one of us, he's just VERY light-skinned"
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I wish people would know the difference between prejudice, discrimination, racism, and being stereotyped though

racism: involves a lot of untrue and offensive things about anotha race
discrimination: isolating or separating yourself from someone of anotha race under pretext that you will be doin yourself a big disfavor by associatin wit em 

stereotype: something negative or positive which is often true or proven about a large number of people of a certain race, causing one to assume that all persons of that race share that trait 

prejudice: uneducated, provocative and often malicious thoughts or words towards anotha race 
Can't tell if serious.
Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I wish people would know the difference between prejudice, discrimination, racism, and being stereotyped though

racism: involves a lot of untrue and offensive things about anotha race
discrimination: isolating or separating yourself from someone of anotha race under pretext that you will be doin yourself a big disfavor by associatin wit em 

stereotype: something negative or positive which is often true or proven about a large number of people of a certain race, causing one to assume that all persons of that race share that trait 

prejudice: uneducated, provocative and often malicious thoughts or words towards anotha race 
Can't tell if serious.
Originally Posted by Ginzo

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Something to note, it's not only black's who suffer racism.

True, I knew a comment like this would arise. Since a majority of NT is black (I think).
But yes it will be noted.

Other racism I got in high school:
I am a Nigerian immigrant, so I stayed getting asked if I rode lions or was the prince of Africa.

What the hell man

It got to the point where I would just feed their racism and say things like "Yeah bro and I directed and choreographed Lion King."

didnt that NT survey reveal that most were asians tho? Ill look it up in a bit
Originally Posted by Ginzo

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Something to note, it's not only black's who suffer racism.

True, I knew a comment like this would arise. Since a majority of NT is black (I think).
But yes it will be noted.

Other racism I got in high school:
I am a Nigerian immigrant, so I stayed getting asked if I rode lions or was the prince of Africa.

What the hell man

It got to the point where I would just feed their racism and say things like "Yeah bro and I directed and choreographed Lion King."

didnt that NT survey reveal that most were asians tho? Ill look it up in a bit
When I was a freshman in hs I was dating a guy who was half black and half spanish. Im Irish, Italian and German. I was leaving his apartment building one day ( he lived in the projects in Queens, Nyc ) & as I was walking out  - someone opened the window from maybe the 5th floor and screamed " Thats right, go home you white %#$#% " really REALLY loud. We dated for about a year and a half and through out our relationship I was constantly hated on, stepped to and harrassed by girls both spanish and black because we were together.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I wish people would know the difference between prejudice, discrimination, racism, and being stereotyped though

racism: involves a lot of untrue and offensive things about anotha race
discrimination: isolating or separating yourself from someone of anotha race under pretext that you will be doin yourself a big disfavor by associatin wit em 

stereotype: something negative or positive which is often true or proven about a large number of people of a certain race, causing one to assume that all persons of that race share that trait 

prejudice: uneducated, provocative and often malicious thoughts or words towards anotha race 
Can't tell if serious.
 wuts so hard to tell bout how serious I was, its not like I used one of these 
When I was a freshman in hs I was dating a guy who was half black and half spanish. Im Irish, Italian and German. I was leaving his apartment building one day ( he lived in the projects in Queens, Nyc ) & as I was walking out  - someone opened the window from maybe the 5th floor and screamed " Thats right, go home you white %#$#% " really REALLY loud. We dated for about a year and a half and through out our relationship I was constantly hated on, stepped to and harrassed by girls both spanish and black because we were together.
A Spanish dude tried to search my book bag at blockbuster video after I returned a dvd. I was looking for another movie in the aisles before I returned the one I had. I sat my bag on the counter to take out the dvd I was going to return. He asked me what I had in my bag, I said nothing. He went to reach for my bag and I snatched it away and told him that I would never come back and rent from this store. On the way out I walked through the detector with no beeps, proving I had nothing. I was pissed.

 I had another occasion where DT's were watching my block and I went to the store then went back in the house. They watched me the whole time. I walked to the train station to put money on my metrocard, and the same cops stopped me asking for ID
. Saying I fit a description, BS
. I have come to realize that we live in a racist country, it was built on racism and until this issue is resolved at that root, we will all have these experiences. It's a shame. I don't have any faith in the general public. As a whole they are ignorant and don't think, just snap to judgment based on stereotypes. And that goes for ALL people.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by sneakaholic4life

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I wish people would know the difference between prejudice, discrimination, racism, and being stereotyped though

racism: involves a lot of untrue and offensive things about anotha race
discrimination: isolating or separating yourself from someone of anotha race under pretext that you will be doin yourself a big disfavor by associatin wit em 

stereotype: something negative or positive which is often true or proven about a large number of people of a certain race, causing one to assume that all persons of that race share that trait 

prejudice: uneducated, provocative and often malicious thoughts or words towards anotha race 
Can't tell if serious.
 wuts so hard to tell bout how serious I was, its not like I used one of these 
A Spanish dude tried to search my book bag at blockbuster video after I returned a dvd. I was looking for another movie in the aisles before I returned the one I had. I sat my bag on the counter to take out the dvd I was going to return. He asked me what I had in my bag, I said nothing. He went to reach for my bag and I snatched it away and told him that I would never come back and rent from this store. On the way out I walked through the detector with no beeps, proving I had nothing. I was pissed.

 I had another occasion where DT's were watching my block and I went to the store then went back in the house. They watched me the whole time. I walked to the train station to put money on my metrocard, and the same cops stopped me asking for ID
. Saying I fit a description, BS
. I have come to realize that we live in a racist country, it was built on racism and until this issue is resolved at that root, we will all have these experiences. It's a shame. I don't have any faith in the general public. As a whole they are ignorant and don't think, just snap to judgment based on stereotypes. And that goes for ALL people.
Originally Posted by gORJESS

When I was a freshman in hs I was dating a guy who was half black and half spanish. Im Irish, Italian and German. I was leaving his apartment building one day ( he lived in the projects in Queens, Nyc ) & as I was walking out  - someone opened the window from maybe the 5th floor and screamed " Thats right, go home you white %#$#% " really REALLY loud. We dated for about a year and a half and through out our relationship I was constantly hated on, stepped to and harrassed by girls both spanish and black because we were together.

  i've been through something similar with dudes mad some random white dude was taking the women of their race.  i take it with a grain of salt though because im winning and their salty and besides that's nothing compared to stuff some of my black and mexican friends have been through race wise.
Originally Posted by gORJESS

When I was a freshman in hs I was dating a guy who was half black and half spanish. Im Irish, Italian and German. I was leaving his apartment building one day ( he lived in the projects in Queens, Nyc ) & as I was walking out  - someone opened the window from maybe the 5th floor and screamed " Thats right, go home you white %#$#% " really REALLY loud. We dated for about a year and a half and through out our relationship I was constantly hated on, stepped to and harrassed by girls both spanish and black because we were together.

  i've been through something similar with dudes mad some random white dude was taking the women of their race.  i take it with a grain of salt though because im winning and their salty and besides that's nothing compared to stuff some of my black and mexican friends have been through race wise.
been dealing with racism a youngster.. $$!!, i'm used to it and it and still truly does hurt my heart, racism in general truly makes me want to cry... even in 2010 the $$!! is so common it's despicable.. and i've met people of every race that are culprits of this mindset.

but really, its nothin... to quote kenny powers... after all the things i've seen, i transcend race hombre..
been dealing with racism a youngster.. $$!!, i'm used to it and it and still truly does hurt my heart, racism in general truly makes me want to cry... even in 2010 the $$!! is so common it's despicable.. and i've met people of every race that are culprits of this mindset.

but really, its nothin... to quote kenny powers... after all the things i've seen, i transcend race hombre..
it's the racism i don't notice that i'm more concerned about. very few people are overtly racist to my face.
it's the racism i don't notice that i'm more concerned about. very few people are overtly racist to my face.
I never have to pay for the bus or really anything in general. I have so much +%++ I just don't know what to do with it anymore. People always smile at me, tell me to have a great day, sales rep's are always friendly and +%++.  It's hard to deal with sometimes man.

Sike being white is the +%++
I never have to pay for the bus or really anything in general. I have so much +%++ I just don't know what to do with it anymore. People always smile at me, tell me to have a great day, sales rep's are always friendly and +%++.  It's hard to deal with sometimes man.

Sike being white is the +%++
..not racism but more ignorance, like when i moved to North Carolina, I've gotten my share of "you speak good english for a #!!$+%@%"  and they've asked me if i was from Shanghai, or Tokyo
nothing really serious though
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