OP you are acting like a female starved for attention.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
On a scale of 1-10 how great is it to be white?

you sound real stupid. im black
and no im no house ninja. i keep it 100, 100% of the time. if somebody didnt want to plow my driveway but was plowing everybody elses. yes id be mad/salty, but i aint going to come on niketalk and starting acting like an unstable creature about it calling dude racist because he didnt plow your driveway.
get over it already. now you know dont ask for ANYTHING.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Nike Star Jay wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering) 
Says you, right? As for retracting statements, OP didn't put in his initial post that the man drove past 4 houses to work on another AFTER he said he was out of gas. That's an important piece of information to me, and it gives me a little bit of an idea as to how he can see things the way he does. That does not mean I'm saying it is "blatant racism" however. If he had said that before, it most certainly would have affected some of the prior opinions in this thread. Am I supposed to feel bad because he added extra information that gave me some insight to his POV? 

same info was posted like 5 posts under the og....just took you 5 pages to read it again? 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]reading is fundimental

Exactly, you geniuses. I said I was going off the initial post of this thread. I then stated if you had posted this in the ORIGINAL post, it would have affected my prior statements. So yeah, reading is fundamental and so is spelling too, eh?

True you did state initial post, but also you mentioned it would've affected your responses, you replied more, after i put in that extra info still not agreeing with me and arguing, so i posted that in response. I can read bro, i understood what you said the first time you dont have too quote yourself twice. 
It's spelled correct when i go back to that post, with no edits....did you just do that to take a cheap shot? I'm usually up to par with my spelling. I would've caught myself  If i had made that mistake. fundamental  is to easy of a word to misspell 
ReRetroMe wrote:
Originally Posted by doosta45

ReRetroMe wrote:
doosta45 wrote:
still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
cuz i aint bout to start ruckus at my rents crib over somebody not plowin they driveway fam...
fall back if you dont see the picture homie, nobody got a gun to your head,

 if you dont see what i see then we aint on the same level, dont come in here tellin me what to do though you aint my pops 

i see it fam. you mad he aint plow your driveway, plain and simple. he plows your next door neighbor spot, goes 4 houses down and does somebody else spot. when dude said he would charge you, you would have been like im cool (if he didnt charge, i would have threw dude like 5 bucks on gas or something just so he would plow my spot in the future) then he hit you with the out of gas line
you salty fam, so salty you calling him a racist. stop being butt hurt. you felt lowkey stupid when he said "no" huh?
see you dont though. thats not what i said
i said, he cleaned my neighbors cuz they asked, then works on some random house where no one is there with no questions, so on his way back i ask him, he then asks if i have money, i reply yes and go to grab my wallet, as i do he replies oh i just ran out of gas, then i see him go and work on a house above mine. and he didnt just give me a straight up no, so i dont feel lowkey stupid. 

how does that make me salty? it just makes me question if he pulled the race card or not, i believe he did. 

i still got the job done, cleaned my driveway so matter of fact im not salty, yeah wouldve been cool if he helped me out, but he chose not to for whatever reason, me basing it off the color of my skin, to you maybe something else. 

correct me if I'm wrong you arent stating anything valid in this conversation. and are just egging me on with "your salty" and "you mad" 

Again nikestarjay and the other person, see my point i told you someone was gonna say some out the pocket mess, deffer from the topic, and avoid the fact that there could be some practice of racism/prejudice. And doosta45 just proved it once again. Like i always say the game aint never changed only its players.

To OP its just a part of life and unless they are in another mans shoes or seen what he have seen, they cannot understand. Alot of times especially experiencing situations like this, you have seen it so so many times you already know what it is, and what it is all about.

Some of the people on here who are remote and tend to live/reclusive away from things like this, or dont have a 1st hand experience with this on a regular, its no point in reasoning trying to get them to see that point of view. Its like speaking in a foreign language.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I want you to be honest with me dude, and tell me you didn't go back and edit that word. As for the argument, it's dumb at this point. It went from arguing with me about not seeing your point, to you arguing with me about seeing your point later on. Yeah, I'm done.

you got it man, you always learn more from arguments though i aint mad at it. all in a days work. 
nikestarjay if i would've edited man, there would've been proof, i do make grammatical errors every now and then, but fundamental isn't one of them, short story, i think it was my 5th or 6th grade spelling bee word, and i spelt it wrong, so i made sure i would never spell it wrong again. 

LDJ good looks on holding me down through out this battle hahaha. you stated very knowledgeable points, that i took into consideration. 

nice hearin everyones opinions out today, great past time to being snowed in. preciate the love/hate my nt fam. 
Funny how the people calling OP "butt-hurt" absolutely refused to notice how he said that the dude went on doing more driveways afterwards.
He said it like 5 times.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I want you to be honest with me dude, and tell me you didn't go back and edit that word. As for the argument, it's dumb at this point. It went from arguing with me about not seeing your point, to you arguing with me about seeing your point later on. Yeah, I'm done.

Nah lol i didnt and no this wasnt a thread to call out hidden racist/prejudice ppl on nt(some more obvious then others) It was a captain obvious observation of threads like this in the past, and the different mindsets and races of ppl and how they always respond the same way time and time again.

Its the same for the thick woman appreciation threads, they all start and end the same, someone post a chic like trina, then you get a few white guys and the smaller asian(various mongloid races) And they come in and say how they are fat nasty etc post a pic of monique/rikki lake some other overly obeast chic then post a pic of a like 5'0-5'5  100-125lbs white or asian chic with a flat backside, with tons of makeup and airbrush and use the greater than/less than sign. Post pics of whales etc to describe the woman. Oh and someone states i would sleep with this person if i was sloppy drunk, or i never would ever if they was last woman on earth, or they say yall are thirsty/will sleep with anybody.

Somethings iuno you just know how they are gonna start and end. This thread was one of them.
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

@ you referring to your family as "colored"

 i mean compared to everyone else, we are man... only way to dub ourselves. 
I bet he was colored if anything... it's cold out there and us white folk turn red or eevn blue!
You want racist?

As told by my neighbor who has lived in the neighborhood since it was built (the late 60's).

About 25 years ago a black family bought a house. Soon after they were told to leave. They didn't. One day somebody set their house on fire. They left the neighborhood.
Mind you this is in Brooklyn, NY. Not some hick town in the boonies.

There are incidents of real racism/ prejudice. No need to cry wolf. Some dude didn't want to plow your driveway/street. If I saw some healthy kid asking me to plow his driveway I'd tell him to %%*# off.
  Regardless of whether I was helping others.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

You want racist?

As told by my neighbor who has lived in the neighborhood since it was built (the late 60's).

About 25 years ago a black family bought a house. Soon after they were told to leave. They didn't. One day somebody set their house on fire. They left the neighborhood.
Mind you this is in Brooklyn, NY. Not some hick town in the boonies.

There are incidents of real racism/ prejudice. No need to cry wolf. Some dude didn't want to plow your driveway/street. If I saw some healthy kid asking me to plow his driveway I'd tell him to %%*# off.
  Regardless of whether I was helping others.

There isnt a thing as real racism/prejudice. Being a bigot/racist etc is just simply that. Thats a problem with people they deem if it isnt an extremity then it should go undetected/shouldnt be addressed. A dude who gets bad service, no service at all from a restaurant because of they race is racist. Just because they didnt try to poison the dude, burn his car, or try to kill him doesnt mean it isnt racist.

Whether there is burning of crosses in your front yard, bombing your home etc, or denying service because of race, or discriminating employment because of race... its still all racist/prejudice. The severity of the action has nuttin to do with whether something is racist or not.

Wrong is wrong, but hey thats our society people look at stealing 5 dollars as being worse then 5 million, when the fact steal remains is its still stealing.
Cliff notes

OP asked dude to plow his driveway and even offered money
dude denied this request
OP comes on NT and calls dude a racist

Maybe he didnt want to plow your driveway cuz you fully capable of doin it yourself. or maybe he knew you were a racist just totally stereotyping dude as a racist white man cuz he wont plow your driveway.

Get over it, everytime a white person doesnt do you a favor doesnt make them a racist.
i havent read the past 3 pages but i did post a reply earlier, so ill ask this quetsion again: hasnt this happened in a similar manner when one person asks you to borrow money and you decline them but next thing you know you're lending $ to a friend? the same situation could be here, maybe that dude is friends with all the other neighbors. and about the hestitant part, there are times when im just about to lend people money so i say yes, but then i decline em after i think about it.
Honestly OP plain and simple dukes didn't want anything to do with your yard .. I'm guessing the whole money thing was a way too let you down, either way whether his reasoning was racist or favoritism (I highly doubt if this was truly racist that this would be the first incident and only case of this) .. at the end of the day you should take it as insight into the politics of your neighborhood
I genuinely believe that if your moms had asked dukes instead of you, he wouldn't have pulled all these shenanigans (yeah I said shenanigans or better yet tom foolery)
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