^^I agree with what you said LDJ.That's why in my response to this thread I made it clear that I wasn't gonna pull the "you're reaching" card because as a brother I KNOW better than to be that damn naive!I have seen where someone may have been blowing something out of proportion and needed to check themselves in their thinking.That's why I presented the particular scenario I did.
Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I'm too quick to jump to conclusions, and you're the one saying I'm having girl problems?
  I hardly have it out for anyone, I am just irked by mental midgets like yourself who lack any semblance of intelligence and post nonsense.

P.S. -  Don't attempt to project your female problems on me; I get more bunz than RiverXBear.

Yeah... your internet girls don't count. But I'll leave you alone before I get banned for talking about you. And yeah... I lack intelligence because I think you're an idiot.
That was a joke, which I see flew over the head of one with such a diminutive stature.  The idea that I'm an idiot, as you say, is utterly unfounded, seeing as how I've done nothing but point out your own follies.  Begone.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

http://ldj.u.yuku.comLDJ, I doubt you can tell what ethnicity everyone in this thread is based off their responses. You're basically saying that all minorities will see this situation as an act of blatant racism and that all non-minorities will try to avoid accepting it as the racist act as it was and try to use every possible excuse to deny it. None of us really know the situation from first-hand and can really only go by what vague input the topic starter gave us, and from what he provided, this can not be deemed "blatant racism" as some of you cry.

I don't really understand why the topic starter is so upset for in the first place. He didn't want to ask for help, but his mother forced him, the man asked for a fee and then said his plow was out of gas. Why complain if you didn't want nor expect the man to do your dirty work in the first place? Because he didn't give you a straight up "NO!" as an answer? What if he did? You'd probably still be acting as if you were a victim of a hate crime. It is possible that OP isn't giving us all the key information to only make his argument seem more authentic. I don't care what ethnic background you come from, I don't see how you can take this as the "blatant racism" that some of you are trying to pass this off as.
hold up while i get my mom to make a nt acct for proof.

ive been on nt for just about 8 years now, and i never make shift stories for e cred check my threads, they are never about stuff i think is un important, go back to my banned sn Slycitysprayr and peep that too...

I made this thread because I've never really encountered something like this straight up, like other people have said my surroundings are very diverse, but my direct surroundings are literally. black or white. 

look man, im not gettin butt  hurt at the fact he aint do it and im callin him a racist cuz of that, im jus sayin.

put it this way.

dude was doing peoples driveways who werent even outside, when i ask dude he suddenly runs out of gas and asks me for money? its the principle. 

like i said i dont give two hits' about him obliging and helping me. 

its the fact that in my eyes, i seen racism. and im jus puttin it out there. 

everybody who got helped out was white, even the people who werent even out got helped out was white.

i asked, he asked for bread. funny? but understandble, got over that, went to reach for my wallet dude then quickly said oh nah my tractor is out of gas, i see him drive up 4 houses and start working on another?

like for real son, i aint reachin out on a limb with this one....think about it. 
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

http://ldj.u.yuku.com/LDJ, I doubt you can tell what ethnicity everyone in this thread is based off their responses. You're basically saying that all minorities will see this situation as an act of blatant racism and that all non-minorities will try to avoid accepting it as the racist act as it was and try to use every possible excuse to deny it. None of us really know the situation from first-hand and can really only go by what vague input the topic starter gave us, and from what he provided, this can not be deemed "blatant racism" as some of you cry.

I don't really understand why the topic starter is so upset for in the first place. He didn't want to ask for help, but his mother forced him, the man asked for a fee and then said his plow was out of gas. Why complain if you didn't want nor expect the man to do your dirty work in the first place? Because he didn't give you a straight up "NO!" as an answer? What if he did? You'd probably still be acting as if you were a victim of a hate crime. It is possible that OP isn't giving us all the key information to only make his argument seem more authentic. I don't care what ethnic background you come from, I don't see how you can take this as the "blatant racism" that some of you are trying to pass this off as.

First i didnt say you could tell EVERYONES RACE, i said it gives you and insight of a person mindset and what race they may be. As far as people using alternative meanings and saying race card... lol are you serious, this whole thread has people doing this stating this. Even swore one or more person said people are quick to pull race card. No one said it was a hate crime, nor did they say it was "blatant racism" in fact i said it could be the exact opposite.

Even in my thread i stated that as soon as i post this someone would basically respond in the same fashion you did... and viola what do you know you turned around and did. So i basically said some people look for alternative meaning.. which is in plain black and white there was, someone would scream out people always wanna use race card...which infact someone stated. Then i said i would get a response in the manner you just posted... and you did. So i really dont see any merits in your arguement.

Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering)
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

i asked, he asked for bread. funny? but understandble, got over that, went to reach for my wallet dude then quickly said oh nah my tractor is out of gas, i see him drive up 4 houses and start working on another?
This makes a difference, I see your point now.

thank you
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

i asked, he asked for bread. funny? but understandble, got over that, went to reach for my wallet dude then quickly said oh nah my tractor is out of gas, i see him drive up 4 houses and start working on another?
This makes a difference, I see your point now.

   First i didnt say you could tell EVERYONES RACE, i said it gives you and insight of a person mindset and what race they may be. As far as people using alternative meanings and saying race card... lol are you serious, this whole thread has people doing this stating this. Even swore one or more person said people are quick to pull race card. No one said it was a hate crime, nor did they say it was "blatant racism" in fact i said it could be the exact opposite.

Even in my thread i stated that as soon as i post this someone would basically respond in the same fashion you did... and viola what do you know you turned around and did. So i basically said some people look for alternative meaning.. which is in plain black and white there was, someone would scream out people always wanna use race card...which infact someone stated. Then i said i would get a response in the manner you just posted... and you did. So i really dont see any merits in your arguement.

Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering

Which i stated people would do and viola again you proved my point with your very next post. Not getting in your %!!+ ah nuttin, but if you hold up your hand, i am the type of cat that will pull your card, call you out on what you did/and or said.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I'm too quick to jump to conclusions, and you're the one saying I'm having girl problems?
  I hardly have it out for anyone, I am just irked by mental midgets like yourself who lack any semblance of intelligence and post nonsense.

P.S. -  Don't attempt to project your female problems on me; I get more bunz than RiverXBear.

Yeah... your internet girls don't count. But I'll leave you alone before I get banned for talking about you. And yeah... I lack intelligence because I think you're an idiot.
That was a joke, which I see flew over the head of one with such a diminutive stature.  The idea that I'm an idiot, as you say, is utterly unfounded, seeing as how I've done nothing but point out your own follies.  Begone.
Nice use of the Thesaurus my man. Now go get some "bunz" since you seem to get a lot. Nice job at trying to impress some people over the internet. 
But yeah, ReRetroMe, with your new post I see where you're coming from. If you would have said the people weren't out at first or that he did more after he said he was out of gas then I would have believed you. I just felt as if you were jumping to conclusions.
still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by LDJ

Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering)
Says you, right? As for retracting statements, OP didn't put in his initial post that the man drove past 4 houses to work on another. That's an important piece of information to me, and it gives me a little bit of an idea as to how he can see things the way he does. That does not mean I'm saying it is "blatant racism" however. If he had said that before, it most certainly would have affected some of the prior opinions in this thread. Am I supposed to feel bad because he added extra information that gave me some insight to his POV?

But the thing is he already provided those details prior to alot of people responses (matter fact it was just a few post before alot of people initially posted). So that means either people didnt follow the thread, or they just saw title, skimmed over what he stated, not follow it thoroughly, and decided to post. Then after he highlighted the key part of the story (several times i might add) gave his claim credibility.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by LDJ

Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering)
Says you, right? As for retracting statements, OP didn't put in his initial post that the man drove past 4 houses to work on another AFTER he said he was out of gas. That's an important piece of information to me, and it gives me a little bit of an idea as to how he can see things the way he does. That does not mean I'm saying it is "blatant racism" however. If he had said that before, it most certainly would have affected some of the prior opinions in this thread. Am I supposed to feel bad because he added extra information that gave me some insight to his POV?

same info was posted like 5 posts under the og....just took you 5 pages to read it again? 
Originally Posted by LDJ

These threads are always interesting because it kinda gives you insight without pics what races people are just by they observation and responses. Ive found that not all but a good majority of pigment-challenge people tend to always look for a alternative,or try to redirect meaning when it comes to racism. Try to come up with various scenarios, to avoid saying something was racist.. esp when it is subtle prejudice and racism being done.

Like they always say well maybe it was you, maybe this is why, maybe because of that or this. Or the always ever useful race card. Only time they usually admit something is racist is when it is outright undeniably so...ie slavery etc. And even then they redirect,or steer the fact of racism... by saying things like oh that wasnt me that was my ancestors, it was several yrs ago, africans have slaves... etc. They never will just say yea that was prejudice, signs of bigotry,racist etc.

Its like they know deep down it is but maybe its guilt, maybe just a fear of dealing with issues(makes sense seeing living in remote places..etc) Or just unaware since they practice and exhibit the same behaviors/actions and dont see themselves as racist, so seeing someone else do the same as they would expose themselves to who they really are.

As i right (write) this you will be able to tell just off the responses, or lack there of. People mindset and race etc...

The mirror image of your post is someone else writing something to the effect of:

"Well you can always tell the race of the posters in these threads because the majority of pigment-excess people tend to always look for racism, or try to dig up some kind of excuse for labeling it as racism despite a situation not calling for it at all. Try to come up with only one end all be all for an occurrence especially when it could be one of many different reasons for such an event to occur...

Like they always say well it has to be THAT, there can't possibly be any other explanation for it. Or always the useful "Well He/She was White and I'm black and therefore it must be racism because things didn't turn out the way I had expected....

It's like deep down inside they know, but maybe it's inadequacy or maybe it's fear of dealing with their own paranoia. Or maybe they resort to tried and true tactics that their peers do and therefore just unaware of their own flaws..."

See how that sounds?

Well, it sounds the same exact way for the kind of people you seem to be so intent on generalizing and categorizing.

Not every person (not even the majority of people) who disagrees with instances of alleged racism is an enabler of racism nor is that person trying their hardest to turn a blind eye to the potential of racism simply through their act of disagreeing that something might be racist. Understand?
Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
cuz i aint bout to start ruckus at my rents crib over somebody not plowin they driveway fam...
fall back if you dont see the picture homie, nobody got a gun to your head,

 if you dont see what i see then we aint on the same level, dont come in here tellin me what to do though you aint my pops 
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
cuz i aint bout to start ruckus at my rents crib over somebody not plowin they driveway fam...
fall back if you dont see the picture homie, nobody got a gun to your head,

 if you dont see what i see then we aint on the same level, dont come in here tellin me what to do though you aint my pops 

you mad.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

cliffnotes at the bottom. 
So as allot of the east coast knows, we got a bunch of snow in the past two days. just about two feet. I live in a predominately Caucasian neighborhood, my family is the only colored family on the street.  Anyways, I'm outside shoveling my driveway which approx fits about 6 cars, so I'm going at it working hard, when I see this dude on his personal jon deere, cleaning peoples entrances, for whoever asks. My intentions were never to ask him because of the fact that I just hate asking people for help, never grew up with a helping hand so why ask now right? Well my mom was going off the mouth like "ask him, ask him" at first I thought he was just doing it for certain neighbors maybe he knew, but then he went over to my next doors, and i literally saw my neighbor(white lady) ask "hey do you mind plowing my entrance??" dude straight up said "oh of course, i dont have this machine for nothing right??" I'm like alright cool...I guess I'll just ask him after hes done or whatever. so cut to the chase this is our exact convo.
Me: Hey, noticed you plowing some of the neighbors driveway entrances, mind giving me a hand?

Him:......got 50 bucks? 

Me:Oh I wasnt aware that you were charging people, hold on let me go grab my wall...

(he rudely interupts me)

Him: Oh you know what, I just realized.... my plow just ran out of gas.

like for real dude....

i was even bout to pay dude. 

homie really hit me with that....

in my mind i was just like 


anyways thats my winter rant, It's funny i never take it to the forums, but i was real upset with this. I'm your neighbor homie... dont come asking me for some sugar when you tryna bake your cake next time ya fruit. 

cliff notes:

asked white dude with snow plow to help me shovel since he was helping random neighbors

he asked for money

i went to go grab my wallet

he said he was out of gas as i turned around to go inside.

and before yall even take it there, i'll help yall out.

Yes, I sure am.
Where in this post does it say he drove past 4 more houses to work on another AFTER you asked him?
Nike Star Jay wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering) 

Says you, right? As for retracting statements, OP didn't put in his initial post that the man drove past 4 houses to work on another AFTER he said he was out of gas. That's an important piece of information to me, and it gives me a little bit of an idea as to how he can see things the way he does. That does not mean I'm saying it is "blatant racism" however. If he had said that before, it most certainly would have affected some of the prior opinions in this thread. Am I supposed to feel bad because he added extra information that gave me some insight to his POV? 

same info was posted like 5 posts under the og....just took you 5 pages to read it again? 
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]reading is fundamental
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by LDJ

These threads are always interesting because it kinda gives you insight without pics what races people are just by they observation and responses. Ive found that not all but a good majority of pigment-challenge people tend to always look for a alternative,or try to redirect meaning when it comes to racism. Try to come up with various scenarios, to avoid saying something was racist.. esp when it is subtle prejudice and racism being done.

Like they always say well maybe it was you, maybe this is why, maybe because of that or this. Or the always ever useful race card. Only time they usually admit something is racist is when it is outright undeniably so...ie slavery etc. And even then they redirect,or steer the fact of racism... by saying things like oh that wasnt me that was my ancestors, it was several yrs ago, africans have slaves... etc. They never will just say yea that was prejudice, signs of bigotry,racist etc.

Its like they know deep down it is but maybe its guilt, maybe just a fear of dealing with issues(makes sense seeing living in remote places..etc) Or just unaware since they practice and exhibit the same behaviors/actions and dont see themselves as racist, so seeing someone else do the same as they would expose themselves to who they really are.

As i right (write) this you will be able to tell just off the responses, or lack there of. People mindset and race etc...

The mirror image of your post is someone else writing something to the effect of:

"Well you can always tell the race of the posters in these threads because the majority of pigment-excess people tend to always look for racism, or try to dig up some kind of excuse for labeling it as racism despite a situation not calling for it at all. Try to come up with only one end all be all for an occurrence especially when it could be one of many different reasons for such an event to occur...

Like they always say well it has to be THAT, there can't possibly be any other explanation for it. Or always the useful "Well He/She was White and I'm black and therefore it must be racism because things didn't turn out the way I had expected....

It's like deep down inside they know, but maybe it's inadequacy or maybe it's fear of dealing with their own paranoia. Or maybe they resort to tried and true tactics that their peers do and therefore just unaware of their own flaws..."

See how that sounds?

Well, it sounds the same exact way for the kind of people you seem to be so intent on generalizing and categorizing.

Not every person (not even the majority of people) who disagrees with instances of alleged racism is an enabler of racism nor is that person trying their hardest to turn a blind eye to the potential of racism simply through their act of disagreeing that something might be racist. Understand?

Agreed but i distinctively said threads like this, on here. And it was proven, its right there in black and white(no pun intended). All i said was it was gonna be people who have the blind eye(which we did), i stated someone was gonna not even read the thread and scream "race card,race card",and we did, it was gonna be people who say one thing, and then inturn retract what they say and blame it on misread,or he left this detail out. And we did. Shotouts to NIKESTARJAY(who stated they wouldnt do this, yet right after saying it,turned around and did it) Saying oh he left that part out. 

Hello he made that statement on page 2, they response was 2 pages and 30 minutes later...lol. So how could he have left it out when he said it before they even responded. Which i also said people would do.

All im saying is based on the story i knew what responses would occur, people then said know you dont, and stated no i wouldnt say this etc, then turned around and did it. And as far as everyday life you can tell alot about a person mindset just off their mannerism, and responses/reactions to a situation.
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
cuz i aint bout to start ruckus at my rents crib over somebody not plowin they driveway fam...
fall back if you dont see the picture homie, nobody got a gun to your head,

 if you dont see what i see then we aint on the same level, dont come in here tellin me what to do though you aint my pops 
i see it fam. you mad he aint plow your driveway, plain and simple. he plows your next door neighbor spot, goes 4 houses down and does somebody else spot. when dude said he would charge you, you would have been like im cool (if he didnt charge, i would have threw dude like 5 bucks on gas or something just so he would plow my spot in the future) then he hit you with the out of gas line
you salty fam, so salty you calling him a racist. stop being butt hurt. you felt lowkey stupid when he said "no" huh?
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

cliffnotes at the bottom. 
So as allot of the east coast knows, we got a bunch of snow in the past two days. just about two feet. I live in a predominately Caucasian neighborhood, my family is the only colored family on the street.  Anyways, I'm outside shoveling my driveway which approx fits about 6 cars, so I'm going at it working hard, when I see this dude on his personal jon deere, cleaning peoples entrances, for whoever asks. My intentions were never to ask him because of the fact that I just hate asking people for help, never grew up with a helping hand so why ask now right? Well my mom was going off the mouth like "ask him, ask him" at first I thought he was just doing it for certain neighbors maybe he knew, but then he went over to my next doors, and i literally saw my neighbor(white lady) ask "hey do you mind plowing my entrance??" dude straight up said "oh of course, i dont have this machine for nothing right??" I'm like alright cool...I guess I'll just ask him after hes done or whatever. so cut to the chase this is our exact convo.
Me: Hey, noticed you plowing some of the neighbors driveway entrances, mind giving me a hand?

Him:......got 50 bucks? 

Me:Oh I wasnt aware that you were charging people, hold on let me go grab my wall...

(he rudely interupts me)

Him: Oh you know what, I just realized.... my plow just ran out of gas.

like for real dude....

i was even bout to pay dude. 

homie really hit me with that....

in my mind i was just like 


anyways thats my winter rant, It's funny i never take it to the forums, but i was real upset with this. I'm your neighbor homie... dont come asking me for some sugar when you tryna bake your cake next time ya fruit. 

cliff notes:

asked white dude with snow plow to help me shovel since he was helping random neighbors

he asked for money

i went to go grab my wallet

he said he was out of gas as i turned around to go inside.

and before yall even take it there, i'll help yall out.

Yes, I sure am.
Where in this post does it say he drove past 4 more houses to work on another AFTER you asked him?
Nike Star Jay wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Oh and as far as his description of the events it didnt warrant indepth first person, meticulous details, it was pretty simple, straight foward, and to the point. Now you got people retracting their statements and blaming it on i didnt read it all the way, or he didnt say/post this aspect of the story at first(again examples of deffering) 
Says you, right? As for retracting statements, OP didn't put in his initial post that the man drove past 4 houses to work on another AFTER he said he was out of gas. That's an important piece of information to me, and it gives me a little bit of an idea as to how he can see things the way he does. That does not mean I'm saying it is "blatant racism" however. If he had said that before, it most certainly would have affected some of the prior opinions in this thread. Am I supposed to feel bad because he added extra information that gave me some insight to his POV? 

same info was posted like 5 posts under the og....just took you 5 pages to read it again? 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]reading is fundamental

Lol exactly how someone gonna say oh he didnt provide this info, or i didnt know this aspect of the story, when dude said it on page 2 or end of page 1 i believe, then highlighted and stated it 5 or 10 times. And come 2/3 pages later and 30 minutes later and say oh i didnt know that part, i didnt read that part,yet claimed they read the thread. Ppl going gun-ho, quick to shoot themselves in the foot with the quickness....
Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
On a scale of 1-10 how great is it to be white?
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by doosta45

still dont understand how the neighbor is racist. if dude didnt want to plow you driveway, he didnt want to plow your driveway. end of story. stop being all butt hurt about it.

and since you was ear hustling on the neighbors convo, why aint you call dude out on not charging her?
cuz i aint bout to start ruckus at my rents crib over somebody not plowin they driveway fam...
fall back if you dont see the picture homie, nobody got a gun to your head,

 if you dont see what i see then we aint on the same level, dont come in here tellin me what to do though you aint my pops 
i see it fam. you mad he aint plow your driveway, plain and simple. he plows your next door neighbor spot, goes 4 houses down and does somebody else spot. when dude said he would charge you, you would have been like im cool (if he didnt charge, i would have threw dude like 5 bucks on gas or something just so he would plow my spot in the future) then he hit you with the out of gas line
you salty fam, so salty you calling him a racist. stop being butt hurt. you felt lowkey stupid when he said "no" huh?
see you dont though. thats not what i said
i said, he cleaned my neighbors cuz they asked, then works on some random house where no one is there with no questions, so on his way back i ask him, he then asks if i have money, i reply yes and go to grab my wallet, as i do he replies oh i just ran out of gas, then i see him go and work on a house above mine. and he didnt just give me a straight up no, so i dont feel lowkey stupid. 

how does that make me salty? it just makes me question if he pulled the race card or not, i believe he did. 

i still got the job done, cleaned my driveway so matter of fact im not salty, yeah wouldve been cool if he helped me out, but he chose not to for whatever reason, me basing it off the color of my skin, to you maybe something else. 

correct me if I'm wrong you arent stating anything valid in this conversation. and are just egging me on with "your salty" and "you mad" 
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