No, this isn't racism.

What is racist is your assumption that because the person who denied you happens to be White, then his reason for denying you must be no other than him having something against you because you're not White.

You should change your the title of this thread to "CRYING WOLF IS STILL ALIVE VOL YEAH I'M DUMB"
for the past few posts above me, where is the justification as to why he would just deny me, and not anyone else, he even went on doing a few more entrances... a coincidence that i was the only one was rejected?? Hmmm... I think not? and go back and read what I mentioned earlier, if i had just gotten a proper "No" This thread probably wouldn't be here right now. its just the fact that he had to actually fake some excuse in not helping me.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by HigherGround

son racist people don't exist in NOVA (Alexandria & Fairfax) - atleast they don't show it in public, MD probably, NOVA - NO!!

It was just a miscommunication.

Fam what??;Did you not hear of the Controversy over South County Secondary??? They didnt want a neighborhood that was 3 minutes away from the school to go because it was section A housing, all the parents in my neighborhood, were rebelling and veto'ing to it. kinda funny cuz it was the same neighborhood i grew up in. and they were just straight bashing it like "we dont want our kids growing up with thoose kind" etc etc. I actually ended up graduating from that Highschool too. go figure

I was not aware of that. But that is a well off area though, and I am sure you're too if you live in the surrounding area. with that said, you can't blame the parents for saying that, those kids from the poorer area - probably I'm guessing springfield/lorton are bad as hell. Well there is always Edision and Lee

Originally Posted by Homer

That's the dumbest thing i've ever read.

well I've never witnessed it nor did the people I know. This is probably the most diverse place in the whole of East coast aside from NY. You wouldn't know unless you're from the area.
I was a highway boy growing up, then became an LO head. lol been through all that, and your right, it was lorton they were trying to seclude, but coming from me. I feel like its all the best of both worlds putting kids in situations together like that. the ones that have it the best of the best and the worst of the worst. thats how i was raised, I learned to appreciate once i hit my upper teens. but this is drifitng away from the topic,

Many of you might not understand what I'm trying to say, but thats fine too, we all have our own opinions and today I just feel that I got, got. for the best. not sure if I'm thinking to hard, just the fact that. out of everyone i got the "do you have money??"  felt pretty innapropiate considering our our cribs are quarter mil +
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Anyways, I'm outside shoveling my driveway which approx fits about 6 cars, so

ReRetroMe wrote:

My intentions were never to ask him because of the fact that I just hate asking people for help, never grew up with a helping hand so
just sayin.
OP i'm not a part of the "you're reaching" crew,but did the neighbor's yards he worked on happen to be all women?He may have thought in his mind that "this man must be crazy asking me for help" and he then tried to tax you,but changed his mind altogether.I wonder if he would've reacted to your moms like that.
I don't know if it's racist but your neighbor seems fake he should had said no instead of asking for money and giving some lame excuse.
Originally Posted by EightysBaby

Originally Posted by selrahc123

If you really hate asking people for help you shouldn't be mad about him saying no. Did he really have time to clean that many driveways? Are you sure they wasn't paying him? Are you racist as well?

You're jking rite? Did u read anything OP said...he said he wasn't gonna ask but his mom begged him too den he said he seen dude plow a couple more houses after refusing to plow OP's enterance.

Did you read it? Like i said, dude could have been charging everyone. Don't get me wrong, racism does still exist but not everything done is based off of someone's race. 
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

OP i'm not a part of the "you're reaching" crew,but did the neighbor's yards he worked on happen to be all women?He may have thought in his mind that "this man must be crazy asking me for help" and he then tried to tax you,but changed his mind altogether.I wonder if he would've reacted to your moms like that.

I thought of that as well, then kinda just threw it out the window when he went to a neighbors crib where there was no one even outside....
Originally Posted by ArtStranger

so because some didnt want to plow your area you get mad and call him racist  

Why is everyone always quick to pull the race card. Relax mabye he just dosent like you.

thats what im saying, maybe op looks like a fruitcake and the snow guy aint down with that.
Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

Originally Posted by selrahc123

If you really hate asking people for help you shouldn't be mad about him saying no. Did he really have time to clean that many driveways? Are you sure they wasn't paying him? Are you racist as well?

You're jking rite? Did u read anything OP said...he said he wasn't gonna ask but his mom begged him too den he said he seen dude plow a couple more houses after refusing to plow OP's enterance.

Did you read it? Like i said, dude could have been charging everyone. Don't get me wrong, racism does still exist but not everything done is based off of someone's race. 
Are you remedial? Dude said he wasn't mad because he said "no".  He saw the guy talk to the female neighbor, who weren't acquainted, and witnessed him do it for her for free.  And the same thing happened after the altercation.  Reading comprehension is definitely not your strong suit.
Originally Posted by holler mcdollar

Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Anyways, I'm outside shoveling my driveway which approx fits about 6 cars, so

ReRetroMe wrote:

My intentions were never to ask him because of the fact that I just hate asking people for help, never grew up with a helping hand so
just sayin.
besides the fact that its my parents duty to raise me feed me clothe me and put a roof over my head...(well atleast in my culture)?

 I dont get where your going with this....

I've been working since I've been able to accquire a work permit, i buy my own gear, pay for my own gas, whip, food, only thing my rents really take care of now is my college tuition..guess you can consider that a "helping hand"

and i stated growing up, from the ages 5-15 i wouldnt even see my parents, i would wake up to no rents and sleep to no rents. straight cereal for breakfast and dinner. but i aint mad at my rents for that, look at where theyve taken me now.

just sayin.
OP i think youre reaching but i see where youre coming from. there are times when i have to make excuses like "my phone is dying" or "im low on cash" when some one asks me if i can lend them my phone or some money but i don't want to, but i will lend my phone or money to someone else. not racist reasons though. He doesn't have to help you, it's not a law that someone who has a snowplow has to help everyone on the block.
just my 2 cents
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

OP i think youre reaching but i see where youre coming from. there are times when i have to make excuses like "my phone is dying" or "im low on cash" when some one asks me if i can lend them my phone or some money but i don't want to, but i will lend my phone or money to someone else. not racist reasons though. He doesn't have to help you, it's not a law that someone who has a snowplow has to help everyone on the block.
just my 2 cents

Def not arguing with you on that.

be a man... say them two letters "No"

and you'll be the bigger man in my book.

I would've been content with a "sorry man, to tired"

im not a unreasonable type dude, just sayin like. it was wack that he lied, then when i was really bout to bring out the bread, he said hold up i just ran out of gas like why you lying? i just caught you in a lie.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

Originally Posted by selrahc123

If you really hate asking people for help you shouldn't be mad about him saying no. Did he really have time to clean that many driveways? Are you sure they wasn't paying him? Are you racist as well?

You're jking rite? Did u read anything OP said...he said he wasn't gonna ask but his mom begged him too den he said he seen dude plow a couple more houses after refusing to plow OP's enterance.

Did you read it? Like i said, dude could have been charging everyone. Don't get me wrong, racism does still exist but not everything done is based off of someone's race. 
Are you remedial? Dude said he wasn't mad because he said "no".  He saw the guy talk to the female neighbor, who weren't acquainted, and witnessed him do it for her for free.  And the same thing happened after the altercation.  Reading comprehension is definitely not your strong suit.
Nah I'm not remedial.... I'm just wondering if he was too quick to jump to conclusions. But uhhh yeah.... you having girl problems WaveyJones? Seems like you just find people to talk about in every thread. It's okay if you just got dumped..... I completely understand your anger.
These threads are always interesting because it kinda gives you insight without pics what races people are just by they observation and responses. Ive found that not all but a good majority of pigment-challenge people tend to always look for a alternative,or try to redirect meaning when it comes to racism. Try to come up with various scenarios, to avoid saying something was racist.. esp when it is subtle prejudice and racism being done.

Like they always say well maybe it was you, maybe this is why, maybe because of that or this. Or the always ever useful race card. Only time they usually admit something is racist is when it is outright undeniably so...ie slavery etc. And even then they redirect,or steer the fact of racism... by saying things like oh that wasnt me that was my ancestors, it was several yrs ago, africans have slaves... etc. They never will just say yea that was prejudice, signs of bigotry,racist etc.

Its like they know deep down it is but maybe its guilt, maybe just a fear of dealing with issues(makes sense seeing living in remote places..etc) Or just unaware since they practice and exhibit the same behaviors/actions and dont see themselves as racist, so seeing someone else do the same as they would expose themselves to who they really are.

As i right (write) this you will be able to tell just off the responses, or lack there of. People mindset and race etc...

PS i used incorrect grammar just so certain races/mindsets of individuals can have an excuse to avoid the truth/subject at hand and focus on the errors.

jesus christ no one on NT has reading skills.

he didnt even want to ask the man. moms said "why not? worst he can say is no"
he asked the guy. they guy said "50 bucks" which is wild as #$#!.
and OP was gonna pay the man!!! then he said nah my plow is outta gas.

now what if you asked your friend who just picked up another friend for a ride to a place you all are going.
your house is a block away from another friend he's going to pick up also.
he says "aww man im out of gas!! cant get you"
then goes and gets your friend down the street.
how would you react?

now the icing on the cake is that OP is black.
now the snowplow guy may not be racist.

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Are you remedial? Dude said he wasn't mad because he said "no".  He saw the guy talk to the female neighbor, who weren't acquainted, and witnessed him do it for her for free.  And the same thing happened after the altercation.  Reading comprehension is definitely not your strong suit.
Nah I'm not remedial.... I'm just wondering if he was too quick to jump to conclusions. But uhhh yeah.... you having girl problems WaveyJones? Seems like you just find people to talk about in every thread. It's okay if you just got dumped..... I completely understand your anger.
I'm too quick to jump to conclusions, and you're the one saying I'm having girl problems?
  I hardly have it out for anyone, I am just irked by mental midgets like yourself who lack any semblance of intelligence and post nonsense.

P.S. -  Don't attempt to project your female problems on me; I get more bunz than RiverXBear.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

this is the best way to handle stuff like this. you should photoshop together a pamphlet about that dude being a racist and pass it out around the neighborhood.
u know nobody wants to be labeled a racist so they will all rally behind you.

Ya, if this story is 100% true, do it. Did your mom hear/see it go down? You said she was telling you to ask him...

Photoshopped pamphlet would be HILARIOUS for a follow up story + pics. I'm sure some of us NTers would even help you make one...that is and only is if the story def went down like that, then again his family might have some previous history with you're family that has nothing to do with color and you're just taking it wrong
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

Are you remedial? Dude said he wasn't mad because he said "no".  He saw the guy talk to the female neighbor, who weren't acquainted, and witnessed him do it for her for free.  And the same thing happened after the altercation.  Reading comprehension is definitely not your strong suit.
Nah I'm not remedial.... I'm just wondering if he was too quick to jump to conclusions. But uhhh yeah.... you having girl problems WaveyJones? Seems like you just find people to talk about in every thread. It's okay if you just got dumped..... I completely understand your anger.
I'm too quick to jump to conclusions, and you're the one saying I'm having girl problems?
  I hardly have it out for anyone, I am just irked by mental midgets like yourself who lack any semblance of intelligence and post nonsense.

P.S. -  Don't attempt to project your female problems on me; I get more bunz than RiverXBear.

Yeah... your internet girls don't count. But I'll leave you alone before I get banned for talking about you. And yeah... I lack intelligence because I think you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

jesus christ no one on NT has reading skills.

he didnt even want to ask the man. moms said "why not? worst he can say is no"
he asked the guy. they guy said "50 bucks" which is wild as +!*@.
and OP was gonna pay the man!!! then he said nah my plow is outta gas.

now what if you asked your friend who just picked up another friend for a ride to a place you all are going.
your house is a block away from another friend he's going to pick up also.
he says "aww man im out of gas!! cant get you"
then goes and gets your friend down the street.
how would you react?

now the icing on the cake is that OP is black.
now the snowplow guy may not be racist.


or maybe them other ladies are gonna give it to him later on for cleaning their driveway.
Then again, the guy could have thought in his head that what he was saying was the right thing, I often do this, when to the outsider it sounds like :!$% :mad

Like he wasn't trying to tell you no directly, but acted on impulse and replied with bs
who knows...do the pamphlet
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