cliffnotes at the bottom. 
So as allot of the east coast knows, we got a bunch of snow in the past two days. just about two feet. I live in a predominately Caucasian neighborhood, my family is the only colored family on the street.  Anyways, I'm outside shoveling my driveway which approx fits about 6 cars, so I'm going at it working hard, when I see this dude on his personal jon deere, cleaning peoples entrances, for whoever asks. My intentions were never to ask him because of the fact that I just hate asking people for help, never grew up with a helping hand so why ask now right? Well my mom was going off the mouth like "ask him, ask him" at first I thought he was just doing it for certain neighbors maybe he knew, but then he went over to my next doors, and i literally saw my neighbor(white lady) ask "hey do you mind plowing my entrance??" dude straight up said "oh of course, i dont have this machine for nothing right??" I'm like alright cool...I guess I'll just ask him after hes done or whatever. so cut to the chase this is our exact convo.
Me: Hey, noticed you plowing some of the neighbors driveway entrances, mind giving me a hand?

Him:......got 50 bucks? 

Me:Oh I wasnt aware that you were charging people, hold on let me go grab my wall...

(he rudely interupts me)

Him: Oh you know what, I just realized.... my plow just ran out of gas.

like for real dude....

i was even bout to pay dude. 

homie really hit me with that....

in my mind i was just like 


anyways thats my winter rant, It's funny i never take it to the forums, but i was real upset with this. I'm your neighbor homie... dont come asking me for some sugar when you tryna bake your cake next time ya fruit. 

cliff notes:

asked white dude with snow plow to help me shovel since he was helping random neighbors

he asked for money

i went to go grab my wallet

he said he was out of gas as i turned around to go inside. 

i see him drive down 4 houses and start working on another 

and before yall even take it there, i'll help yall out.

Yes, I sure am.
Yeah it's kinda crazy when white folk you thought you were cool with pull some %#@! like that.  No racist, but almost feels like you wanna cut them out completely so you don't have to figure out who's genuine.  Hard enough time picking the hypocrites out your own fam.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

@ you referring to your family as "colored"

 i mean compared to everyone else, we are man... only way to dub ourselves. 
Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Did he call u and ur family any racial slurs... If soo
Homie def was mumblin under his breathe, but we've been living here for 6-7 years now, not about to get buck out of no where my rents are way too civilized to cause problems.
 It's wierd, I've always thought i was an outcast maybe since i moved from a lower income housing area, so they just shunned upon us, thought it was all in my head.

but after today, I actually feel like one. 
Originally Posted by HigherGround

what if he actually ran out of gas?
I peeped dude hit a driveway 4 houses down after talking to me. 
I'm not mad at dude he could've just said "Nah" 

I would've taken it like okay thats respectable, but we're both grown. 

Dont beat around the bush my mans...keep it real 
Originally Posted by ReRetroMe

Originally Posted by HigherGround

what if he actually ran out of gas?
I peeped dude hit a driveway 4 houses down after talking to me. 
I'm not mad at dude he could've just said "Nah" 

I would've taken it like okay thats respectable, but we're both grown. 

Dont beat around the bush my mans...keep it real 
Damn that's #*+$#@ up forreal brah. I'd be pissed too, not at the fact he aint wanna plow it or that he tried to charge u for it. But for the simple fact that he b.s.ed about it. But karma is a @+@*# and he gon get his. Ol Hank Hill type dude
If you really hate asking people for help you shouldn't be mad about him saying no. Did he really have time to clean that many driveways? Are you sure they wasn't paying him? Are you racist as well?
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Where are you from?

Bangladesh, South East Asian Country. 

Damn that's #*+$#@ up forreal brah. I'd be pissed too, not at the fact he aint wanna plow it or that he tried to charge u for it. But for the simple fact that he b.s.ed about it. But karma is a @+@*# and he gon get his. Ol Hank Hill type dude

 thanks for that fam. 
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