R.I.P Trayvon


Thats how Zimmerman supporters are. They're similiar to Zimmerman nothing but huge cowards.

I wouldn’t call myself a Zimmerman supporter. I’m more of a supporter of our laws.

And I don’t understand the unnecessary use of name calling of others in this thread. There’s pages and pages filled with it. As humans and as Americans, we’re all allowed to have our own opinions on issues. You may or may not agree with them but that doesn’t mean you can attack those people just because our viewpoint differs from yours.  It shows the reader that you lack intelligence and it makes that person not take you seriously even if you made valid points prior to your name calling.

I hope the people here aren’t blocking people just because they have a different opinion than you do. If people are, then this thread is no longer a discussion. It’s a TM circle jerk.
A TM "circle jerk" tho, really? How mature.

Some of y'all are ridiculous. The trolls and the obvious racial undertones of a lot of ppl have turned this thread to crap.
Wish my people got this outraged over every AfricanAmerican murder.

Your people are sick and tired of people calling 911 because they are black men/young men in a neighborhood where they belong.

Trayvon Martin - ends up dead for being young and black
Henry Gates - ends up being arrested for being black
Thats how Zimmerman supporters are. They're similiar to Zimmerman nothing but huge cowards.

I wouldn’t call myself a Zimmerman supporter. I’m more of a supporter of our laws.

And I don’t understand the unnecessary use of name calling of others in this thread. There’s pages and pages filled with it. As humans and as Americans, we’re all allowed to have our own opinions on issues. You may or may not agree with them but that doesn’t mean you can attack those people just because our viewpoint differs from yours.  It shows the reader that you lack intelligence and it makes that person not take you seriously even if you made valid points prior to your name calling.

I hope the people here aren’t blocking people just because they have a different opinion than you do. If people are, then this thread is no longer a discussion. It’s a TM circle jerk.

there's a difference between having a different opinion and spewing nonsense to get a rise out of people
Wish my people got this outraged over every AfricanAmerican murder.

Various people have tried to make a statement like this and I don't see the point. Just because people are rising up for TM doesn't mean they dont care about what's going on in their own city
This is really about some in the black community constantly needing an "excuse" of sorts. To point and say, "see, Black Americans are still getting the short end of the stick! You can't tell me nothin!"

 Is GM guilty? He may very well be. Who really knows unless you can get into the guys head. If he really did feel threatened for his life then he did what he had to do. If he didn't feel threatened then he was trigger happy and guilty of murder. This is a case with a lot of grey areas.

However, this case isn't about that. This case servers as a justification for some people's inadequacies. Cases like this provide a psychological cushion for some people's failures.

Either way this case will not change anything. In the end it is just one guy shooting another; whether justified or not.

Deep down people know this is true. If stuff like this makes one feel better then go for it but it won't improve anything that needs to be improved.

If all the posters in this thread only spent half as much time learning something of value rather than spending time in this thread, then they'd already be better off.
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This is really about some in the black community constantly needing an "excuse" of sorts. To point and say, "see, Black Americans are still getting the short end of the stick! You can't tell me nothin!"

 Is GM guilty? He may very well be. Who really knows unless you can get into the guys head. If he really did feel threatened for his life then he did what he had to do. If he didn't feel threatened then he was trigger happy and guilty of murder. This is a case with a lot of grey areas.

However, this case isn't about that. This case servers as a justification for some people's inadequacies. Cases like this provide a psychological cushion for some people's failures.

Either way this case will not change anything. In the end it is just one guy shooting another; whether justified or not.

Deep down people know this is true. If stuff like this makes one feel better then go for it but it won't improve anything that needs to be improved.

If all the posters in this thread only spent half as much time learning something of value rather than spending time in this thread, then they'd already be better off.

:lol: Nope you don't get it at all

I love when people who aren't black act like they have their finger on the pulse of the black community.
This is really about some in the black community constantly needing an "excuse" of sorts. To point and say, "see, Black Americans are still getting the short end of the stick! You can't tell me nothin!"

 Is GM guilty? He may very well be. Who really knows unless you can get into the guys head. If he really did feel threatened for his life then he did what he had to do. If he didn't feel threatened then he was trigger happy and guilty of murder. This is a case with a lot of grey areas.

However, this case isn't about that. This case servers as a justification for some people's inadequacies. Cases like this provide a psychological cushion for some people's failures.

Either way this case will not change anything. In the end it is just one guy shooting another; whether justified or not.

Deep down people know this is true. If stuff like this makes one feel better then go for it but it won't improve anything that needs to be improved.

If all the posters in this thread only spent half as much time learning something of value rather than spending time in this thread, then they'd already be better off.

Nope you don't get it at allther way.
Whether I get it or not makes zero difference.

What makes a difference is whether the effort concentrated on this event is better spent elsewhere. On endeavors which produce a more tangible result.

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE  

I love when people who aren't black act like they have their finger on the pulse of the black community.
The same can be said for Black Americans vis-a-vis Whites. What's your point.

People observe and make inferences. Does that mean that all Black opinions of Whites in America is invalid?
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In the end it is just another example of:

1. How black men can't walk around their own community without being accused of being a criminal.
2. How local police departments try to cover up the murder of black men. (Rachel Jeantal wasn't called by the cops for a reason)
3. How a person can continue to walk the streets for 40 days after killing an unarmed black man.

Fixed for you.
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This is really about some in the black community constantly needing an "excuse" of sorts. To point and say, "see, Black Americans are still getting the short end of the stick! You can't tell me nothin!"

 Is GM guilty? He may very well be. Who really knows unless you can get into the guys head. If he really did feel threatened for his life then he did what he had to do. If he didn't feel threatened then he was trigger happy and guilty of murder. This is a case with a lot of grey areas.

However, this case isn't about that. This case servers as a justification for some people's inadequacies. Cases like this provide a psychological cushion for some people's failures.

Either way this case will not change anything. In the end it is just one guy shooting another; whether justified or not.

Deep down people know this is true. If stuff like this makes one feel better then go for it but it won't improve anything that needs to be improved.

If all the posters in this thread only spent half as much time learning something of value rather than spending time in this thread, then they'd already be better off.
Man if this was my son I would be going to prison. No doubt if he got found not guiltly
Man if this was my son I would be going to prison. No doubt if he got found not guiltly
Man if this was my son I would be going to prison. No doubt if he got found not guiltly
In the end it is just another example of:

1. How black men can't walk around their own community without being accused of being a criminal.
2. How local police departments try to cover up the murder of black men. (Rachel Jeantal wasn't called by the cops for a reason)
3. How a person can continue to walk the streets for 40 days after killing an unarmed black man.
Fixed for you.
Let's posit that all of the above is unequivocally true.

And what then?

Did Black Americans lot improve after the assault on Rodney King? Amadou Diallo? etc, etc.

I would bet that Black Americans lot did not improve overall. In fact, it may be worse now than 25 years ago on a relative scale.

Is the point to lament incidents or to produce tangible, long lasting results?

I'm Jewish. If Jews spent time lamenting every anti Jewish incident where would we be? Instead, Jews concentrate their efforts to improve things on a longer timeline. Their efforts may not be visible but they produce results.  It might make people feel better to protest in the streets but the results come from grinding out work behind the scenes.
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