R.I.P Trayvon

It's mind blowing the amount of bs hypotheticals people are coming up with to justify this *******.

Maybe he came to him and said "peace and blessings how are you today"

Maybe he ask if he wanted a nice cold pop

FOH with that
GZ was mad he was trying to catch the black kid that lived in twinlakes that was robbing people

He didnt come correct and you know it

Old man in the cut....thats a scary site.
i havent been following the case but just saw that it can be over today

is this true, or have they been saying that?
Lot of angry and emotional guys in here. This verdict won't change your life. And you look silly defending this 17 yo thug life stereotype and his lying *** parents. If Zimmerman didn't blast him for the sucker punch homeboy was well on the path towards prison or being a homicide vic in the near future anyways. A lot of actual innocent kids WAY more deserving of your attention.

Go away
Lot of angry and emotional guys in here. This verdict won't change your life. And you look silly defending this 17 yo thug life stereotype and his lying *** parents. If Zimmerman didn't blast him for the sucker punch homeboy was well on the path towards prison or being a homicide vic in the near future anyways. A lot of actual innocent kids WAY more deserving of your attention.
well damn
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