R.I.P Trayvon

Pot meet kettle. 
Answer the question. Stop posting stupid quips that prove NOTHING.

And you keep talking about his cuts on the back of his head? What about his busted up nose? Was that picture just photoshopped?
One more time, between his busted up nose and the cuts on the back of his head ALL that was required upon his visit to the doctor's office just a few hours after the killing was 2 small measly band-aids and a lollipop.  Little kids playing at any local playground don't even go to the doctor's office for something as small as that.   
Do you watch the news in chicago? everytime i turn the channel to the news it's violence on southside of chicago. how many people were shot in one week and how many people died IN ONE WEEK in chicago. This topic is not about what's going on in chicago. It's about a boy in florida.

That was my point. Why is this thread 160 pages for ONE case on this one website not counting the hundreds of other sites discussing it? Why are there not hundreds of messages boards etc discussing the problems of the children being executed in Chicago on a daily basis?

Theres something really wrong with that.
are those kids getting killed by neighborhood watch?

No, they're getting murdered by their own people which is extremely disturbing and troubling.

If I have a hammer I'm not taking a sucker punch and a whooping from some random. How you supposed to know when some random dude is going to stop, if at all before long term damage or death occur? Dudes talking like oh just sit tight and catch those hands. :lol: :stoneface: Nah, thug life is catching a hot one.

How is it a sucker punch if GZ confronted Martin and initiated the altercation? If you go looking for a fight and get your !$$ beat, DAMN RIGHT you should sit there and get that work. If you go looking for trouble you're already a sucker so it wouldn't surprise me that someone would draw a weapon once they thought it was going to be one way, but ended up being THE OTHER way.
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Lmao you act like because there's not threads on it people aren't outraged?!? Police have nooooooo problem locking people up when its a black on black crime. C'mon man. People actually ya know do things outside of a message board and act in real life. Have you ever been to inner city Chicago?! Have you seen people rallying to stop that violence? I don't see 100s of pages about the treatment of prisoners in gitmo doesn't mean it's any less controversial or important. This **** isn't binary you can care about multiple things at the same time or just because you don't create threads with 200 pages that its irrelevant and there isn't outrage. Don't speak on things like that unless you've been there because that statement right there is flat out wrong.

No I don't live or have been to south side chicago, but I DO live in the inner city bro. SW philly to be exact who had the highest murder rate in the COUNTRY a few years back. It wasn't kids though. The neighborhood would have been outraged by that regardless of color. I KNOW this because I KNOW my community.

I see by your sig your a philly fan, but do you live in philly or are you on the outside looking in?
One more time, between his busted up nose and the cuts on the back of his head ALL that was required upon his visit to the doctor's office just a few hours after the killing was 2 small measly band-aids and a lollipop.  Little kids playing at any local playground don't even go to the doctor's office for something as small as that.   


You might be one of the corniest dudes on this board. forreal. You may have had something the FIRST time. By the 6th its really lame and extremely corny.
If I have a hammer I'm not taking a sucker punch and a whooping from some random. How you supposed to know when some random dude is going to stop, if at all before long term damage or death occur? Dudes talking like oh just sit tight and catch those hands.
Nah, thug life is catching a hot one.
You can all you want but if u initiated the contact your going to jail such as case as GZ
I love how you guys mentions "fights" from trayvon but ignore factual charges of GZ assaulting his girl and assaulting a cop when he was arresting his friend.

No soft man signs up for a job(cop) that could potentially kill him.

On top of that. Nobody soft patrols by their lonesome looking for trouble. Nobody soft exits a car in face of a potential threat. Nobody soft disregards police orders and puts the law into his or her own hands.
when I hear "hate in your heart" I can't help but think of Clayton Bigsby :lol:
These closing arguments are okay so far
Guy: Trayvon was a son, brother, friend and the last thing he tried to do on this earth was get home. Powerful stuff.
Lmao you act like because there's not threads on it people aren't outraged?!? Police have nooooooo problem locking people up when its a black on black crime. C'mon man. People actually ya know do things outside of a message board and act in real life. Have you ever been to inner city Chicago?! Have you seen people rallying to stop that violence? I don't see 100s of pages about the treatment of prisoners in gitmo doesn't mean it's any less controversial or important. This **** isn't binary you can care about multiple things at the same time or just because you don't create threads with 200 pages that its irrelevant and there isn't outrage. Don't speak on things like that unless you've been there because that statement right there is flat out wrong.

No I don't live or have been to south side chicago, but I DO live in the inner city bro. SW philly to be exact who had the highest murder rate in the COUNTRY a few years back. It wasn't kids though. The neighborhood would have been outraged by that regardless of color. I KNOW this because I KNOW my community.

I see by your sig your a philly fan, but do you live in philly or are you on the outside looking in?

Nope my parents are in north Philly and I was born and raised there my whole life...but I'm just saying trust me there are LOTS of people outraged by the violence in inner city Chicago, Detroit, Camden and back home...believe me I know how bad it is, it really doesn't get equivalent media coverage though to stories like this because there's a cross racial angle to it.
Claim him? What does that even mean? Is he lost and found?

He has Hispanic ancestry as well as European. It's just a fact. He doesn't need to be "claimed"

That's one of the dumbest things I've read in this thread.
Have you ever heard of racial solidarity?
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I remember this one time I was jogging late night in Georgetown (because it's too hot in DC during summer days) and this neighborhood watch guy rolled up on me asked what was up bla bla. I just told him who I was, light night job session and that I was staying with my uncle for a summer internship. He offered me a bottle of water. Nice dude.

I'm black btw.

You pointing out that you're black, are you saying that because the guy was white? Did you notice he took a interest in what you were doing before he approached you?
Nope my parents are in north Philly and I was born and raised there my whole life...but I'm just saying trust me there are LOTS of people outraged by the violence in inner city Chicago, Detroit, Camden and back home...believe me I know how bad it is, it really doesn't get equivalent media coverage though to stories like this because there's a cross racial angle to it.

Fair enough. I was mainly making the point that I'd rather see the entire country focus on those types of issues rather than individual cases like Zimmerman, Casey Anthony, Arias etc.... Thats all I meant by that.
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Do you watch the news in chicago? everytime i turn the channel to the news it's violence on southside of chicago. how many people were shot in one week and how many people died IN ONE WEEK in chicago. This topic is not about what's going on in chicago. It's about a boy in florida.

That was my point. Why is this thread 160 pages for ONE case on this one website not counting the hundreds of other sites discussing it? Why are there not hundreds of messages boards etc discussing the problems of the children being executed in Chicago on a daily basis?

Theres something really wrong with that.

What the **** does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

That statement is a blatant deflection from what's going on here

People only use this to distract people from some *******.
If I have a hammer I'm not taking a sucker punch and a whooping from some random. How you supposed to know when some random dude is going to stop, if at all before long term damage or death occur? Dudes talking like oh just sit tight and catch those hands. :lol: :stoneface: Nah, thug life is catching a hot one.

Why would you get out your car in the first place to approach "thug life"? Zimmer can't say "i assumed he was going around trying to break into people's houses so I had to take action"
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