R.I.P Trayvon

There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.

Do you really believe that GZ would have called the police or even payed attention to TM if he was a white kid wearing a hoodie?
Whats ironic is the the true racists are the ones trying to make this about race. If you want to have a discussion about race in America, an incident where a hispanic dude shot a black dude in self-defense is probably not the best catalyst for that discussion.
Naw, because that's still at the center of this, because he's a white hispanic. And just like black people thought he was white at first, other people did too. Besides gun laws, there's an agenda regarding race, besides a young kid being killed.

That's what racism is, it's so ingrained in American society people don't even realize it. A black kid can't even walk down a block without being perceived as a villain and threat. A lot of the media and now the defense have played on that.

Go look at a news article where a black dude is arrested and read the comments. A lot will be centered on race.

However black people in this country aren't supposed to acknowledge the elephant in the room and ignore race regarding any situation.
Excellent and accurate points!!
i left my desk for 15 minutes what happened is it over for the day what happened to the white lady being questioned

The white woman was discovered to be a FRAUD, just like the vast majority of the defense witnesses thus far but only after she left the stand.  She has been following the defense attorney on Twitter and has made blatant comments about the case even though she was directly asked by the prosecution about that but denied it.  That, and she is permanently scared of any and all black people for the rest of her life.
did the prosecution make the judge and jury aware of that so her testimony is stricken from the record or was that just after the fact and the judge and state didnt mention it
Whats ironic is the the true racists are the ones trying to make this about race. If you want to have a discussion about race in America, an incident where a hispanic dude shot a black dude in self-defense is probably not the best catalyst for that discussion.

Naw, because that's still at the center of this, because he's a white hispanic. And just like black people thought he was white at first, other people did too. Besides gun laws, there's an agenda regarding race, besides a young kid being killed.

That's what racism is, it's so ingrained in American society people don't even realize it. A black kid can't even walk down a block without being perceived as a villain and threat. A lot of the media and now the defense have played on that.

Go look at a news article where a black dude is arrested and read the comments. A lot will be centered on race.

However black people in this country aren't supposed to acknowledge the elephant in the room and ignore race regarding any situation.

Excellent and accurate points!!
There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.

Then who exactly were the they he was referring to with the dispatcher?

Much less all his frequent calls

And why was he pursued in the first place?

Do you think a white kid walking with some skittles and a Arizona ice tea would have been questioned by Zimmerman?

You're that naive?
I didn't say he isn't.

I'm saying it's not illegal, so what point are you making?

your comments don't even resemble a logical point.

it adds nothing but stupidity into a thread about a murder trial.

and if you get banned, it's not because of me, it's because of what you're typing.

You sound like you want me to banned..Are you some type of RAT? Stop sweating me and my opinion which I stated in plain english... Noone has the right to kill anyone who is unarmed. A healthy 28 year old man not able to handle himself against a 17 year old to the point he HAD to put a bullet in him. Who was he up against, teen wolf? Sorry excuse for a man Zimmerman is.

you don't understand what I'm saying, you must be angry and irrational

you don't even understand that I edited your responses so you can go back and clean them up and don't get banned.

but you've continued to make a fool of yourself.
did the prosecution make the judge and jury aware of that so her testimony is stricken from the record or was that just after the fact and the judge and state didnt mention it

they brought up whether or not she tweeted and asked if she followed zimmermans defense team, and some zimmerfund or something. Not the direct tweets.
did the prosecution make the judge and jury aware of that so her testimony is stricken from the record or was that just after the fact and the judge and state didnt mention it

they brought up whether or not she tweeted and asked if she followed zimmermans defense team, and some zimmerfund or something. Not the direct tweets.
so even though they caught her lying they are still keeping her testimony??????????
so even though they caught her lying they are still keeping her testimony??????????
I think so, but I think after they bought out the twitter stuff people were immediately like >D
like c'mon you follow omara on twitter, but you're "unbiased" and she tweeted pray for zimmerman and his wife
you don't understand what I'm saying, you must be angry and irrational

you don't even understand that I edited your responses so you can go back and clean them up and don't get banned.

but you've continued to make a fool of yourself.
Im not concerned with how I look to you. I also understand exactly what youre saying, which needed not to be said to begin with...I called Zimmerman a girl in a trial thread...So what? Is this thread going to somehow weigh in on the outcome of the verdict? Are, you the Trayvon Martin Trial Thread police? A grown man needlessly kills a kid and I cant call a spade a spade? How do you sound?
you don't understand what I'm saying, you must be angry and irrational

you don't even understand that I edited your responses so you can go back and clean them up and don't get banned.

but you've continued to make a fool of yourself.

Im not concerned with how I look to you. I also understand exactly what youre saying, which needed not to be said to begin with...I called Zimmerman a girl in a trial thread...So what? Is this thread going to somehow weigh in on the outcome of the verdict? Are, you the Trayvon Martin Trial Thread police? A grown man needlessly kills a kid and I cant call a spade a spade? How do you sound?

you said he's a murderer or a girl that cant fight.

I'm saying, if he's a girl that can't fight, does that make him not guilty?
There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.

Do you really believe that GZ would have called the police or even payed attention to TM if he was a white kid wearing a hoodie?

Everybody knows why he followed Trayvon. Some people just wanna play dumb and act like it doesn't exist or play devils advocate for no reason.
There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.

Do you really believe that GZ would have called the police or even payed attention to TM if he was a white kid wearing a hoodie?

Everybody knows why he followed Trayvon. Some people just wanna play dumb and act like it doesn't exist or play devils advocate for no reason.

some people want to play dumb and not read cartune's post...

inb4 "cornball brother"

or are we going to act like prejudice isn't natural or legal?
I mean I see the strategy

If the neighborhood had been robbed by black teens "wearing hoodies" then it would go to explaining the mindset of GZ...which is their job

It also could play to why he said "These punks always get away" because they got away....or why he was so aggressive to following TM

They're basically saying yes GZ profiled TM but here's "why" and here's the mindset of a neighborhood watch trying to protect his neighborhood who has been dealing with robberies

No Im not saying it gives GZ permission to shoot TM but obviously it goes to why GZ was so aggressive to following TM which led to the altercation.

The police aren't supposed to profile based on race, even though they do...so why is this dude who doesn't even know the streets to his neighborhood doing it?

If I'm driving drunk and I kill my passenger. I'll probably be convicted of his death. Even though I had no intent, it was a mistake, MY mistake. Zimmerman intentionally pulled the trigger and set the entire course in action. A kid is dead. It wasn't an accident. Zimmerman wasn't walking down the block and tripped and his gun discharged.

I don't care if you want to call it murder 2 or manslaughter, but none of this **** would have happen if it wasn't for Zimmerman. Trayvon would be enjoying his summer right now.
There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.
Do you really believe that GZ would have called the police or even payed attention to TM if he was a white kid wearing a hoodie?
Everybody knows why he followed Trayvon. Some people just wanna play dumb and act like it doesn't exist or play devils advocate for no reason.
Exactly, the new hustle for racist individuals these days is to play dumb and ACT like racism doesn't exist currently or never existed to begin with.  Why do you think certain school district wanted to get slavery removed from history books. 

:rofl: :rofl:

I think it's getting ddos, or there's an influx of traffic but basically it was a sign up to get MMA training just like Zimmerman
To receive information about the training George Zimmerman received at KOKOPELLI'S GYM, please email request by filling out the form provided below.

Zimmerman Training Information Request Form
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Wait, so the trainer was marketing "Zimmerman classes" on his gym's website?

How does the prosecution not address this during cross examination?
The police aren't supposed to profile based on race, even though they do...so why is this dude who doesn't even know the streets to his neighborhood doing it?

If I'm driving drunk and I kill my passenger. I'll probably be convicted of his death. Even though I had no intent, it was a mistake, MY mistake. Zimmerman intentionally pulled the trigger and set the entire course in action. A kid is dead. It wasn't an accident. Zimmerman wasn't walking down the block and tripped and his gun discharged.

I don't care if you want to call it murder 2 or manslaughter, but none of this **** would have happen if it wasn't for Zimmerman. Trayvon would be enjoying his summer right now.

exactly......but you have some people in here who are too stupid to understand that.......
Wait, so the trainer was marketing "Zimmerman classes" on his gym's website?

How does the prosecution not address this during cross examination?
Goes back to me saying maybe the prosecution is throwing the case but trying not to blatantly. There's too many things that they haven't capitalized on
There hasn't been a single piece of evidence pointing towards a racist motive though.

Do you really believe that GZ would have called the police or even payed attention to TM if he was a white kid wearing a hoodie?

Everybody knows why he followed Trayvon. Some people just wanna play dumb and act like it doesn't exist or play devils advocate for no reason.

some people want to play dumb and not read cartune's post...

inb4 "cornball brother"

or are we going to act like prejudice isn't natural or legal?

Is that you Don West?

So it's cool to call the cops AND follow a black man with a loaded gun cuz he fits the description to you?

Ya'll can keep playing dumb.
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