Questions for the Atheists *Keep it Mature Please*

I grew up a southern baptist with family that was in the ministry. Religion was something that was always around, but as I got into high school I startednoticing all those claiming to be the most religious were also some of the biggest hypocrites. So from that point on I have been agnostic, while leaning moreand more towards atheism.

The thing with me is that I believe your religion, faith, or non-beliefs are a personal choice for each individual. I had to make a choice that was best forme. I try to live my life by a set of morals, that some would consider religious in nature. It works for me right now, so this is what I will follow, until Ifind something better for my life at that time.

Finally, anyone that believes in a religion, faith, etc. and PRACTICES it has the utmost respect in my book. There are way too many people that walk aroundclaiming to believe something one minute, and the next are out doing the opposite of what they believe.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had to edit my new post, because I was actually going to respond to your previous questions. Wicca are you serious?

You trollin bro.

Islam is the biggest religion in the world.
I'm not trolling.

I will stop arguing with you because you don't want to argue. You want to laugh and reply with smug responses.

And he wants mature responses from us

And just to mention about your issue with people bashing Christianity and not other religions. Well why don't you share some of your Islamic beliefs that we can argue/debate about?

Yeah I am going to bring up points of a religion you have no comprehension of, so you can bash them of your perceptions of religion which were based of Christianity, which you probably don't even grasp
NO thanks
First of all, I was raised muslim. And I usually don't post in these threads, but I thought you wanted to be civilized about this, but insteadyou are questioning my knowledge and assuming things about me.

And now that I read what duerr posted I can agree with that. I'm not even an atheist lol. I believe in a higher power, but I do not followa religion.

And you are right, I'm not that well-versed in religion. I wasn't raised a really devout Mulsim, but I plan to read into these things because I dobelieve in a higher power. But I do have some knowledge on these subjects. And thanks Wooly Willy. I had really turned my back on Islam, butyou did reopen my eyes
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

I grew up a southern baptist with family that was in the ministry. Religion was something that was always around, but as I got into high school I started noticing all those claiming to be the most religious were also some of the biggest hypocrites. So from that point on I have been agnostic, while leaning more and more towards atheism.

The thing with me is that I believe your religion, faith, or non-beliefs are a personal choice for each individual. I had to make a choice that was best for me. I try to live my life by a set of morals, that some would consider religious in nature. It works for me right now, so this is what I will follow, until I find something better for my life at that time.

Finally, anyone that believes in a religion, faith, etc. and PRACTICES it has the utmost respect in my book. There are way too many people that walk around claiming to believe something one minute, and the next are out doing the opposite of what they believe.
So you turn your back on God and Religion as a whole because of the acts of man?

No matter what you do there will always be mockerys and hypocrites. Fad Atheists?
But with that said you are doing the right thing by having a open mind.
It amazes me how some people are even scared to talk to ones of a different faith or no faith at all.
Sometimes it takes searching and self discipline.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had to edit my new post, because I was actually going to respond to your previous questions. Wicca are you serious?

You trollin bro.

Islam is the biggest religion in the world.
I'm not trolling.

I will stop arguing with you because you don't want to argue. You want to laugh and reply with smug responses.

And he wants mature responses from us

And just to mention about your issue with people bashing Christianity and not other religions. Well why don't you share some of your Islamic beliefs that we can argue/debate about?

Yo I have a quick question. What does the bible tell man to do that is wrong?
If everyone in this entire world and I mean everyone, followed the words of the bible would the world be a better place?
Here comes a flood of scripture taken out of context to use against the Bible, God and His people
. Watch.
The Bible is designed to be taken out of context. I've heard many different pastors/priests say many different things about the same passages.

I just wish someone would explain why an "All-Powerful, Omniscient God" would create an adversary that he can't defeat.
Then explain to me why he would punish his first 2 "children" for learning the difference between right and wrong and then punishing all who cameafter them for their "mistake."
Then explain to me how it makes sense that God flooded the Earth because he didn't like what people did with their "free will."

I'm not an atheist as I define it, but I can understand why they would laugh at the god-fearing at this point. People of faith always ask for theopposition to disprove the existence of "God," yet they can't disprove the existence of Santa Clause or the Boogie Man. Yet, if a 30 year old manstill believed in Santa or an evil ghost in his closet, people of faith would laugh too.

I think the place where both atheists and god-worshipers have it wrong is in their interpretation of time. I think people who cling to "God" areobsesses with what happens in the "End", and atheists (who I define as those who believe in nothing beyond the atomic level of life) seem to beobsessed with what happened in the "beginning". Both groups are trying to view time as a line with an unexplainable beginning and an unpredictableend. I think that we should look at time as a loop that passes over its self with each cycle (infinity). This thinking will allow us to release this fear of anend that will never come and progress to a level of being able to recognize the crossover point of infinity. "God", to me, is the result of the mostpeople's inherent need to feel controlled, whereas atheism is the result of a few peoples inherent need to feel in control. I think this explains the highpercentage of atheists in entertainment and academics, who are ironically held in reverence by god-fearing people.

And if a "God" (in the "concerned with our daily lives sense") really exists, it needs to either speak for itself or find betterspokespeople.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

The Bible is designed to be taken out of context. I've heard many different pastors/priests say many different things about the same passages.

I just wish someone would explain why an "All-Powerful, Omniscient God" would create an adversary that he can't defeat.
Then explain to me why he would punish his first 2 "children" for learning the difference between right and wrong and then punishing all who came after them for their "mistake."
Then explain to me how it makes sense that God flooded the Earth because he didn't like what people did with their "free will."

I'm not an atheist as I define it, but I can understand why they would laugh at the god-fearing at this point. People of faith always ask for the opposition to disprove the existence of "God," yet they can't disprove the existence of Santa Clause or the Boogie Man. Yet, if a 30 year old man still believed in Santa or an evil ghost in his closet, people of faith would laugh too.

I think the place where both atheists and god-worshipers have it wrong is in their interpretation of time. I think people who cling to "God" are obsesses with what happens in the "End", and atheists (who I define as those who believe in nothing beyond the atomic level of life) seem to be obsessed with what happened in the "beginning". Both groups are trying to view time as a line with an unexplainable beginning and an unpredictable end. I think that we should look at time as a loop that passes over its self with each cycle (infinity). This thinking will allow us to release this fear of an end that will never come and progress to a level of being able to recognize the crossover point of infinity. "God", to me, is the result of the most people's inherent need to feel controlled, whereas atheism is the result of a few peoples inherent need to feel in control. I think this explains the high percentage of atheists in entertainment and academics, who are ironically held in reverence by god-fearing people.

And if a "God" (in the "concerned with our daily lives sense") really exists, it needs to either speak for itself or find better spokespeople.
i like this.
To the OP, I also find this glib form of atheism that many younger people have embraced to be annoying. I myself am an agnostic and I personally do not carewhat you believe or do not believe. I just dislike people who sacrifice accuracy for vanity, humility for trendiness, qualified assertions with unqualifiedopinions.

It is fashionable to have certain views and many people are shallow enough to allow complex and pivotal questions be answered, on their behalf, by everyoneelse. I have the same disdain for those who voted for Obama because it was the cool thing to do; those who simply say "we need more regulation on WallStreet" when the economy comes up, those who really claim that they can predict the movements of financial markets as I have for those who for theselegions of evangelical atheists, born again non believers and those who profess a faith in the certainty of something being absent.

There is nothing wrong with strong convictions, but it would be nice to see people whose convictions have some roots and authenticity. It seems as if having anopinion is held in much higher regard then the much more difficult task of obtaining and processing information in order to present to the world a somewhatorganic and perhaps original opinion. Since our time in constrained, it is difficult to have opinions on all issues that are discussed and when such issuescome up, it would quite refreshing, on matters big and small, public and private, religious and secular hear some someone at least qualify their opinion asjust that and better yet, we might one day we may live in a wonderful world where people, when asked about an issue about which they have little or nounderstanding, say "I do not know."

We can only hope for that change, perhaps we should regulate humility into existence, if there were a futures market on original thoughts I would short it andabsent all of that, we can all pray to a giant void that people might think for themselves.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Please 1 athiest answer me this? What is the difference between you claiming to know there is no God, and someone claiming to know there is?

Dinosaur fossils!!??......carbon dating??.....evolution...????!!! And reason #1 why there is no god imo... Each religion and god(s) are representeddifferently. Which leads to thr almighty question??? How do you know you've chosen the right religion??? Now i cannot say there is no "god" for afact. But all the gods that are currently "known", do not exist
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Please 1 athiest answer me this? What is the difference between you claiming to know there is no God, and someone claiming to know there is?

What's the difference between you claiming that there are "Yetis" in this world and someone that says there aren't?
Some people claim to have seen them but all it really is, is a claim.

I'm not against religions per se but I am against the idea that there a single all encompassing and powerful "God" that is benign and loving.
Monotheists can't have it both ways. If there is a single, all powerful god then he is one sick, sadistic, s.o.b.. He is anything but benign and loving.
If monotheists want to claim that then I can't say that they'd be particularly wrong.

Even though I don't subscribe to any religious principles ( although I do subscribe to traditions that areassociated with a particular religion), polytheistic religions seem much more rational to me if one was to accept the idea of something more powerful thanhumans ruling this earth.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Please 1 athiest answer me this? What is the difference between you claiming to know there is no God, and someone claiming to know there is?

Dinosaur fossils!!??......carbon dating??.....evolution...????!!! And reason #1 why there is no god imo... Each religion and god(s) are represented differently. Which leads to thr almighty question??? How do you know you've chosen the right religion??? Now i cannot say there is no "god" for a fact. But all the gods that are currently "known", do not exist

LOL....I don't know if you realized it yet, but you failed.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

You serious?
there are plenty of factions of Atheism I can name 5 types off top.
There are plenty of religions with no doctrine, FAIL.
My Fallujah argument was not in support of religion it was bashing Atheism. Atheism is as conditional as religion is.

Funny how you once again mentioned christianity.

You get tired of the atheists bashing religion so you make a thread about bashing atheists?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Please 1 athiest answer me this? What is the difference between you claiming to know there is no God, and someone claiming to know there is?

What's the difference between you claiming that there are "Yetis" in this world and someone that says there aren't?
Some people claim to have seen them but all it really is, is a claim.

I'm not against religions per se but I am against the idea that there a single all encompassing and powerful "God" that is benign and loving.
Monotheists can't have it both ways. If there is a single, all powerful god then he is one sick, sadistic, s.o.b.. He is anything but benign and loving.
If monotheists want to claim that then I can't say that they'd be particularly wrong.

Even though I don't subscribe to any religious principles ( although I do subscribe to traditions that are associated with a particular religion), polytheistic religions seem much more rational to me if one was to accept the idea of something more powerful than humans ruling this earth.

I agree with your first statement again, I brought it up to expose the flaw in Atheism, not the "perfection" of religion.

I recall you being Jewish(perhaps I am wrong), and as you should know, their God is anything but benign and all loving.

Islam's is anything but as well.

I hope you know that you were not the category I was speaking of in my OP.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You serious?
there are plenty of factions of Atheism I can name 5 types off top.
There are plenty of religions with no doctrine, FAIL.
My Fallujah argument was not in support of religion it was bashing Atheism. Atheism is as conditional as religion is.

Funny how you once again mentioned christianity.

You get tired of the atheists bashing religion so you make a thread about bashing atheists?

Another strawman argument eh....
...My argument was made as a counterpoint an Athiest made which had nothing to do with my initial statement, ironicallymuch like your post didn't have much to do with it. My point was a counter point to a rebuttal someone made, but you knew that. In my original post Iclearly stated who I was "bashing" I am a former athiest, and don't take well to hypocrisy so why would I bash atheists?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Please 1 athiest answer me this? What is the difference between you claiming to know there is no God, and someone claiming to know there is?

What's the difference between you claiming that there are "Yetis" in this world and someone that says there aren't?
Some people claim to have seen them but all it really is, is a claim.

I'm not against religions per se but I am against the idea that there a single all encompassing and powerful "God" that is benign and loving.
Monotheists can't have it both ways. If there is a single, all powerful god then he is one sick, sadistic, s.o.b.. He is anything but benign and loving.
If monotheists want to claim that then I can't say that they'd be particularly wrong.

Even though I don't subscribe to any religious principles ( although I do subscribe to traditions that are associated with a particular religion), polytheistic religions seem much more rational to me if one was to accept the idea of something more powerful than humans ruling this earth.

I agree with your first statement again, I brought it up to expose the flaw in Atheism, not the "perfection" of religion.

I recall you being Jewish(perhaps I am wrong), and as you should know, their God is anything but benign and all loving.

Islam's is anything but as well.

I hope you know that you were not the category I was speaking of in my OP.
how does that expose a flaw in atheism?
It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
but just because you dont believe in something doesnt make it faith, correct?
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
but just because you dont believe in something doesnt make it faith, correct?

that is the thing, so many people attempt the "boogie man argument" I don't believe in the boogie man that doesn't mean I have faiththat he doesn't exist. That is a strawman argument.

Making no sense, as it is a known fact that such things are cultural, and mythological lure, and tales.

Most attempt to connect these figures with that of God, which in and of itself is illogical. Humans naturally strive for a bigger meaning, they don'tnaturally strive for knowledge of the abominable snowman, or Santa Clause.

It is impossible to prove a negative, meaning I can never prove to you that God doesn't exist, just like in all essence you will never be able to prove toyour friends that you aren't gay. See what I did there? I just made the best case against believers, which in itself will never be able to be proven.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
but just because you dont believe in something doesnt make it faith, correct?

that is the thing, so many people attempt the "boogie man argument" I don't believe in the boogie man that doesn't mean I have faith that he doesn't exist. That is a strawman argument.

Making no sense, as it is a known fact that such things are cultural, and mythological lure, and tales.

Most attempt to connect these figures with that of God, which in and of itself is illogical. Humans naturally strive for a bigger meaning, they don't naturally strive for knowledge of the abominable snowman, or Santa Clause.

It is impossible to prove a negative, meaning I can never prove to you that God doesn't exist, just like in all essence you will never be able to prove to your friends that you aren't gay. See what I did there?
With this response it seems to me like you are making a mockery of your own thread.

It doesnt take faith to not believe in something. Faith is what you need to believe in something that can not be proven or disproven.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
but just because you dont believe in something doesnt make it faith, correct?

that is the thing, so many people attempt the "boogie man argument" I don't believe in the boogie man that doesn't mean I have faith that he doesn't exist. That is a strawman argument.

Making no sense, as it is a known fact that such things are cultural, and mythological lure, and tales.

Most attempt to connect these figures with that of God, which in and of itself is illogical. Humans naturally strive for a bigger meaning, they don't naturally strive for knowledge of the abominable snowman, or Santa Clause.

It is impossible to prove a negative, meaning I can never prove to you that God doesn't exist, just like in all essence you will never be able to prove to your friends that you aren't gay. See what I did there?
With this response it seems to me like you are making a mockery of your own thread.

It doesnt take faith to not believe in something. Faith is what you need to believe in something that can not be proven or disproven.

Read that again, and tell me how I am making a mockery of my own thread? You are telling me that the existence of God can be proven, or disproven? Exactly,hence why both ends of the spectrum require faith.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

It signifies that Atheism is faith based, just like religion is.

He can't tell someone who believes in Monotheism is wrong, just like I can't tell you you are wrong.

Hence faith based, because in reality nobody knows do they. So why Atheists continue to pretend to is beyond me.
but just because you dont believe in something doesnt make it faith, correct?

that is the thing, so many people attempt the "boogie man argument" I don't believe in the boogie man that doesn't mean I have faith that he doesn't exist. That is a strawman argument.

Making no sense, as it is a known fact that such things are cultural, and mythological lure, and tales.

Most attempt to connect these figures with that of God, which in and of itself is illogical. Humans naturally strive for a bigger meaning, they don't naturally strive for knowledge of the abominable snowman, or Santa Clause.

It is impossible to prove a negative, meaning I can never prove to you that God doesn't exist, just like in all essence you will never be able to prove to your friends that you aren't gay. See what I did there?
With this response it seems to me like you are making a mockery of your own thread.

It doesnt take faith to not believe in something. Faith is what you need to believe in something that can not be proven or disproven.

Read that again, and tell me how I am making a mockery of my own thread? You are telling me that the existence of God can be proven, or disproven? Exactly, hence why both ends of the spectrum require faith.

Several times I have noticed you respond to some things people claim by using the laughing smiley. You have "keep it mature please" in the threadtitle and most people seem to be doing that, but laughing at someone else's beliefs or claims is not what I consider being mature. You want both sides ofthe spectrum so people should come in and be able to post their view of things without you discrediting them with your smileys.

Im not even atheist, so its not like Im arguing for one side of the other I just believe it does not take faith to not believe in something that can not beproven as fact.
Originally Posted by Diego

Several times I have noticed you respond to some things people claim by using the laughing smiley. You have "keep it mature please" in the thread title and most people seem to be doing that, but laughing at someone else's beliefs or claims is not what I consider being mature. You want both sides of the spectrum so people should come in and be able to post their view of things without you discrediting them with your smileys.

Im not even atheist, so its not like Im arguing for one side of the other I just believe it does not take faith to not believe in something that can not be proven as fact.
exactly.... he's trying to use some reverse strawman argument type deal
If I find something funny I am going to laugh, who am I belittling? I am keeping it mature as can be, thing Is people are coming with the same logic Idispelled in the OP.

Read your last sentence again, you just used 3 negatives to prove your point.....the dude I just attempted to "belittle" used the smiley on me.

I guess I am sending condescending signals after all. I will take into account, you just learned the term, so I will let you claim I am using strawmanarguments, while you cosign eachother instead of debating my claims.
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