Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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New study links Christian nationalism to going maskless and neglecting to social distance amid the COVID-19 pandemic


Can’t remember the last time atheists did something like this. Can anyone remind me?

Or this

Netflix be lowkey wylin for the conservative audience.

First that weird pedophile attracting little girl dancing in bikinis thing and now they trying these ppl with Praise Satan :lol:
How is time man made construct?

I was trying to have this discussion with someone and I determined on my own within the discussion that the 24 hour day and the 12 month year kind of totally makes sense though. Based on how we can witness the change in the seasons, when the sun sets and rises, etc.

Now having a schedule, that’s a man made construct. But based on my observations, the way man interprets time itself is kinda accurate.
Yea, they deleted it.

Click on the Tweet and look in the thread.

I mean, even based on the comments there isn’t really tangible proof it’s real. I’ll take your word for it. So since we are in the atheist thread, leads me to the next question... assuming that post is real, what’s their end game?
When I was in hs/college I was 100% sure everything was science and religion was total bs.

As I've gotten older and experienced life I'm not 100% science anymore.
I don't believe in heaven, hell, praying , occurrences in the bible , etc....etc

I'm just not as sure as I was before.

Did you have a specific experience that made you feel this way?
I mean, even based on the comments there isn’t really tangible proof it’s real. I’ll take your word for it. So since we are in the atheist thread, leads me to the next question... assuming that post is real, what’s their end game?

It looks like someone did a screen capture of it too.
atheists...don't believe in Satan tho. even agnostics are on the fence about it.

I was trying to have this discussion with someone and I determined on my own within the discussion that the 24 hour day and the 12 month year kind of totally makes sense though. Based on how we can witness the change in the seasons, when the sun sets and rises, etc.

Now having a schedule, that’s a man made construct. But based on my observations, the way man interprets time itself is kinda accurate.

on this planet, sure.

...but Mars, for example, has a similar day/night cycle (24hrs-ish) but takes like 700 Earth days to loop the Sun.

we don´t even measure it all that accurately here on Dirt, given that they just shove in ¨a day¨ every 4 ¨years.¨

Why not "Green?"

why not, indeed. I didn´t pick the name or I damn sure would not have chosen ¨Soil.¨

always thought ¨Neptune¨ would have been a better name for this planet, seeing as it has all the water.

trying to get a petition started to just take it and find another name for the big blue gas ball, who cares.
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