Question for fans who live in a city with 2 teams for 1 sport

Jan 1, 2009
If you root for a specific team, how did you choose that team? Or if you like both, which one do you like more and why did you pick that team? Just curiousbecause in Toronto we only have 1 of each team so I don't know what it's like to have 2 teams of 1 sport.
In NY, The Bronx belongs to the Yankees, the Mets have Queens and most of L.I., Brooklyn tends to favor the Mets because a lot of old school Dodger heads hatethe Yankees and raise their kids to do the same, although i could be wrong. Manhattan and Staten Island are a toss up, the Yanks probably have the slight edgebecause of the history. besides that i guess it all comes down to who your family rooted for growing up. my grandfather was a Yankee fan, hence me being aYankee fan.
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and with the exception of the Dodgers, I always went against the grain.

I really started liking basketball during the '91 Finals, and everyone and their momma's was rooting for the Lakers. At that point I decided to be aBulls fan, 'cause of MJ and even after taking the heckling after they lost Game 1. I started rooting for the Clippers, just because I can't stand theLakers, and really how can you hate the Clippers. They never really accomplished anything and they often have good exciting young players to watch. Plus,tickets are cheap, so for many fans it is the only way to have a chance to catch a NBA game.

That and I attend about 5 Clipper games a year, since I always manage to get free tickets from work or my gf's fam. I was also a mini plan holder back in'04.

USC - On my block everyone grew up rooting for either Notre Dame or UCLA. They were the hot teams in the 90's. USC was in the dumps, my only joy in the90's was the Rose Bowl win against Northwestern when Keyshawn tore them up,
. I still have the newspaper from the following day,
. This decade,

For the record: There is only one baseball team in Los Angeles,
i root for the lakers hardcore.... but i always am rooting for the clippers too, just not emotionally attached to whether they win or lose. The year they weregood, i was rooting for them in the playoffs, but still not really watching the games like i was Laker games.
My mother and grandmother lived on Grand Concourse, a couple of blocks away from Yankee Stadium, when they first came to the United States in the '70s.They grew to become Yankee fans as a result. my mother tells me stories of how they could hear Yankee Stadium from their apartment and how my grandmother was afan of "Lou Banana" (Lou Piniella

The liking of the Yankees was passed down to me and my brother. Most of my family ironically root for the Yankees even though they all live in Queens.
Dad was raised in the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx and was a die-hard Mets fan growing up. Location has a little to do with whom you align your allegiancewith but that's not the case all of the time.
Dodgers fans became Mets fans when they left. My stepfather is from Queens, and the Yankees are entirely too smug.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Dodgers fans became Mets fans when they left. My stepfather is from Queens, and the Yankees are entirely too smug.
Idk. Sports have been part of my life since I was young so I kind of just picked the teams my older brother followed, Jets, Mets, and Knicks. Iactually was a Yankee fan until the '99 season when I switched to the Mets. I just started watching their games and I became hooked. I guess I alwaysfelt an attraction to the underdogs which is why I went with the Jets and Mets.
grew up in sf and rooted for the giants and a's. one is my NL team and the other AL. i enjoy the atmosphere at the oakland coliseum, even though the parkisnt as nice as sbc
The Sox and The Cubs????

I'm from The Southside so its kind of an unwritten rule to be a Sox fan vice versa with the North side and the Cubs.

Plus we rock Black and wear Pin Stripes... We Just Colder Period.
From what I've observed, the Jets own Long Island and Queens, and most of Manhattan, while Brooklyn and Bronx embraces the Giants. I don't count thebandwagoners.

My older members of my family tell me how cool is was in their day, when NY had 3 MLB teams. Imagine that.
I chose the Cubs because I started watching baseball when Sosa and Big Mac had the race to 61.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

The Sox and The Cubs????

I'm from The Southside so its kind of an unwritten rule to be a Sox fan vice versa with the North side and the Cubs.

Plus we rock Black and wear Pin Stripes... We Just Colder Period.
Seymore pretty much hit the nail on the head. Except that part about being colder
I live in the Bay and we have two football teams, and its pretty hard to root for one side since they both pretty much stink, BUT i prefer the Niners. On thebaseball side i however prefer the A's instead of the Giants.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

everyone and their momma's was rooting for the Lakers. At that point I decided to be a Bulls fan, 'cause of MJ and even after taking the heckling after they lost Game 1. I started rooting for the Clippers, just because I can't stand the Lakers, and really how can you hate the Clippers. They never really accomplished anything and they often have good exciting young players to watch. Plus, tickets are cheap, so for many fans it is the only way to have a chance to catch a NBA game.

That and I attend about 5 Clipper games a year, since I always manage to get free tickets from
i'm pretty much like you bro, moved to LA from the Philippines 10 years ago and have supported the clippers ever since, was a bulls fan backhome and whichever team jkidd was playing for, still am but the clippers are the team i root for, i've only mange to see 4 games this year due to my busyschedule though.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

i root for the lakers hardcore.... but i always am rooting for the clippers too, just not emotionally attached to whether they win or lose. The year they were good, i was rooting for them in the playoffs, but still not really watching the games like i was Laker games.
i concur. always have to root for the home team...except if you're a ucla or usc fan...hahaha
Live in Queens, big Mets fan. I'm not a Yankees fan but I do respect some of the players like Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez.
I took my Dads favorite teams: Giants and Raiders. He was raised in LA but my grandparents were from the bay area so they raised him to hate the Dodgers.

He was a Raiders fan because he says there was a lot of Raiders fans in LA. Also he moved the Orinda in the 70s and the Raiders were pretty good back then.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

The Sox and The Cubs????

I'm from The Southside so its kind of an unwritten rule to be a Sox fan vice versa with the North side and the Cubs.

Plus we rock Black and wear Pin Stripes... We Just Colder Period.
my little league jersey were the best!!! we were the white sox.
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