PSP|PS3 THD: New MW2 Trailer PG804| 250GB PS3 PG803| New GT5 Pics & FFXIII ENG Trailer PG801

this post starts out with a bang
Damn...the last thread was incredible. Let's hope this one is half as good as the last one. And Boost, could you add my PSN to the PSN list on the originalmessage?
I was wondering why you couldn't edit the other anymore
Fresh start and cleared up a damn lot of space in their database by deleting the other one probably, unless they archived it.
FIFA 09 is going to be serious. I hope to see some of you playing tomorrow (azteca83, islands84, and others I played 08 with).

nice new thread is up and running.
copping saints row tomorrow and trading in gta4, nba 2k8 and mgs4
oh dang. how did i miss the older thread getting shut down. well. i like this new thread because it's fresh and i don't even know what happened likethe last 200 pages of the last one.
[h2]Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of October 12th[/h2]

It all begins here, folks. You're about to be inundated with quality titles from now until Christmas. Dead Space is one we've been eagerly anticipating, so it's great to see its release in the US and Asia this week. Even better that it'll be waiting for us when we return from TGS. Other notable releases include SOCOM, Rock Revolution and Saints Row 2. When we say "notable," we don't necessarily mean that in a good way. Here's the full release list:
US Games EU Games
Asian Games
Release dates are constantly subject to change, almost completely by random. If you're worried, clarify with your local retailer. PS3 games are region free, so go ahead and import any game in the list above. Be aware, however, that DLC is region locked, so those downloadable Dead Space suits will only bought if manage to grab them from the appropriate PSN Store.

Boost, I'm going to need you to edit my name fam...I'm like on my 5th S/N now, b
. And when ifI get banned again, I'll let you know to update it

iLLoQuent aka DSK - iLLoQuent13
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

FIFA 09 is going to be serious. I hope to see some of you playing tomorrow (azteca83, islands84, and others I played 08 with).

i cant wait...havent played fifa on playstation since 07 since i sold my 360

but once i played the demo i got my touch back

yo BOOST add me to the list man
What are two classic must have ps3 games? im gonna buy socom and might as well buy one more and get one free...
Already 3 pages, 40+ replies, this thread is,


The OP is still in BETA form, so if you have any info you want to contribute, please PM ME so I can add it. Yes, I will be updating the PSN ID list now, sokeep dropping them. Also I will be introducing a revamped PS3 SIG sometime this week as well. Also far as the Call of Duty 4 tourney it is STILL ON. I know, I know, I know, ive been laggin, but give me sometime to look over the thread and lock down members for teams.

P.S. EDIT Button, oh how I missed you sooo much,
PSN ID: THE_AIR_UP_THERE_23 add me!!!

man cant wait for LittleBigPlanet next week, game is a def. cop
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