POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Only thing missing from this show is a time travel episode where Reek meets young Kanan
where drew get money like that to live in that penthouse?

Diana looking great. Effie looking great.

Minimal shenanigans this episode

That’s Me ca’s penthouse that Zeke then Money inherited. She sent those bozos off to go live there and get out of her crib finally.
This show is about Style, Substance, Great Acting and Opulence. Regular lettuce turns brown after a few minutes in the open air. Mary J is putting everything into her scenese so I'm sure they were on take 150. Using Green Post-it notes was the type of outside of the box thinking I can expect from this show. I might make me a Post-it note salad for lunch today in solidarity.
EYE swear, these Power mothers are a scourge on society.

One of the most destructive forces on Earth.

Another Tejada dinner scene gone off the rails.

"Should've never had you little stupid *************." :smh: :lol:

Hopefully Monet gets got by the mid-season finale.

Her big mad in designed clothing 24/7 shtick has run IT's course.

Let her chill with Ghost Lorenzo and Ghost Mecca in hell.
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These moms are really all worthless. Money disn’t even try to let one of them live the square life.

Every one committing murders just cause. This can’t be real life.
At least Ghost had the murder tech fleece fit. Biscuit Head running around town leaving DNA everywhere in his best fits.

I miss when the show paid attention to details. Ghost leaving his bloodied wide beaters in the safe for Tasha to burn. Biscuit Head not even sending his fits to the dry cleaner.
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