POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

You’d think a campus that has had *checks notes*

A professor killed, a student arrested for murder, a student confess to being a drug trafficker, star basketball player gunned down, the girlfriend of the previously arrested accused murder who is now a student also arrested, a student put in witsec, a professor hang herself and a known gang member stabbed to death on campus would have some semblance of a heightened sense of security.

But nah, Bobby Brown just making his way through campus kicking doors down with a known student.

Tariq hitting all them dudes like he was part of the crew that took down Osama but turning into Omar Epps in In Too Deep when it came to Drew was very on brand.

Ending the Tariq vs Everybody arc after an episode feels like a waste.

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Finally watched the premiere.

Ghost Recon Riq and Wingman Wee-Bray taking out Noma's supposed top notch security team 15 minutes into the episode. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Purgatory Monet watching herself in surgery while getting slandered by the unlikely tag team of Ghost Lorenzo and Ghost Mecca. :lol:

Ghost Zeke ! :wow: Got his hair did in the afterlife EYE see.

"Those jungle bunnies turned you into a ******* little white monkey...." :lol::smh:

Saxe continuing his ******* from beyond the grave. Worked Paz's dumbass son into a shoot.

Tariq implicating himself in Paz's son getting got given his history his madness.

Now he put himself on the radar of the Steve Curry variant.

Tariq and Wee-Bray really neutralized NWO Power in one episode. :lol::smh:

We are officially byke.

When Tariq told Wee-Bray that Angie was his Dad’s B**** in front of Paz’s son 😂

At this point this show can never end, we need a Riq X Fast 12 and The Family to merge

It’s incredible, NYC is the most dense populated city and yet these guys taking out federal agents, shootouts, etc in Broad daylight, not a camera in sight!!
Tariq directly involving himself in a shooting of a DEA agent at Stansfield of all places (THAT HE ACTUALLY COMMITTED!) given the slew of murders that kicked off the moment his peanut head set foot on campus is mind "bottlin". :lol: :smh:

Not eem gonna bother broaching the subject of what if Stansfield had cameras in the parking lot because we all know that they don't.
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