Ghost should've killed Holly when he first got her alone and told her to leave town, you gotta be more ruthless in that type of situation.
I didn't think the scene with Tasha was corny like a lot of yall complaining about, showed a lot to me. Remember she just got hit with that Fed information and also was in her feelings about seeing Angela there. Her saying "keep ******* her" was more about herself trying to rationalize what's happening and her fear of getting knocked, she knew he was going to anyway and she made the decision to give the yambs to Shawn right there.
I also think she gave it up to dude to have more control over him in case she has to ask a huge favor out of him down the line.
Shawn even **** women like a goofball, son got no type of aura about him at all yet I know he's going to be integral in a big event that happens this season.