POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Neighbors think you Ghost?
Not even close...... but I could be.
I guess it will be interesting to see how the season finale plays out. Ending of this one was kind of weak.
I hope 50 is getting a big bag from Starz, because he's the only reason I don't cancel my subscription. Having these shows back to back to back is a smart move.

It took a few episodes, but it got to it's Power bag and is living up to it's namesake.

Dudes are doing kills in hospitals, instead of just going for the brother who's outside? and they were going to shoot him and not try to poison him or something. That 12 inch high top wasn't noticeable.

Reggie is the oldest kid, I always thought it was Raq. Raq needs him, because she has no soldiers

The director did a ****** job this episode. Playing that whole video of Two Occasions just for Reggie to finally get upset. A lot of pointless scenes. Walking to find a empty room.

He called her Lebanese :rofl:

Father of the year Marvin :rofl: You're a drug dealing religious killer.
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I don't know what it is about Raq and Marvin, but they got some powerful ******* slaps 😂😂. Now we see what they needed the jacket for, but was that supposed to be the original plan? I know Raq set him up because he wanted to get to know Kanan. But before he made those threats, who was the initial target?
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