Post Your Tattoo Vol. Who Cares.

I got 2
18 for first 20 for second
parents arent very fond of them but the 2nd one my mom likes
i at least want 2-3 more... but dont know when im gonna get them done
Law3001- pics?
I got my first one just this past summer when I was 20. My mom and dad came with me...I know of 2 more im gonna get at the beginning of this summer and i haveplans for another 3 after that already...
im 21...i have 17 tattoos. i got my 1st wen i was 15.
i plan on getting a lot more.
parents were tight i got my 1st one so young...they got over it
they all have meaning (from big 2 small)...dont regret any of em...
and for those who ask "what you gonna do when you're 50"...
i'll worry about that in 29 years
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

how many do you have
how old were you when you got em done
parents thoughts on em (if they cared)
are you getting anymore, if so how many more?

I have 3
the first was 22, second was 23 and 3rd was 24.
pops was cool, moms was upset because of my major in school.
I want at least 4 more

i have 3
if i remember correctly 18 19
2 of them dad took me ( his homie did them ) moms dont really care
fo sho getting more just time and money is holding me back for now
I have 5…first one I got when I was 18…moms was cool with it…she even wanted one, but she was too scared. I have 2 on each top portion of my arms, and one inthe middle of my back (most recent at 24 y/o)

i want more on my back, i'm working on some ideas though...
i have just one... Got it when i was four!!!! HAHA BEAT THAT!!!!

Its a cross btw, my parents made me get the tat.
1 when i was 19
1 when i was 20
and 3 more for the future i think
i think girls with sleeves loook good on some
Nal i'll never get a tat. I wanted one bad a couple of months ago but after thinking about the long term affects i changed my mind. Tattoos on old peopledo not look good
i have 3
1 when i was 17
1 when i was 19
1 when i was 21

my next two will be soon. then my last 2 or 3 will be way in the future
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Nal i'll never get a tat. I wanted one bad a couple of months ago but after thinking about the long term affects i changed my mind. Tattoos on old people do not look good

NOTHING on old people looks eff it
I got six
1st was when i was 14 moms let me get that patented basketball tat
second was 17
3rd was nineteen
4,5, and 6 when i was 22
i have 4

1st i was 18. day after xmas. nautical star on my hip that i now kind of hate.
2nd consists of 32 red, green, yellow stars around my waist
3ed is a letter C for my gf
4th is a mustache on my finger
both on inner forearm
first one was at 15- dedicated to my great grandmother
2nd when i was 17-other one is my angle.
eventually getting a sleeves on both arms
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