Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by Jay02
Here something I ran across that kind of deals with what you are talking about:

Barack Hussein Obama...He wins the Presidency a party on 125th Street all across the world celebrations a so-called Black Man...a so called African American is President...Hope!!!!! maybe Americas foreign policy will change...maybe the inspiration will create a 'Post Racial World' it was said by the teacher on Charlie Brown.....WHAMP WHAMP WHAMP... Yes Change.... just a new president same old USA... This is the Theme of Obamas Presidency...HONEST LIES!!!!

Lets Take a better look... who is Barack Hussein Obama...he made himself look like he was so connected to the people yet let us ask him some serious questions. Was his Hit on Osama anything but an opportunity to get re-elected as CEO of The United States Inc. yes it is a company and not a Nation by and for the People.

A 'C' Student at Occidental College who then all of a sudden goes to Columbia University???

What about his 1981 Trip to Pakistan??? Many questions about why 20 year old Barry would travel to Pakistan with an unidentified Friend??? What about Passport records??? on this trip

We know that records from Obamas Passport file were unlawfully removed or altered in April of 2008 and that it that led to the Death of a State Department Employee Lt. Quarles Harris. Who would commit a political assasination to cover the passport records of the Washington Times Articles Here

After graduating with a B.A. in Political science and International Relations at Columbia University Obama was hired by a known CIA Front company called Business International Corporation which assisted American companies abroad. This key role of the CIA through various businesses allows American companies a monopoly after initiating Wars that decimate the commerce and solvency of nations. 

Business International Company is a subsidiary of The Economist Group aka The Economist Intelligence Unit which is a research and advisory company providing country, industry and management analysis worldwide and is Owned by Pearson PLC and the Rothschild Banking Family of England. Pearson PLC is both the largest education company and the largest book publisher in the world and we need not explain the Rothschilds.

So Barry works for a CIA front company after graduating from the notorious Columbia University...notorious through its School of International Affairs for recruiting young Americans and peoples from Universities worldwide to be what that multinational corporations can incite war, funding both sides with money and weapons and then after the decimation move in their companies...Colonizing at its finest

But back to Pakistan. If Barack was in Pakistan in 1981 and his state department records have been removed, altered etc... what was he doing?

A 'C' Student at Occidental College in LA, allegedly goes to Pakistan with a Friend, then comes back and enrolls in Columbia University and then works for a CIA front company ruled by the most tyrannical families on the planet???

What was he doing in Pakistan??? working for the CIA??? And why would the CIA recruit and employ Obama in Pakistan, if it did happen? Well if Obama was in Indonesia for 6 years did he ever learn Arabic? If he did he would be a wonderful recruit, Young Arabic speaking man, who grew up in Indonesia around Muslim culture a perfect spy..for What

To get amongst the Mujihideen (Osamas Clan) Whom America was Funding in Operation Cyclone from 1979-1989.

The Mujihideen whom Al Qaeda and The Taliban originated from received upwards of 2.1 billion in "Operation Cyclone" from the US. The National security adviser Zbignew Brzezinski wanted war between the Soviets and the mujihideen amongst the Afghans. In fact arming and funding the mujihideen is just what the US did which invoked the war which was big buisiness for Russia, the US, and the Mujihideen leaders (Including U Know who Osama)...The elites win ....a few million people die and young people start off their careers...Barry becomes a young aspiring CIA agent and business man on his way to a good old USA political career and Osama Bin Laden after being funded by the US Saudi Arabia and Israel starts off the CIA created Al Qaeda and Taliban

You see the war on terror is big business family and the world stage makes for a good movie, however the only terror is in the movie being played before our eyes. The plot of the movie... use some rich Arabs made rich through deals with the CIA and US companies to carry out a fake jihad, recruit young Americans who go along with the play for political fame, a senate seat and eventually even a seat as the CEO/ President for 4-8 years.

Now the announcement

We Brought Justice to Osama Bin Laden

The Media Coverage

The he dead, was it legal...Buried at Sea??? a Video of Him from the side angle watching videos of himself??? DNA evidence within a 24 hour span..what lab did the work?

Do you mean to tell us the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence, the same agency used to get the funds to the Mujahdeen during Operation Cyclone in the 80s doesn't communicate with US Intelligence agencies LMAO

The Pakistani ISI was created by Great Britain who ruled the area (British India) until Pakistan allegedly declared its independence as a nation state in 1947

Muslims versus the USA Obama versus Osama...folks these dis-tractions will continue and the ratings will rise until we realize that this is a game they play well

Their rules:

Power by any means necessary

Teamwork only for access of power based on Lineal players who hold the most influence

Barack is just playing at his level

Change yes...change CEOs... transformation for a better America??? ...wake up u r in a dream

The President controls nothing
Originally Posted by Jay02
Here something I ran across that kind of deals with what you are talking about:

Barack Hussein Obama...He wins the Presidency a party on 125th Street all across the world celebrations a so-called Black Man...a so called African American is President...Hope!!!!! maybe Americas foreign policy will change...maybe the inspiration will create a 'Post Racial World' it was said by the teacher on Charlie Brown.....WHAMP WHAMP WHAMP... Yes Change.... just a new president same old USA... This is the Theme of Obamas Presidency...HONEST LIES!!!!

Lets Take a better look... who is Barack Hussein Obama...he made himself look like he was so connected to the people yet let us ask him some serious questions. Was his Hit on Osama anything but an opportunity to get re-elected as CEO of The United States Inc. yes it is a company and not a Nation by and for the People.

A 'C' Student at Occidental College who then all of a sudden goes to Columbia University???

What about his 1981 Trip to Pakistan??? Many questions about why 20 year old Barry would travel to Pakistan with an unidentified Friend??? What about Passport records??? on this trip

We know that records from Obamas Passport file were unlawfully removed or altered in April of 2008 and that it that led to the Death of a State Department Employee Lt. Quarles Harris. Who would commit a political assasination to cover the passport records of the Washington Times Articles Here

After graduating with a B.A. in Political science and International Relations at Columbia University Obama was hired by a known CIA Front company called Business International Corporation which assisted American companies abroad. This key role of the CIA through various businesses allows American companies a monopoly after initiating Wars that decimate the commerce and solvency of nations. 

Business International Company is a subsidiary of The Economist Group aka The Economist Intelligence Unit which is a research and advisory company providing country, industry and management analysis worldwide and is Owned by Pearson PLC and the Rothschild Banking Family of England. Pearson PLC is both the largest education company and the largest book publisher in the world and we need not explain the Rothschilds.

So Barry works for a CIA front company after graduating from the notorious Columbia University...notorious through its School of International Affairs for recruiting young Americans and peoples from Universities worldwide to be what that multinational corporations can incite war, funding both sides with money and weapons and then after the decimation move in their companies...Colonizing at its finest

But back to Pakistan. If Barack was in Pakistan in 1981 and his state department records have been removed, altered etc... what was he doing?

A 'C' Student at Occidental College in LA, allegedly goes to Pakistan with a Friend, then comes back and enrolls in Columbia University and then works for a CIA front company ruled by the most tyrannical families on the planet???

What was he doing in Pakistan??? working for the CIA??? And why would the CIA recruit and employ Obama in Pakistan, if it did happen? Well if Obama was in Indonesia for 6 years did he ever learn Arabic? If he did he would be a wonderful recruit, Young Arabic speaking man, who grew up in Indonesia around Muslim culture a perfect spy..for What

To get amongst the Mujihideen (Osamas Clan) Whom America was Funding in Operation Cyclone from 1979-1989.

The Mujihideen whom Al Qaeda and The Taliban originated from received upwards of 2.1 billion in "Operation Cyclone" from the US. The National security adviser Zbignew Brzezinski wanted war between the Soviets and the mujihideen amongst the Afghans. In fact arming and funding the mujihideen is just what the US did which invoked the war which was big buisiness for Russia, the US, and the Mujihideen leaders (Including U Know who Osama)...The elites win ....a few million people die and young people start off their careers...Barry becomes a young aspiring CIA agent and business man on his way to a good old USA political career and Osama Bin Laden after being funded by the US Saudi Arabia and Israel starts off the CIA created Al Qaeda and Taliban

You see the war on terror is big business family and the world stage makes for a good movie, however the only terror is in the movie being played before our eyes. The plot of the movie... use some rich Arabs made rich through deals with the CIA and US companies to carry out a fake jihad, recruit young Americans who go along with the play for political fame, a senate seat and eventually even a seat as the CEO/ President for 4-8 years.

Now the announcement

We Brought Justice to Osama Bin Laden

The Media Coverage

The he dead, was it legal...Buried at Sea??? a Video of Him from the side angle watching videos of himself??? DNA evidence within a 24 hour span..what lab did the work?

Do you mean to tell us the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence, the same agency used to get the funds to the Mujahdeen during Operation Cyclone in the 80s doesn't communicate with US Intelligence agencies LMAO

The Pakistani ISI was created by Great Britain who ruled the area (British India) until Pakistan allegedly declared its independence as a nation state in 1947

Muslims versus the USA Obama versus Osama...folks these dis-tractions will continue and the ratings will rise until we realize that this is a game they play well

Their rules:

Power by any means necessary

Teamwork only for access of power based on Lineal players who hold the most influence

Barack is just playing at his level

Change yes...change CEOs... transformation for a better America??? ...wake up u r in a dream

The President controls nothing
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS
but this is science...not religion....
they have a process that they use to make these statements. The only way to disagree with the statement is to find fault in the process...

What part of the process is BS to you?
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS
but this is science...not religion....
they have a process that they use to make these statements. The only way to disagree with the statement is to find fault in the process...

What part of the process is BS to you?
^^^^Science is only BS when it conflicts with his fictional beliefs. If an old ancient scripture said electricity doesn't exist, he would call electricity ******%% as well. Save your breath.
^^^^Science is only BS when it conflicts with his fictional beliefs. If an old ancient scripture said electricity doesn't exist, he would call electricity ******%% as well. Save your breath.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS

Ok but at what step in the carbon dating process does it become BS? Or is carbon dating as a whole BS to you?
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by JD214

I mean i believe in that

But stuff they say about a rock being 3 Million years old, I don't believe that crap.

So I believe in some Science

What part of the carbon dating process do you have a problem with?

Just don't believe the age they say about them, or when they say how old the Earth is.

"The oldest rocks which have been found so far (on the Earth) date to about 3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago"

"minerals which are themselves as old as 4.1 to 4.2 billion year"

All that is BS

Ok but at what step in the carbon dating process does it become BS? Or is carbon dating as a whole BS to you?
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

stupid but it did slip my mind. the kinect on the xbox is not only used to play games but used to spy on us by the govt. if they had reason or wanted to. then later thought that maybe even webcams on computers are too. dumb but you never know lol. it sparked because i read some article stating that in the future the kinect might be used for advertising that if say for instance the kinect sees someone on the couch wearing a sports jersey, then you might see ads on your xbox or whatever device for sports stuff for that team or whatever.
i feel that way about my kinect i unhook it after i finish playing it because i don't want to be watched by someone through the camera.
it sounds farfetched but anything is possible.
Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

stupid but it did slip my mind. the kinect on the xbox is not only used to play games but used to spy on us by the govt. if they had reason or wanted to. then later thought that maybe even webcams on computers are too. dumb but you never know lol. it sparked because i read some article stating that in the future the kinect might be used for advertising that if say for instance the kinect sees someone on the couch wearing a sports jersey, then you might see ads on your xbox or whatever device for sports stuff for that team or whatever.
i feel that way about my kinect i unhook it after i finish playing it because i don't want to be watched by someone through the camera.
it sounds farfetched but anything is possible.
Originally Posted by NewEra202

Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8
College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.

first college graduate i've witnessed saying this
please tell me you are referring to CC..
I graduated from UNLV majoring in kinesiology. Many of the things I learned I could have just gone to the library and picked up a book. I will make the
exception and say lab was a class that did not waste time. Going to college is supposed to be the ticket to the good life. Going to college is supposed to bring in so much
money. The problem is many students have to go back home to mom and dad after they graduate. Many are taught take out a loan go to college, when you graduate you will have
a great paying job that will take care of that loan for you, no problem. Many people struggle to find a job and some have low level desk jobs they could have gotten after HS
also these students are now in debt. We always hear go to college, but college isnt for everybody. Statistics show that students who graduate in the bottom 35% of HS do not graduate
from college. Colleges know this and still target these students for their money. We all know college is a business. College is a good thing for students that are smart enough and have the grades for professional jobs.If you want to be a lawyer or doctor yea you NEED college. For others its often smarter to go to a technical school or become an apprentice for a business. You will be well trained and more employable. Vocational school is great for many. Plumbers and electricians make around 45k a year and that's more than the average American. These students
graduate without loans from school. What people need to learn is that you don't have to have a four year degree to become successful. Do I regret going to college? No I loved it and
I was lucky to have a scholarship but still college is not for everybody.
Originally Posted by NewEra202

Originally Posted by Cubinican

This thread is nice
I believe the government hides the truth.
Steve Jobs uses the iphone 8
College is a huge waste of time and money and Im a college graduate.
The bible is a book of theories. I believe in God but not the bible.

first college graduate i've witnessed saying this
please tell me you are referring to CC..
I graduated from UNLV majoring in kinesiology. Many of the things I learned I could have just gone to the library and picked up a book. I will make the
exception and say lab was a class that did not waste time. Going to college is supposed to be the ticket to the good life. Going to college is supposed to bring in so much
money. The problem is many students have to go back home to mom and dad after they graduate. Many are taught take out a loan go to college, when you graduate you will have
a great paying job that will take care of that loan for you, no problem. Many people struggle to find a job and some have low level desk jobs they could have gotten after HS
also these students are now in debt. We always hear go to college, but college isnt for everybody. Statistics show that students who graduate in the bottom 35% of HS do not graduate
from college. Colleges know this and still target these students for their money. We all know college is a business. College is a good thing for students that are smart enough and have the grades for professional jobs.If you want to be a lawyer or doctor yea you NEED college. For others its often smarter to go to a technical school or become an apprentice for a business. You will be well trained and more employable. Vocational school is great for many. Plumbers and electricians make around 45k a year and that's more than the average American. These students
graduate without loans from school. What people need to learn is that you don't have to have a four year degree to become successful. Do I regret going to college? No I loved it and
I was lucky to have a scholarship but still college is not for everybody.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02
Here something I ran across that kind of deals with what you are talking about:

Barack Hussein Obama...He wins the Presidency a party on 125th Street all across the world celebrations a so-called Black Man...a so called African American is President...Hope!!!!! maybe Americas foreign policy will change...maybe the inspiration will create a 'Post Racial World' it was said by the teacher on Charlie Brown.....WHAMP WHAMP WHAMP... Yes Change.... just a new president same old USA... This is the Theme of Obamas Presidency...HONEST LIES!!!!

Lets Take a better look... who is Barack Hussein Obama...he made himself look like he was so connected to the people yet let us ask him some serious questions. Was his Hit on Osama anything but an opportunity to get re-elected as CEO of The United States Inc. yes it is a company and not a Nation by and for the People.

A 'C' Student at Occidental College who then all of a sudden goes to Columbia University???

What about his 1981 Trip to Pakistan??? Many questions about why 20 year old Barry would travel to Pakistan with an unidentified Friend??? What about Passport records??? on this trip

We know that records from Obamas Passport file were unlawfully removed or altered in April of 2008 and that it that led to the Death of a State Department Employee Lt. Quarles Harris. Who would commit a political assasination to cover the passport records of the Washington Times Articles Here

After graduating with a B.A. in Political science and International Relations at Columbia University Obama was hired by a known CIA Front company called Business International Corporation which assisted American companies abroad. This key role of the CIA through various businesses allows American companies a monopoly after initiating Wars that decimate the commerce and solvency of nations. 

Business International Company is a subsidiary of The Economist Group aka The Economist Intelligence Unit which is a research and advisory company providing country, industry and management analysis worldwide and is Owned by Pearson PLC and the Rothschild Banking Family of England. Pearson PLC is both the largest education company and the largest book publisher in the world and we need not explain the Rothschilds.

So Barry works for a CIA front company after graduating from the notorious Columbia University...notorious through its School of International Affairs for recruiting young Americans and peoples from Universities worldwide to be what that multinational corporations can incite war, funding both sides with money and weapons and then after the decimation move in their companies...Colonizing at its finest

But back to Pakistan. If Barack was in Pakistan in 1981 and his state department records have been removed, altered etc... what was he doing?

A 'C' Student at Occidental College in LA, allegedly goes to Pakistan with a Friend, then comes back and enrolls in Columbia University and then works for a CIA front company ruled by the most tyrannical families on the planet???

What was he doing in Pakistan??? working for the CIA??? And why would the CIA recruit and employ Obama in Pakistan, if it did happen? Well if Obama was in Indonesia for 6 years did he ever learn Arabic? If he did he would be a wonderful recruit, Young Arabic speaking man, who grew up in Indonesia around Muslim culture a perfect spy..for What

To get amongst the Mujihideen (Osamas Clan) Whom America was Funding in Operation Cyclone from 1979-1989.

The Mujihideen whom Al Qaeda and The Taliban originated from received upwards of 2.1 billion in "Operation Cyclone" from the US. The National security adviser Zbignew Brzezinski wanted war between the Soviets and the mujihideen amongst the Afghans. In fact arming and funding the mujihideen is just what the US did which invoked the war which was big buisiness for Russia, the US, and the Mujihideen leaders (Including U Know who Osama)...The elites win ....a few million people die and young people start off their careers...Barry becomes a young aspiring CIA agent and business man on his way to a good old USA political career and Osama Bin Laden after being funded by the US Saudi Arabia and Israel starts off the CIA created Al Qaeda and Taliban

You see the war on terror is big business family and the world stage makes for a good movie, however the only terror is in the movie being played before our eyes. The plot of the movie... use some rich Arabs made rich through deals with the CIA and US companies to carry out a fake jihad, recruit young Americans who go along with the play for political fame, a senate seat and eventually even a seat as the CEO/ President for 4-8 years.

Now the announcement

We Brought Justice to Osama Bin Laden

The Media Coverage

The he dead, was it legal...Buried at Sea??? a Video of Him from the side angle watching videos of himself??? DNA evidence within a 24 hour span..what lab did the work?

Do you mean to tell us the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence, the same agency used to get the funds to the Mujahdeen during Operation Cyclone in the 80s doesn't communicate with US Intelligence agencies LMAO

The Pakistani ISI was created by Great Britain who ruled the area (British India) until Pakistan allegedly declared its independence as a nation state in 1947

Muslims versus the USA Obama versus Osama...folks these dis-tractions will continue and the ratings will rise until we realize that this is a game they play well

Their rules:

Power by any means necessary

Teamwork only for access of power based on Lineal players who hold the most influence

Barack is just playing at his level

Change yes...change CEOs... transformation for a better America??? ...wake up u r in a dream

The President controls nothing

where are your sources for all the info you gave?
regarding his gpa at occidental

and the company that is a CIA front.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02
Here something I ran across that kind of deals with what you are talking about:

Barack Hussein Obama...He wins the Presidency a party on 125th Street all across the world celebrations a so-called Black Man...a so called African American is President...Hope!!!!! maybe Americas foreign policy will change...maybe the inspiration will create a 'Post Racial World' it was said by the teacher on Charlie Brown.....WHAMP WHAMP WHAMP... Yes Change.... just a new president same old USA... This is the Theme of Obamas Presidency...HONEST LIES!!!!

Lets Take a better look... who is Barack Hussein Obama...he made himself look like he was so connected to the people yet let us ask him some serious questions. Was his Hit on Osama anything but an opportunity to get re-elected as CEO of The United States Inc. yes it is a company and not a Nation by and for the People.

A 'C' Student at Occidental College who then all of a sudden goes to Columbia University???

What about his 1981 Trip to Pakistan??? Many questions about why 20 year old Barry would travel to Pakistan with an unidentified Friend??? What about Passport records??? on this trip

We know that records from Obamas Passport file were unlawfully removed or altered in April of 2008 and that it that led to the Death of a State Department Employee Lt. Quarles Harris. Who would commit a political assasination to cover the passport records of the Washington Times Articles Here

After graduating with a B.A. in Political science and International Relations at Columbia University Obama was hired by a known CIA Front company called Business International Corporation which assisted American companies abroad. This key role of the CIA through various businesses allows American companies a monopoly after initiating Wars that decimate the commerce and solvency of nations. 

Business International Company is a subsidiary of The Economist Group aka The Economist Intelligence Unit which is a research and advisory company providing country, industry and management analysis worldwide and is Owned by Pearson PLC and the Rothschild Banking Family of England. Pearson PLC is both the largest education company and the largest book publisher in the world and we need not explain the Rothschilds.

So Barry works for a CIA front company after graduating from the notorious Columbia University...notorious through its School of International Affairs for recruiting young Americans and peoples from Universities worldwide to be what that multinational corporations can incite war, funding both sides with money and weapons and then after the decimation move in their companies...Colonizing at its finest

But back to Pakistan. If Barack was in Pakistan in 1981 and his state department records have been removed, altered etc... what was he doing?

A 'C' Student at Occidental College in LA, allegedly goes to Pakistan with a Friend, then comes back and enrolls in Columbia University and then works for a CIA front company ruled by the most tyrannical families on the planet???

What was he doing in Pakistan??? working for the CIA??? And why would the CIA recruit and employ Obama in Pakistan, if it did happen? Well if Obama was in Indonesia for 6 years did he ever learn Arabic? If he did he would be a wonderful recruit, Young Arabic speaking man, who grew up in Indonesia around Muslim culture a perfect spy..for What

To get amongst the Mujihideen (Osamas Clan) Whom America was Funding in Operation Cyclone from 1979-1989.

The Mujihideen whom Al Qaeda and The Taliban originated from received upwards of 2.1 billion in "Operation Cyclone" from the US. The National security adviser Zbignew Brzezinski wanted war between the Soviets and the mujihideen amongst the Afghans. In fact arming and funding the mujihideen is just what the US did which invoked the war which was big buisiness for Russia, the US, and the Mujihideen leaders (Including U Know who Osama)...The elites win ....a few million people die and young people start off their careers...Barry becomes a young aspiring CIA agent and business man on his way to a good old USA political career and Osama Bin Laden after being funded by the US Saudi Arabia and Israel starts off the CIA created Al Qaeda and Taliban

You see the war on terror is big business family and the world stage makes for a good movie, however the only terror is in the movie being played before our eyes. The plot of the movie... use some rich Arabs made rich through deals with the CIA and US companies to carry out a fake jihad, recruit young Americans who go along with the play for political fame, a senate seat and eventually even a seat as the CEO/ President for 4-8 years.

Now the announcement

We Brought Justice to Osama Bin Laden

The Media Coverage

The he dead, was it legal...Buried at Sea??? a Video of Him from the side angle watching videos of himself??? DNA evidence within a 24 hour span..what lab did the work?

Do you mean to tell us the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence, the same agency used to get the funds to the Mujahdeen during Operation Cyclone in the 80s doesn't communicate with US Intelligence agencies LMAO

The Pakistani ISI was created by Great Britain who ruled the area (British India) until Pakistan allegedly declared its independence as a nation state in 1947

Muslims versus the USA Obama versus Osama...folks these dis-tractions will continue and the ratings will rise until we realize that this is a game they play well

Their rules:

Power by any means necessary

Teamwork only for access of power based on Lineal players who hold the most influence

Barack is just playing at his level

Change yes...change CEOs... transformation for a better America??? ...wake up u r in a dream

The President controls nothing

where are your sources for all the info you gave?
regarding his gpa at occidental

and the company that is a CIA front.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

Whats funny is that when I was watching that Osama mission with my buddies. We were 
 and just talking about Obama, and my buddy said wouldnt that be some %$!* if Obama was a spy. I was gonna say that on my originial post but I figured i would get bashed more than I already would. Funny that your article brought that up.
Interesting read. Im telling everybody, this man shouldnt be trusted. People are being blinded by politics.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

Whats funny is that when I was watching that Osama mission with my buddies. We were 
 and just talking about Obama, and my buddy said wouldnt that be some %$!* if Obama was a spy. I was gonna say that on my originial post but I figured i would get bashed more than I already would. Funny that your article brought that up.
Interesting read. Im telling everybody, this man shouldnt be trusted. People are being blinded by politics.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by jerryjones

Originally Posted by Jay02

Whats funny is that when I was watching that Osama mission with my buddies. We were 
 and just talking about Obama, and my buddy said wouldnt that be some %$!* if Obama was a spy. I was gonna say that on my originial post but I figured i would get bashed more than I already would. Funny that your article brought that up.

Interesting read. Im telling everybody, this man shouldnt be trusted. People are being blinded by politics.

umm..... sort of too late.... He's the president of your country....
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