Post pics of your girl. show her off!

OP you def still have feelings for him.
i do, it was 2 1/2 years after all, i am not even going to act hard and say no i don't

but also i don't want to go back to him just because i still have feelings. that would be stupid
well let me say that both sides of the family are really heartbroken because they were counting on a wedding soon.

He would always  tell me, even during the time he was cheating, that we will be getting engaged sometime this year...
his mom has talk with me telling me that i am his only love and that he would be lost without me etc.
my dad wants to beat his ***. my mom is heartbroken. the list goes on and on lol my friends hate him etc.

but how do you trust something that tells you they want to marry you and you are still the girl of their dreams and all that while they are cheating? it just doesn't make sense to me.

People learn from mistakes. Maybe he can change from the situation. I will say you need to stop having sex with him before you make your decision. Sex blurrs everything. Right now he has no reason to change because he is still getting sex from you.
:lol: @ these youngsters wanting to see pics that bad...

That serious huh?
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People learn from mistakes. Maybe he can change from the situation. I will say you need to stop having sex with him before you make your decision. Sex blurrs everything. Right now he has no reason to change because he is still getting sex from you.
i completely agree with you, but he has changed, and i don't know if it is because he wants to get me back or because he did learn from his mistake? i guess time will give me that answer... but then again i don't know if i WANT to give him that time
i completely agree with you, but he has changed, and i don't know if it is because he wants to get me back or because he did learn from his mistake? i guess time will give me that answer... but then again i don't know if i WANT to give him that time

Obviously you do if you're willing to continue sex after a break up.
Obviously you do if you're willing to continue sex after a break up.


women are so volatile

she still loves dude but now its the trust issues, she wants to keep giving him that P but she deep down is confused as to why he has done this.

most women will not just let a guy go after they have cheated when it was a serious relationship an they loved, especially if they had visions of a future with that guy in their head/family actually liked the person

she made this thread so we could re-assure her that she need to give him another chance an that men will be men an also how she can not let this happen again

idc how edcuated she is........happens all the time
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women are so volatile

she still loves dude but now its the trust issues, she wants to keep giving him that P but she deep down is confused as to why he has done this.

most women will not just let a guy go after they have cheated when it was a serious relationship an they loved, especially if they had visions of a future with that guy in their head/family actually liked the person

she made this thread so we could re-assure her that she need to give him another chance an that men will be men an also how she can not let this happen again.

Yea I started to go into that, but deleted it before I posted. Women never know what the hell they want. Haha
Yea I started to go into that, but deleted it before I posted. Women never know what the hell they want. Haha

nah man give it to her straight

this is what she is here for, she needs multiple male opinions to get her mind right.
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if the relationship aint 100% pure then forget about it OP

is your scumbag ex an NTer as well?
OP - You should get back with him. Men cheat. One day after you been married for 6 years you will meet a person that you want to sleep with. It does not mean you love your husband any less.

His only mistake was getting caught.
OP - You should get back with him. Men cheat. One day after you been married for 6 years you will meet a person that you want to sleep with. It does not mean you love your husband any less.

His only mistake was getting caught.
Right, everyone is faced with temptations... And I was too during my relationship with him, that doesn't mean I should give in those temptations. I guess my morals/values are different than his.
I found out, smacked him, left him, ignored him and started talking to someone.

This is where I stopped reading because that should be the end of the story. If there is no kids invovled why keep a relationship open when you'll 2nd guess everything he does from this point on?

I just started see a chick (we are not offical yet but I see things heading in that direction) and we already established a few things. one being what cheating is.

women are so volatile

she still loves dude but now its the trust issues, she wants to keep giving him that P but she deep down is confused as to why he has done this.

most women will not just let a guy go after they have cheated when it was a serious relationship an they loved, especially if they had visions of a future with that guy in their head/family actually liked the person

she made this thread so we could re-assure her that she need to give him another chance an that men will be men an also how she can not let this happen again

idc how edcuated she is........happens all the time
It is hard to let go after you basically picture your future with that person and families are so close to each other. And then I'll get blamed by his family for not being a forgiving person. In these situations it is better to follow my mind rather than my heart.

And I posted this because the people closest to me are all giving me different opinions.. And online strangers usually give brutally honest opinions.. And that's what I was looking for :smile:
OP - You should get back with him. Men cheat. One day after you been married for 6 years you will meet a person that you want to sleep with. It does not mean you love your husband any less.

His only mistake was getting caught.
Right, everyone is faced with temptations... And I was too during my relationship with him, that doesn't mean I should give in those temptations. I guess my morals/values are different than his.

Your moral values go against human nature.

No matter what we say, only you can decide if you get back with him or not.

I got caught cheating on the love of my life a long time ago. My regret wasn't that I cheated... It was that I got caught.
This was about 8 years ago and in hindsight I can not fathom having slept with her and only her for the past 8 yrs.

I understand the feeling of betrayal. Once you get past that though... You gotta accept he was just dealing with natural human behavior.
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Your moral values go against human nature.

No matter what we say, only you can decide if you get back with him or not.

I got caught cheating on the love of my life a long time ago. My regret wasn't that I cheated... It was that I got caught.
This was about 8 years ago and in hindsight I can not fathom having slept with her and only with hey for the past 8 yrs.

I understand the feeling of betrayal. Once you get past that though... You gotta accept he was just dealing with natural human behavior.
Natural human behavior for a month and a half? He told me he had sex with her twice... Which I don't believe... But she was basically his side chick for that time until I found out.
Natural human behavior would be sleeping with her and stopping it there, not calls/emails/texts/ hanging out
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It was only sex. It's not like he started catching feelings, hugging up, cuddling, kissing, going out to eat, and spending extra time together.................or was he :nerd:
he coulda been havin an affair with her the whole time

i know it sounds crazy, but maybe she stimulated/connected with him in a diff way but he loves you

then you got people who can love more than one at the same damn time.....

anyways, even though you got feelings for him left, itll be so hard for you to ever trust him again, just cut it off because engaged/married will just not work out down the road
So you'll feel less hurt if you found out he smashed and kept it moving without all the extras? If this is the case you probably would've never found out. Are you ok with this?

He was only playing within the rules that society has put out there for him. She wasn't going to let him smash without him putting in any effort.

Please stay with him.
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It was only sex. It's not like he started catching feelings, hugging up, cuddling, kissing, going out to eat, and spending extra time together.................or was he :nerd:

Well, they worked together, saw each other a lot... Went out to eat, late night phone calls, obviously kissed and called each other babe. So you tell me
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