Post pics of your girl. show her off!

You ever consider the reason he wants you back is because your potential is way higher than the other girls? You said he dropped out of Law school to follow his passion and start a podcast, how's that going for him? When you finish dental school and get a job, if you're with him he'll want you to be the bank as proof you support his passions. Also, how much of him trying to win you back is at the urging of his family? You also need to consider if this is a temporary change to get you back and once he does will he go back to his past behavior. You've indulged him by answering his calls, texts, and emails, letting him smash when he sees you, and going out on dates with him. He probably thinks he's already back in there with you and going forward all he'll have to do to fix a problem is put in a little extra effort, because you never cut him off. The last thing you need to decide is whether or not you can trust him again, if not then there's no point in getting back with him.

At the end of the day it's your life OP. You know him and yourself better than any of us. Do what you think is best.
Op, why complicate life? You wanna get back with him do it, if you wanna end it do it. Never understood why people make life complicated. At the end of the day you're gonna do what makes you happy, no matter what we say. IMO, you should move on. Seems like you have a bright future ahead of you. You're action speaks louder and you're still having sex with him.
I will never understand how someone gets cheated on and then feels the need to discuss their course of action with others.

Break up immediately, no contact, no closure.

You made the right move, keep it pushin.
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I will never understand how someone gets cheated on and then feels the need to discuss their course of action with others.

Break up immediately, no contact, no closure.

You made the right move, keep it pushin.
In all fairness... it's different when you've been with someone for a long time and know them on a very personal level, and you guys know each other's friends/family, etc

If their relationship was deeper than just sex, then him having sex with someone else wouldn't necessarily cancel out everything else he brings. That's for each person to decide
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Hi everyone, so after using accutane i was left with a few scars on my cheeks so  I went to a dermatologist and he recommended V beam laser. My appointment is on Jan 2nd and I am really not sure if I should do it...Have any of you tried it? would you recommend it?

Not a lot of people are arabic on this forum so not a lot would relate, many of them are independent and do not really care about what their parents have to say, but being chaldean/arab (same thing). Is just different. Our parents have such a strict mindset and we grow up wanting to please them and it just hurts us more than it would hurt, say american, people to disappoint their parents.

acne + conservative yambz = the search for that strange
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Op, why complicate life? You wanna get back with him do it, if you wanna end it do it. Never understood why people make life complicated. At the end of the day you're gonna do what makes you happy, no matter what we say. IMO, you should move on. Seems like you have a bright future ahead of you. You're action speaks louder and you're still having sex with him.

I've come to the realaiztion that when women look for advice. She's looking for the situation to be complicated. Women hardly ever go with there gut feelings which is why (IMO) they seek out so many other peoples different opinions. Then in turn going against there own feelings and get hurt.
He cheated on you once with in his mind he'll never get caught, he will do it again as time passes and when your relationship with him gets comfortable. Kind of like a DUI. You get it once thinking you learned your lesson, but there is an 80% chance you'll get a second and possibly a third. So with all that said, if you're comfortable in your mind with a small percent chance he may never do it again, go for it.

sports, music, and fashion... he wants to start his own podcast and hopefully get into that field.
He is a very intelligent guy

dropping out of school for that isn't too smart. never quit your day until that big break. especially if its a top ten law school the money is there… now a law degree from devry tho, dropping out makes more sense lol
If you can be happy and won't hold it against him in future arguments, I say go back.
However, I can only imagine that being impossible...So if you can't, move on. If this happened to me, it'd replay over and over in my head. Therefore, I wouldn't go back.

"NWTS" :lol:.

You need to realize. The fact no.matter what people say or what you think, ALL MEN CHEAT

And this is a fact. Its in.our nature we can't help it. Its kind of like how MEN take a per, we stand up not sit down

But the difference when we CHEAT there is no emotions. To us it is no different then paying for gas at a gas station or getting a lap dance from a stripper

If your ok with that get your man back if not you need to find a female.

Women CHEAT to but they CHEAT with intentions and emotions

Now most men only CHEAT maybe once a year we need that new booty every once and awhile
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Went thru 6 pages expecting to see some pics.........

Wtf is this ****.......
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