Aug 30, 2008

Providence police sergeant fired for making racist comments

A Providence police sergeant has been fired after being accused of making a racist comment about another officer while on the job.

According to documents from the Police Bill of Right's hearing, Sgt. David Marchant made the comment when inspecting a suspicious package in the Brown University mail room in December.

Documents show when Police Officer Frank Moody, who specializes in improvised explosives, arrived on scene and learned that Marchant didn't properly follow protocols, he addressed Marchant and another officer about the infraction.

Marchant responded to the confrontation by saying, "How I handled it was OK because I had the one black Officer open the package."

While Marchant claimed it was a joke, Moody noted that he did not appreciate the comment.

"That's not right," Moody said before leaving the scene.

During his testimony in October, Marchant said he apologized personally to the officer in question three days after the incident, but said his words were not "thought out or planned ahead of time."

Officer Khari Bass, the recipient of the comment, also testified in the case. Bass said Marchant's words were degrading and disrespectful.

"I was hurt, you know," said Bass, who explained that he did not appreciate the comments "because they suggested black people are of lesser value or are less significant" due to their skin color or heritage. "Two, I felt disgusted, you know. But I was near speechless."

Bass went on to cite another example of Marchant making racial comments, noting that Marchant "does not think before he understands his audience."

A report noted that Marchant said he felt comfortable enough with the officer to make the comment. He also stated that he said it to lighten the mood.

But Bass said that while he understands Marchant intended to be humorous, "I don't find that funny, personally."

Colonel Hugh T. Clements also testified. When asked if he thought Marchant had a "stellar record" as an officer, Clements said, "No."

As a result, Marchant was charged with seven code of conduct violations, including making discriminatory remarks, as well as professional conduct.

"Racism has no place in our city and will not be tolerated within government," said Mayor Jorge Elorza. "Today's decision sends a strong message that racial bias will has no place in the Providence Police or any city department and those who violate will face justice."

Marchant was a 21-year veteran of the Providence Police force.
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