Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

but people arent saying brown is "innocent" as much as... he just didnt deserve to get gunned down like a dog.

1) the 2 incidents are unrelated. so why is it that everyone who is on wilson's side, uses brown's strongarm robbery to explain his death?

2) the video was put out to create confusion and to give those against brown some ground to stand on. and it did exactly that. because wilson didnt know brown did it, the 2 incidents need to be separated. from WILSON'S pov, he saw 2 dudes (lets leave race out just for poops and giggles) walking down their street in their neighborhood and didnt like it. so he rolled up on em and started an altercation which ultimately lead to him shooting one MULTIPLE times. protocol was NOT followed (body left in the street, where was backup, why did he get out of his car and shoot at someone down the street). He makes files a ludicrous explanation for what happened and why he did it. for the next 104 days they reviewed/gathered evidence. at minimum this deserved a trial, and thats why people are mad.

^^^ those are the only facts in this case. the rest of it is hearsay and opinion.

people arent up in arms necessarily because the wilson wasn't found guilty. theyre up in arms because they wont even bother to put him on trial. So it comes off as, black life is soooooo worthless that its not even worth a trial to EXPLAIN why you killed them anymore. mike brown wouldve had to go to trial just to plead his case over less than $5 in cigarellos. But shooting an unarmed kid in the street 6-7 times isnt worth a trial?

How much progress has been made from the protests so far? I want to keep track.
I think now cops can make money killing blacks.. Gerge Zimmerman.. lots of money and wilson he can retire.. he killed a black person and got almost a million off of donations
but people arent saying brown is "innocent" as much as... he just didnt deserve to get gunned down like a dog.

1) the 2 incidents are unrelated. so why is it that everyone who is on wilson's side, uses brown's strongarm robbery to explain his death?

2) the video was put out to create confusion and to give those against brown some ground to stand on. and it did exactly that. because wilson didnt know brown did it, the 2 incidents need to be separated. from WILSON'S pov, he saw 2 dudes (lets leave race out just for poops and giggles) walking down their street in their neighborhood and didnt like it. so he rolled up on em and started an altercation which ultimately lead to him shooting one MULTIPLE times. protocol was NOT followed (body left in the street, where was backup, why did he get out of his car and shoot at someone down the street). He makes files a ludicrous explanation for what happened and why he did it. for the next 104 days they reviewed/gathered evidence. at minimum this deserved a trial, and thats why people are mad.

^^^ those are the only facts in this case. the rest of it is hearsay and opinion.

people arent up in arms necessarily because the wilson wasn't found guilty. theyre up in arms because they wont even bother to put him on trial. So it comes off as, black life is soooooo worthless that its not even worth a trial to EXPLAIN why you killed them anymore. mike brown wouldve had to go to trial just to plead his case over less than $5 in cigarellos. But shooting an unarmed kid in the street 6-7 times isnt worth a trial?

and they looped the ****ernit out of 2.) i call it criminization propoganda.. if you dont like blacks.. it works well.
nobody wants to talk about DW history getting fired
he got rich.. didnt get fired..
Why don't you do research or follow the leaders in the movement?
Link me to the list you have. Because my searches for leadership in Ferguson come up with random groups and many different petitions. Should I follow the naacp or Jesse Jackson? Those are the two biggest names involved
nobody wants to talk about DW history getting fired:rofl:
he got rich.. didnt get fired..

He is referring to Wilson's former job with another PD in Jennings.

3 years ago everyone (Wilson included) was fired from the Jennings Police Department.

The city council disbanded the department because there was so much tension between the white cops and Black residents.
He is referring to Wilson's former job with another PD in Jennings.

3 years ago everyone (Wilson included) was fired from the Jennings Police Department.

The city council disbanded the department because there was so much tension between the white cops and Black residents.

So he was transferred not fired then. I don't think it's possible to be fired as a cop and then regain employment as a cop

One thing I'll give white supremacists, they're very good at sticking to their lies.   They decide on a lie, tell it to each other through propaganda channels (like Fox) and then repeat it until it's true. 
Giuliani :rofl:

One thing I'll give white supremacists, they're very good at sticking to their lies.   They decide on a lie, tell it to each other through propaganda channels (like Fox) and then repeat it until it's true. 

all you delusional self hating blacks are idiots.  you probably hate all the melanin in your body.  you probably want to marry a white woman to boost your credit scores...  (for the record: Im pro life, love, race, all that... i truly mean it.  I just hate closeted racist.)

Meth, please don't ban me, i know you fight on our side.  Its the dumb pushers who allow their higher up masters the ability to move in silence.  I promise they'd be the tokens justifying the masters god given supreme ruling.  ol toby *** ******.  smh.

You lost me at the second part of your post which I quoted.

Anybody who has to hyphenate and or make it a point to tell you "by the way I'm pro-life, love etc, probably isn't.

You're sound no better than the white guy who claims he's not racist because his best friend is black.

Don't worry I'm not judging or looking down on you, just calling a spade a spade based on the info you gave me/us. I found your post very ironic, and like almost every post in this thread now, stereotypical and cliche.

This thread should be closing soon anyway, it's no longer bringing awareness to the situation at hand so much as making people bitter, judge-mental ***** and robots with misinformation.

A bunch of pots and kettles calling everybody SWS, Uncle Toms and cornballs, page after page. No thanks

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Why did you kill the police officer, because he was going to kill me. How would that defense work?

How much progress has been made from the protests so far? I want to keep track.

Funny how you said this, but your kind is quick to throw out they don't care
You lost me at the second part of your post which I quoted.

Anybody who has to hyphenate "by the way I'm pro-life, love etc, pro a ly isn't.

You're sound no better than the white guy who claims he's bot racist because his best friend is black.

Don't worry I'm not judging or looking down on you, just calling a spade a spade based on the info you have me/us. I found your post very ironic, and like almost every post in this thread now, stereotypical and cliche.

This thread should be closing soon anyway, it's no longer bringing awareness to the situation at hand so much as making people bitter, judge mental ***** and robots with misinformation.

A bunch of pots and kettles calling everybody SWS, Uncle Toms and cornballs, page after page. No thanks


It's funny at the response you became outraged by

Very ironic, just calling a spade a spade, because it was very stereotypical and cliché.
Magic33 Magic33 Not outrage.
More a choice not to reside amidst such childish behavior any longer.

The "you probably want to marry a white woman too boost your credit score" part was what did it, finally.

Carry on, this thread just isn't for me anymore.
Godspeed to the struggle, I will remain a part of the progress.

Mind your company or you will become like minded.
You lost me at the second part of your post which I quoted.

Anybody who has to hyphenate and or make it a point to tell you "by the way I'm pro-life, love etc, probably isn't.

You're sound no better than the white guy who claims he's not racist because his best friend is black.

Don't worry I'm not judging or looking down on you, just calling a spade a spade based on the info you gave me/us. I found your post very ironic, and like almost every post in this thread now, stereotypical and cliche.

This thread should be closing soon anyway, it's no longer bringing awareness to the situation at hand so much as making people bitter, judge-mental ***** and robots with misinformation.

A bunch of pots and kettles calling everybody SWS, Uncle Toms and cornballs, page after page. No thanks

Uhhh nah dude, you're tripping.  I for sure am pro life. In the state i live in, TX, thats uncommon.

so my daily norm is not the same normal as people in progressive states.  I grew up in a thriving suburban area of Houston, dudes out here proudly rep the confederate flag.  If the cops could get away with sporting that flag they would.  So please don't come at me like you know me, son.  
 I found your post very ironic
little **** says Im not judging you then proceeds to judge?? lol u fool.

btw that credit line was a joke.  
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So he was transferred not fired then. I don't think it's possible to be fired as a cop and then regain employment as a cop

Happens all the time .

Any cop in here will tell you that they have people in their department that was fired from anther precinct.

Do y'all even think about the stuff y'all say?


Happens all the time .

Any cop in here will tell you that they have people in their department that was fired from anther precinct.

Do y'all even think about the stuff y'all say?


Especially since it's a union job and it's hard to get rid of them.
I think now cops can make money killing blacks.. Gerge Zimmerman.. lots of money and wilson he can retire.. he killed a black person and got almost a million off of donations
i made a thread about this but its totally out of the realm of possibility 

He is referring to Wilson's former job with another PD in Jennings.

3 years ago everyone (Wilson included) was fired from the Jennings Police Department.

The city council disbanded the department because there was so much tension between the white cops and Black residents.
So he was transferred not fired then. I don't think it's possible to be fired as a cop and then regain employment as a cop

please continue, your bias is showing 
So he was transferred not fired then. I don't think it's possible to be fired as a cop and then regain employment as a cop
ethics wise no... but this is a situation where one thinks they are of god like benefits.
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