Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I've been lurking this thread and reading opinions and I'm disappointed in the stance some of you have taken. The kid wasn't innocent and didn't do innocent **** by all means but the cop profiled and killed him in cold blood. Serve and protect right? ********, throw the book at the pig...but the pig will go free because the kid was black AND a behavioral problem to society and his community. Can't watch the news because media is brainwashing us into believing this is justifiable or that police officers don't know how to use tasers to subdue people anymore. It's truly sick that our people experience this so often but America was built on racism, why would it change now?
Do you feel any empathy for the individual whom was victim to an extrajudicial murder?

Likely that store is fine if that execution never occurs.
So you are saying it's okay for people to destroy businesses in there own city to get change. Has no one learned anything from the La riots smh. I truly feel bad for the shop owner who's been a victim twice.
I never intimated such sentiment.

Let's get something correct here, 

the peaceful protests have been co-opted by knuckleheads both in and out of the Ferguson area.

They took advantage of a group's valid reason to protest an injustice, and as a result have shaded the nation's perception of the protesters.
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So according the one's who believes the cop was in self defense, where would he have been shot?
Heres what will happen. A grand jury will be convened, evidence presented, or rather, the justification story that has been assembeled by the "investigators" over the past few days will be presented. They will decide no charges are warranted. Proceedings will be sealed. Then its on to the civil trail which is when some of the evidence may finally come to light.
Did they say something about trying to charge him with some kind of civil rights violation? If so, seems like a bad idea. I would think that would be harder to prove than regular charges. I really hope the cop is charged and convicted. If he isn't, I'd consider it a slap in the face to every black person in this country. 
Did they say something about trying to charge him with some kind of civil rights violation? If so, seems like a bad idea. I would think that would be harder to prove than regular charges. I really hope the cop is charged and convicted. If he isn't, I'd consider it a slap in the face to every black person in this country. 

Civil suits are normally settlements
Did they say something about trying to charge him with some kind of civil rights violation? If so, seems like a bad idea. I would think that would be harder to prove than regular charges. I really hope the cop is charged and convicted. If he isn't, I'd consider it a slap in the face to every black person in this country. 
They've been slapping all minorities in the face for decades
Centuries even
you guys see how fast Nixon got the attorney off the mic ( i think he was an attorney) when he said we won't get a fair trial in St. Louis 


They should sue the county bankrupt and replace all law enforcement with a fresh department.
Ferguson shop owner showed up with two assault rifles after people began looting his store
Tough man but he cant use them simply because somebody is looting or trying to loot his store
I never intimated such sentiment.

Let's get something correct here, 

the peaceful protests have been co-opted by knuckleheads both in and out of the Ferguson area.

They took advantage of a group's valid reason to protest an injustice, and as a result have shaded the nation's perception of the protesters.
I figured that

I wonder what would happen if black cops start killing young white males and using same excuse. he grabbed my gun

And here we go SMH

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