Police kill dog in front of owner for nothing.

:x:x :smh:

Wow. I don't really understand what the dude did to get handcuffed in the first place. Maybe he should have just tied the dog up quick instead of putting him in the car... but either way, I don't see shooting the dog multiple times warranted in anyway.

Can I get a WHAT the police?
That dog wasn't killing anyone tho be cereal the cops r just ***** or like abusing their power. Those r the actions u r defending

Word? :lol: We're going to wait for someone to die before controlling the ******g animal? I agree that shooting the dog was extreme, but you have got to be stupid as hell if you think you should wait until someone dies before taking action to control a threat...

Man look. All you guys can run circles around this situation all you want but one thing remains certain..

If dude would have minded his own damn business, this **** would have never happened.

Curiosity killed the cat. Dude should have kept it moving.
He was the closest one to the cops, everyone else looked like they were filming from a distance. Dude was going near the cops cars, pacing back and forth, blasting music. But yea let's ignore that and blame it all on race. Every time a black person gets arrested they all of a sudden become a saint and people ignore what got them in that situation in the first place. There were other minorities in that vid, none of them got arrested for stupidity.
Why be rational when we can just cry racism?
In no other country in the world are dogs treated like 1st class citizens, except for the United States. Kill some people on video tape, no one cares. Kill some dogs on video tape PETA and half these people go nuts and burst into tears.

If Michael Vick lived in any other country, he would have payed a fine and gotten probation.

Forget the dude and what mistakes he did or did not make. What would most of you had done if some big Rottweiler comes out of no where and is on the verge of attacking you, what would some of y'all tree-hungers do in the moment? Please, enlighten us.
i get that the dog jumped...but lighting the thing up? gimme a break. pepper spray or taser woulda been more appropriate.

owner is partly to blame for leaving the window as open as he did. but at the end of day...force used by the cop was a little excessive.
agree 100%

 RIP doggy
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In no other country in the world are dogs treated like 1st class citizens, except for the United States. Kill some people on video tape, no one cares. Kill some dogs on video tape PETA and half these people go nuts and burst into tears.

If Michael Vick lived in any other country, he would have payed a fine and gotten probation.

Forget the dude and what mistakes he did or did not make. What would most of you had done if some big Rottweiler comes out of no where and is on the verge of attacking you, what would some of y'all tree-hungers do in the moment? Please, enlighten us.
Tase the dog, spray him with pepper spray, or shoot him with rubber bullets.

The cop that shot the dog wasn't even initially involved. He saw the dog get out and came over there with his gun out . . . his only purpose of walking over there was to shoot the dog. So that "verge of attacking you" nonsense isn't applicable 
He got his own dog killed. Period.

If he wouldn't have been yelling stuff at the police, they wouldn't have arrested him and the dog wouldn't have tried to defend him...

It's happened before and it'll happen again, so who gives a ****..

Last year, in Chicago alone, more than 60 children were murdered and people want to worry about an Internet video of some moron that gets his "rock wilder" killed...
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Man, some of you guys could give a damn about the dog dying... :rolleyes

Animal cruelty has got to be the SADDEST thing in the world in my opinion. Nothing that pisses me off more than animal cruelty.
For nothing? :lol:

I'm sorry but if some big *** dog is jumping at me, I'm gunning it down.

100% the owners fault, dude should've just kept it moving.
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Meh cops abuse n kill innocent black men yearly. Is animal cruelty really the saddest thing in the world? Seriously? Outta all the ****** up **** that happens in this crazy world?
agree 100%

 RIP doggy

Compassion for animals? We're the fattest country on the planet, by a long mile. We eat more meat in one day than Africa does in a month.

Whatever tho, that's besides the point. If I'm a cop or any person really - and some Rottweiler that I don't know is going to attack me - he's going to get shot. I'm not waiting to load rubber bullets, I'm not scrambling for a taser gun (that I may not have), and I'm not using pepper spray because its way to hard to aim. I don't know if that dog is trained or not and I'm not willing to wait and see.
Man, some of you guys could give a damn about the dog dying... :rolleyes

Animal cruelty has got to be the SADDEST thing in the world in my opinion. Nothing that pisses me off more than animal cruelty.

But this wasn't animal cruelty. It was self defense.

If a bear is coming at you and you shoot it, it's self defense. An animal is an animal. Both are aggressive and are coming at you. No cruelty at all..

And to center text man up there - rubber bullets? Why do people say this? Riot squads carry rubber bullet guns, not cops..you think they have rubber bullet shotguns up their *****? Or should they have told the dog "timeout" and called in the squad?

Taser? Maybe. Pepper spray would have just pissed it off, and it would have gotten more aggressive and shot anyways. You think if they used pepper spray it would have just went and layed down? LOL

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smh we got some of the dumbest responses ever in hear. talking about if he minded his own business it wouldn't be a problem
1. how do you know he didn't live on the street?
2. he did nothing illegal
3. dog didn't show any teeth or growl, all it did was bark
4. where are you knuckle heads getting the fact the dog came out of no where and ran up and charged at them, it was clearly barking in the car for a little bit, than it ran up and stopped a few feet infront of them and backed up after the owner told it to walk away. If anyone came out of nowhere and attacked it was the cop
u guys r using the owners actions as justification for what the cop did to the dog.  obviously the owner was an idiot but the cop didnt need to shoot a 60 pound animal to protect his life.  his life was not in danger at all in that situation.  everyone there was capable of overpowering that dog by themselves, and if there too ***** for that than they have pepper spray and a buton.  instead they seen the stage was set for a show and decided to  use too much force for a situation that doesnt even call for it.  thats like trying to putt with a driver.  
Man, some of you guys could give a damn about the dog dying... :rolleyes

Animal cruelty has got to be the SADDEST thing in the world in my opinion. Nothing that pisses me off more than animal cruelty.

Word? Really? The SADDEST thing?

You a vegetarian? Cause if not. You're a hypocrite.

There are worse things than animal cruelty

If a child was shot, its worse than a dog. And this is coming from someone who's owned dogs his whole life... I get it. People love their pets. But stop being extreme. Animal cruelty is hardly the worse thing in the world.
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Man, some of you guys could give a damn about the dog dying... :rolleyes

Animal cruelty has got to be the SADDEST thing in the world in my opinion. Nothing that pisses me off more than animal cruelty.

Word? Really? The SADDEST thing?

You a vegetarian? Cause if not. You're a hypocrite.

There are worse things than animal cruelty

If a child was shot, its worse than a dog. And this is coming from someone who's owned dogs his whole life... I get it. People love their pets. But stop being extreme. Animal cruelty is hardly the worse thing in the world.

who are you to tell him his views on a subject are stupid? Nothing is more annoying than people telling others how their views are dumb and should be changed.
Sound like those religious dudes questioning me why i choose to not have a religion
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Why would PETA care? That owner got his dog killed. I don't care for dogs so watching it get shot didn't really shake me up. If I'm a cop I'm not letting some huge dog take a bite out of me... Cujo gotta go. The whole situation could've easily been avoided by both parties. What do you expect though when you wave your camera phone in the air to entice the cops. There is a smarter way to fight the resistance. Strolling up and down the block, waving your camera, and talking trash to cops is not going to produce a positive result. You would be surprised by how much cops don't give a **** about you. But if you start pressing their buttons because you've been conditioned to hate all "pigs" then of course they are going to snap on you one day. And for the record, I thought Dorner's vision was heroic. I still think about that guy.

Basically, dude was looking for trouble and ish got a little too real for him. In all honestly i would be pissed if someone filmed and took pictures of me on my job.

but our tax dollars pay for their jobs. It's almost as if we own stock.

with that being said, idk if I can watch this. I love dogs and cry everytime I watch My Dog Skip and Marley and Me.
Man, I feel like ******g **** right now. **** cops and **** human beings ****. Dogs are so ******g amazing. Little dude seen his owner in teouble and did more than a Human being "Best friend" would do. I love dogs so much and it hurts me when something bad happens to them, they're so innocent and loving.

may the dog rest in peace in doggy heaven where he's free to run around and chew through everything freely.

I hope the worst for that cop. If it were my dog I would make his life take a turn for the worst.
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