Please use the official WrestleMania XXV Thread

areyouin729 wrote:
i'm very unexcited this yr

last yr I was pumped, I will still be having a BBQ/WM party...otherwise known as a reason to get together and drink
I'm not even excited and I got tix
so its pretty much a guarantee that cena wins the belt at mania
. unless they put it on bi show witch would be even worse.
Originally Posted by Mr Whomp Whomp

areyouin729 wrote:
i'm very unexcited this yr

last yr I was pumped, I will still be having a BBQ/WM party...otherwise known as a reason to get together and drink
I'm not even excited and I got tix

i'll be going as well, what section?
Originally Posted by The Minister

so its pretty much a guarantee that cena wins the belt at mania
. unless they put it on bi show witch would be even worse.
I have no problem with Show getting the belt as long as RKO wins. I can't see them going with 2 belts on one brand again.
News & Notes

Latest on how Vince McMahon views Christian and Christian's role in the company.

While I've reported on this before, there continues to be a lot of Internet speculation regarding Christian's relationship with Vince McMahon. McMahon and Christian are not considered to be best friends but they are not enemies and McMahon does view Christian as an asset to the company. Prior to Christian returning to WWE, he sat down with McMahon to iron out issues from the past. Christian is viewed as the top babyface on ECW (even with Evan Bourne back) and is booked in the top of the card post-WrestleMania. As one source told me, do you think Christian would get a spot in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match if he were viewed as a job guy?

Guess who the current favorite to win the MITB match is?

- The current favorite to win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match is Christian. Plans such as this change all of the time but I was told there are plans to eventually move him off ECW.

ECW Championship could be defended as dark match at Wrestlemania 25; Vince not sold on Jack Swagger.

- The reason why WWE is not doing an ECW Championship match at WrestleMania is because Vince McMahon is still not sold on Jack Swagger. From what I have been told, McMahon does not trust Jack Swagger on live shows and was disappointed with his match at No Way Out against Finlay. The feeling is that while Swagger has the look and ability to be a top talent, he needs more work before getting a singles match at the company's top pay-per-view. There is still a chance an ECW Championship match could take place as a pre-show match and possibly air on the official WWE website. As I have reported previously, the favored opponent would be Evan Bourne.

Update on Chris Jericho vs. Legends match at WM 25.

-- WWE officials are still reaching out to other Hall of Famers regarding possible roles in the Chris Jericho storyline at WrestleMania 25. As of before RAW on Monday, Vince was thinking about pulling the plug on the three-on-one handicap match currently being advertised.

POSSIBLE SPOILER regarding HBK/Undertaker segment being taped for tonight.

Spoiler [+]
- There were plans as of this morning to do some type of segment at tonight's WWE tapings involving fake Undertakers. I would imagine the segment will be on Raw but I would not rule it out for SmackDown. Obviously the segment will be done for the final build for Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania.

Former WWE creative member speaks on Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy feud.

-- One former WWE creative team member tells us that the Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy feud will likely be a short one. "The fact that they're doing a gimmick match (at WrestleMania 25) tells me that this is it," he said. "They won't be going to SummerSlam like Bret and Owen (Hart)."

WWE switches dates of two summer PPV's.

According to the official WWE website, the company has swapped their Night of Champions pay-per-view with The Great American Bash. The Great American Bash is now listed for June 28, 2009 while Night of Champions is listed for July 26, 2009.

Main Event match announced for this week's ECW.

The main event for this week's edition of ECW on Sci-Fi has been announced as Christian & Finlay vs. Mark Henry & Kane in a Tag Team Match. Nikki Bella will also take on her twin sister Brie Bella in a one-on-one match.

Backstage tension between Vince and Michael Hayes.

PWTorch reports that Vince McMahon lashed out at lead SmackDown writer Michael Hayes last week at the tapings. Hayes made a last minute pitch to feature a multi-brand match on the 500th episode of the show to create some buzz for WWE's #2 show. Vince snapped at him and made it clear that he should be more concerned with WrestleMania 25 than the 500th episode of SmackDown.

Vince was said to be in a lousy mood in general at the SmackDown tapings, and was especially upset over the decline in the show's ratings lately. As we've noted before, the 1.9 that the show pulled really fired him up.

Hayes is still slated to take his annual post-WrestleMania vacation, and several observers believe he needs it to recharge his batteries. However, more than one source is questioning whether Hayes will actually take his scheduled vacation at a time where his relationship with Vince is so strained.

Mr. Kennedy interview; says "[steroid] testing is ridiculous", talks about his suspension and more.

Kennedy was recently interviewed by The Sun out of the United Kingdom as part of their WrestleCast feature. He was very critical of the WWE Wellness Policy. Below are some of the highlights:

"Testing is ridiculous. I swear it's far more rigorous than the NFL," Kennedy told the publication. "It seems like every time we go to TV, there's a note on the door that says we're testing. Do it on a weekly basis and it tends to be a bit much. I'm probably going to get myself in trouble here."

Kennedy addressed his suspension from WWE after his name was linked in a report by Sports Illustrated where it was revealed he received shipments of testosterone.

"I thought the suspension was bulls--- to begin with," Kennedy said. "I feel I had a legitimate medical condition. Someone will say 'you're not supposed to go online to get.' I never went online once. Never. It was an actual guy who said he was a doctor who I got my stuff from."

Kennedy claims he needed testosterone because his body shut down its natural production of testosterone. He said he used steroids in the indies to try and bulk up to get signed to WWE.

"You go through your life trying to get into WWE; you do everything you can," Kennedy said. "I made some decisions - I'm happy or not happy about. I made those decisions and I have to live with them."

Kennedy explained he needs testosterone because of his past steroid use: "What happens is when you stop taking that stuff, your natural level of testosterone - you feel like s---. You can't get out of bed in the morning. Your natural production of testosterone just stops."

Kennedy defended his use of testosterone with the following comments:

"If I'm not hurting anybody, what's the big deal?" he asked rhetorically. "If I'm going to have health issues, I'm going to have health issues."

Shawn Michaels interview; talks about Hall of Fame, the pressure of Wrestlemania last year vs. this year and more.

Brian Fritz of the Orlando Sentinel has a new interview online with Shawn Michaels. Below are some of the highlights:

The difference regarding the pressure of last year at WrestleMania to the pressure this year at WrestleMania: The difference between the guys last year and this year - first of all, this year I've got somebody that if I were to just completely fall apart it would still be OK. And I haven't had that in I can't remember when. That is not to stay that I'm just so far above everyone else. It's just one of those things where you're just out there with somebody that - Undertaker and myself have been a part of this company and even though we haven't been in the ring that many times, he and I, you're around each other enough to know that you don't have to worry about the other guy. Again, the pressure last year was, obviously, the culmination of this man that has been such a hallmark of this industry. So many people have been touched by him and what he's done. And then to be able to deliver and honor that in one match and try to keep him at a place where he deserves to be kept., make it special to him, make it special to the people that are watching, people that have been affected by him. I've had a lot of pressure on me before but I cannot honestly say that I don't know that I've felt any more than I did last year. And again, to be the guy that sort of, that has to do that (laughs)... On one hand, as I was, I was extremely honored but the pressure was unlike anything I've ever felt before. You have to detach yourself emotionally from all of that and try to give focus to the point at hand. That was a difficult thing to do. Your emotion wants to jump in there all the time and you sort of have to stay focused. I do have to say that's one of the more difficult things I've had to endure professionally.

When asked if he ever thought Ric Flair was going to come back for one match: I don't know. That was something - put it this way. We all know, if you're a friend of Ric Flair which I am, you know him and you know how he is about this line of work. So, I know that might be a struggle for him. And that's OK. You can't be somebody's friend and put requirements on it and I don't do that to him and I wouldn't do it to him. My job was to go out there and, in my mind, believe that it was going to be his last and do the absolute best job I could to pay tribute to that and honor that and that's what I did. Ric Flair is a grown man and he can make his decisions and I would still be his friend no matter what decision he made.

Regarding his comments in the April 2009 issue of WWE Magazine where he said he would even entertain the thought of Bret Hart inducting him into the WWE Hall of Fame: I was saying that from the perspective of I so much enjoy the Hall of Fame but it can be - and I want this to come out right - it's a time of tribute and a time of honoring but often we get focuses all on the good and it tends to be, I don't know, a little fluffy. I would like mine to be, I don't know, maybe be honest. I'm one with who I was and I'm one with who I am. I felt that Bret Hart could bring a real perspective to that. He's always been a guy even know that despite all of our differences, he's still always been objective about my ability. They didn't put this in there I don't think - the only thing that he wouldn't have any knowledge of is the person I am now and I understand that. It was from the idea of wanting someone that could give a real honest perspective of my career because it hasn't all been fluff and it hasn't all been fantastic and I think that's OK. I just felt that I can be a pretty strange guy. (laughs) I supposed that it was just something that I thought, gosh, my Hall of Fame induction to be more about truth more than anything else. It's sort of a fantasy, sort of, dream job and it's a great line of work so we can create anything we want and it can be very fairytale-#%% and I think that's great on one hand. I just figured maybe it would be, I don't know, neat or nice to have somebody that can give a real perspective on the journey because it hasn't been a fairytale. It's turned out awesome but it was a tough, rugged road. I just thought that maybe he could give a fresh perspective to it. It's one of those things that you go I know this sounds crazy but...

Click here to read the full interview.

Kevin Nash interview; talks about Scott Hall's current condition, his movie career and more.

Phil Strum of the Poughkeepsie Journal interviewed Kevin Nash yesterday and has posted a transcript on his blog. Below are the notable comments:

On the current status of TNA: I think it's going great. Our ratings have been strong. We've grown our base. Logistically, the company's getting stronger. The company's growing at a good pace.

On TNA getting slammed in online reviews: By who? The smarks? It's like anything else, man. One point one percent of the people who watch television know a good match from a bad match and know who can work and who can't work. My kid's 12 years old. He occasionally watches it. He doesn't know if Cena can work or if Khali can work, but he would rather see Khali because he's a freak. Kids are kids.

On TNA ever reaching WWE's ratings: Vince has been around for a long time. I think absolutely. It doesn't take much to get a swim. We've already gained about 300,00 viewers in the last couple of weeks.

On his movie career: I actually just got a script in the mail the other day. It's supposed to be top secret. It's actually from the director of "The Punisher." (Jonathan Hensleigh). It's the same director. Hopefully, they'll find something for me in that. I'm limited. I'm 6-10. I'm not going to play the dentist or the baker. I'm not going to be the cop that gets out of the car, unless you want a giant cop. I'm kind of limited in what I'm going to do. I take it when I can get it.

Update on his elbow injury: What do I have? Four weeks until LockDown now? If I don't do anything stupid and bust it open, it should be healed. It actually was two centimeters last week and it was .8 centimeters this week. Over the past week, it made some drastic changes. When I get back on Monday, I've got a vacuum system that goes on it with a pump and stuff. I'll go back on that. That should speed it up a little bit more. When I'm on the road, it's too much of a hassle sometimes to carry that thing with me.

When asked about Scott Hall: Scott's not doing well at all right now. I was with him last weekend. He's really having some hard times. You know, the WWE is very concerned even though they've sent him several times on their dime. They're very concerned that one of their guys is still out there and sick. They're still trying to figure out what they can do. It's hard because they're publicly traded. The can't go 55 times, you know. It just doesn't work that way. The longer I've been around the addiction of different people, you just realize that your friends and family can want them to be well, but if the person doesn't have the will to be well, it doesn't matter what everybody else does. Until he wants to take the steps to be clean, he's just not going to be clean. There's plenty of people that love him and want him to do it, it's just, he's got to make that decision himself. We can't do it for him. Nor can Vince or anybody else.

On ratings: I remember one time, Roddy Piper had this bodyguard guy. He came on and it was a horrible segment. I think it was the Omni. We sat at the monitor and watched this abysmal segment. People booed. Piper said, you're being too hard on the guy. We came back and knew that the thing was going to just tank number-wise. They broke down the show. It was the highest-rated segment of the night. Scott Hall looked at me and he said, "See. People will watch horrible television." You just have to give it to them. People watch different.

Click here to read the full interview.

Christian talks about MITB Ladder match at Wrestlemania 25.

- The official WWE website has a new interview online today with Christian. He talks about competing in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 25 this coming Sunday. Christian says that he's been in so many Ladder Matches that they are second nature to him. He goes on to talk about the risks involved in such a match and how he injured his lower back in 2004 during a Steel Cage Match. Christian said that he's been away from WWE for several years now, but is back "refocused, rededicated and back to make a huge impact." You can read the full interview at this link.

Kurt Angle frustrated with Sting.

Kurt Angle was said to be very frustrated with his match at the Destination X PPV several weeks ago against Sting. Sting was unable to do the match that was originally laid out and was often out of position. Kurt was not at all happy with Sting's work during the match.

TNA President Dixie Carter responds to Vince McMahon's comments regarding TNA.

TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter responded to Vince McMahon's comments to The Hollywood Reporter in a statement issued to the UK Sun. Carter addressed McMahon's claims that some things on TNA television were "reprehensible" with the following statement:

"I think it's wonderful that Vince watches TNA iMPACT... And I agree with him that things such as the brutal beating of a sixty-year-old man, a vicious home invasion and gratuitous man-on-woman violence can be seen as reprehensible - and that's just the last three Monday nights."

Click here to read the The UK Sun's coverage.

TNA looking to start a British heel faction.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- There are some rumblings backstage regarding plans to launch a British faction, which would presumably be centered around Brutus Magnus.

TNA would bring in Doug Williams, who is still under contract to the organization, but only paid per appearance. The company has brought Williams to television in the past, but he primarily works for the company when they tour the UK.

Christopher Daniels back to TNA as himself?

- There are plans to bring "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels back to TNA television as himself. TNA first teased his return a couple of weeks ago with his character's logo on the background of their official website. There were plans to bring Daniels back to television after the Curry Man character was "fired" but he was given the role of the Suicide character when Frankie Kazarian was injured. Daniels worked as Suicide last night at a TNA house show where he successfully defended the X Division Championship.

TNA upper management tones down Don West's heel turn.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- TNA has toned down the Don West heel turn per orders from upper management. They feel the angle went too far and had to be toned down a little bit so West and Tenay's bantering wouldnt distract from the in-ring action.[/font]

SPOILER regarding a past WWE Diva competing at Wrestlemania.

Spoiler [+]
- We're told Jackie Gayda Haas has been asked to compete in the 25-Divas Battle Royal at WrestleMania 25 on Sunday and has accepted the invitation. Gayda, a former WWE Diva, is the wife of current WWE worker Charlie Haas.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Charlie Haas is under contract with WWE...but his wife will be wrestling at WM 25, not him.[/color]

Lilian Garcia to participate in 25-Diva Battle Royal?

I heard there was talk of putting Lilian Garcia in the 25-Diva Battle Royal at WrestleMania as a rib of sorts. No word on whether or not it will happen but there is another open space with Candice Michelle being pulled from the match.

Chris Jericho on TMZ.

TMZ has a new video online where they catch up with Chris Jericho in New York City. Jericho comments completely in-character about Mickey Rourke, confirming he will be sitting front row at WrestleMania. Jericho says the best move to put on singer Chris Brown in would be a full nelson and let Rihanna take some free shots at him.

There is also a funny quote regarding his abs and President Barack Obama:

Photog: "You're a wrestler ... so, do you think you have better abs than Barack Obama?"

Chris Jericho: "As of right now I have better abs ... but pretty soon he's gonna take 65% of my abs away from me and give 'em to somebody else."

Jericho also cracks some jokes about "no number twos" when traveling on a tour bus with other wrestlers.

Click here to check out the coverage by TMZ.

Kid Rock to perform at Wrestlemania 25?

- There has been talk that Kid Rock could perform the entrance of a worker at WrestleMania 25 although no other details have been made available.

Ric Flair's current situation with WWE.

- For those that have asked, Ric Flair does not have a deal with WWE after WrestleMania and has been working pn a per show basis. Flair is still accepting independent bookings for $15,000 a pop. As you can imagine, WWE officials are not thrilled with his involvement in Ring of Honor.

Honky Tonk Man has beef with another former wrestler.

- There's some sort of heat right now between WWE Hall of Famer Greg Valentine and The Honky Tonk Man after Valentine no-showed a European tour where he and Honky were supposed to team together against Demolition. Valentine went on tour to visit Troops in Afghanistan instead. Honky was saying on the European tour that Valentine needed to stay away from him at WrestleMania or there would be problems. First it was Ric Flair and now Greg Valentine that Honky is having problems with.

Update on Juventud Guerrera's backstage fight with Konnan & Jack Evans.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former]WWE[/url] Cruiserweight Champion Juventud Guerrera suffered bruising and a broken nose in a fight with Konnan and Jack Evans]backstage[/url] at a AAA show on Friday, March 20. Juventud has a long history of behavioral problems.

The fight started after Guerrera accused]Konnan[/url] of defecating in his bag, which Konnan denied, and then Evans, with whom Guerrera had a match that evening, grabbed Guerrera from behind, provoking the fight.

Photos showing the cuts and bruises Guerrera alleges were inflicted by Konnan and Evans have surfaced online. The photos depict Guerrera with bandages over his broken nose and swollen eyelid. His body and face are also covered in bloody cuts.

Guerrera is still upset from the incident. He offered the following comments to The Sun regarding his former friend, Konnan: "Konnan has a lot of enemies in this business.

"He has burned all his bridges in the USA, and once AAA finally realises what an a****** he is and fires him, he will have nothing. He is a miserable human being."

Juventud's father, Fuerza Guerrera, has called for Konnan and Evans to be kicked out of Mexico.

Updated poster for WWE Backlash.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here is the updated promotional poster just released by WWE for the April Backlash pay-per-view. The ad still features Randy Orton in it but it's improved a bit from the original poster. Also, here's the updated preview for the PPV:

Will Backlash be the end of a Legacy? In the wake of WrestleMania 25, watch Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels,]Jeff Hardy[/url], Rey Mysterio and all your favorite Superstars settle the score at WWE Backlash, Sunday April 26th, live at 8PM ET / 5PM PT, only on pay-per-view. A World Wrestling]Entertainment[/url] Production.

i hope there is a surprise or swerve we didnt see coming at wm. i mean this is wm 25, this card really deserved to be much better. orton/trips and hbk/takerare the only matches im looking forward too. why they insist every year of putting a triple threat match for the world heavyweight belt is beyond me. theyalways keep that match short too, usually it ends way too abruptly...this might be the weakest card since wm 15
And lastly, John Cena should shut the hell up with his challenge to The Rock. The Rock isn't coming back and frankly doesn't care about you. It makes Cena and the WWE look like a second rate organization making these challenges that they know won't come true.

[table][tr][td]1[/td] [td]N[/td] [td]Monsters Vs. Aliens[/td] [td]P/DW[/td] [td]$59,321,095[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]4,104[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]$14,454[/td] [td]$59,321,095[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]N[/td] [td]The Haunting in Connecticut[/td] [td]LGF[/td] [td]$23,004,765[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]2,732[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]$8,420[/td] [td]$23,004,765[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]Knowing[/td] [td]Sum.[/td] [td]$14,702,187[/td] [td]-40.2%[/td] [td]3,337[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]$4,406[/td] [td]$46,217,199[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]I Love You, Man[/td] [td]P/DW[/td] [td]$12,671,533[/td] [td]-28.9%[/td] [td]2,717[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]$4,664[/td] [td]$37,078,306[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]Duplicity[/td] [td]Uni.[/td] [td]$7,672,485[/td] [td]-45.1%[/td] [td]2,579[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]$2,975[/td] [td]$25,754,865[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]Race to Witch Mountain[/td] [td]BV[/td] [td]$5,801,775[/td] [td]-54.6%[/td] [td]3,268[/td] [td]+81[/td] [td]$1,775[/td] [td]$53,459,752[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]N[/td] [td]12 Rounds[/td] [td]Fox[/td] [td]$5,329,240[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]2,331[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]$2,286[/td] [td]$5,329,240[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][/table]
The Rock already beat Cena

I can't believe Christian is favored for winning MITB. I thought Vince hated him.

I'll be tuning in tonight. Hopefully this will be a good show.

Originally Posted by Digger85

i hope there is a surprise or swerve we didnt see coming at wm. i mean this is wm 25, this card really deserved to be much better. orton/trips and hbk/taker are the only matches im looking forward too. why they insist every year of putting a triple threat match for the world heavyweight belt is beyond me. they always keep that match short too, usually it ends way too abruptly...this might be the weakest card since wm 15
I think this card is built for a big swerve or surprise to happen. They probably know that this ain't one of their bigger WM cards in a while,so they're trying to keep things under wraps(Vince throwing out smokescreens to the dirt sheets, etc) Somethin big is gonna happen..yall can quote me onthat.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Digger85

i hope there is a surprise or swerve we didnt see coming at wm. i mean this is wm 25, this card really deserved to be much better. orton/trips and hbk/taker are the only matches im looking forward too. why they insist every year of putting a triple threat match for the world heavyweight belt is beyond me. they always keep that match short too, usually it ends way too abruptly...this might be the weakest card since wm 15
I think this card is built for a big swerve or surprise to happen. They probably know that this ain't one of their bigger WM cards in a while, so they're trying to keep things under wraps(Vince throwing out smokescreens to the dirt sheets, etc) Somethin big is gonna happen..yall can quote me on that.
yeah the thing is though what can they really surprise us with...and i hope it wouldnt just be austin showing up and doing something...ive thoughtabout a double turn with trips/orton ala bret and austin at wm 13 but theres really no way they do that
Originally Posted by Digger85

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Digger85

i hope there is a surprise or swerve we didnt see coming at wm. i mean this is wm 25, this card really deserved to be much better. orton/trips and hbk/taker are the only matches im looking forward too. why they insist every year of putting a triple threat match for the world heavyweight belt is beyond me. they always keep that match short too, usually it ends way too abruptly...this might be the weakest card since wm 15
I think this card is built for a big swerve or surprise to happen. They probably know that this ain't one of their bigger WM cards in a while, so they're trying to keep things under wraps(Vince throwing out smokescreens to the dirt sheets, etc) Somethin big is gonna happen..yall can quote me on that.
yeah the thing is though what can they really surprise us with...and i hope it wouldnt just be austin showing up and doing something...ive thought about a double turn with trips/orton ala bret and austin at wm 13 but theres really no way they do that
I have a feeling what ever does go down will be epic. Watch.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Digger85

i hope there is a surprise or swerve we didnt see coming at wm. i mean this is wm 25, this card really deserved to be much better. orton/trips and hbk/taker are the only matches im looking forward too. why they insist every year of putting a triple threat match for the world heavyweight belt is beyond me. they always keep that match short too, usually it ends way too abruptly...this might be the weakest card since wm 15
I think this card is built for a big swerve or surprise to happen. They probably know that this ain't one of their bigger WM cards in a while, so they're trying to keep things under wraps(Vince throwing out smokescreens to the dirt sheets, etc) Somethin big is gonna happen..yall can quote me on that.

I feel that something could happen like the swerve at No Way Out with Edge competing in both EC Matches. Also, I don't know what could happen with theHardy's, but that Backlash preview mentions Jeff Hardy getting revenge for Wrestlemania, but I really wouldn't see that feud going on much past WM. Idon't know what they're gonna do, but they need to do something. Hopefully the thing with JBL can be that something along with a twist with a match. Itseems like Vince has been able to keep things better under wraps because there have been no leaks about any twists or swerves that could happen.
Something I'm excited for, and you know I'll be there....
--Shane Douglas at an ECW reunion convention yesterday in Allentown, announced they would be promoting a November to Remember show at the Alhambra in Philadelphia and said it would be the final reunion show. Joey Styles and Tommy Dreamer from WWE were both at the convention with Francine, Tammy Sytch, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Stevie Richards, Nova, Blue Meanie, Chris Chetti, Joel Gertner, Raven, Roadkill, Danny Doring, Little Guido, Terry Funk, Scott Hall, Bob Backlund, Tito Santana, Joel Gertner, Sal E. Graziano, Mikey Whipwreck, Justin Credible, Beulah and Kid Kash. Styles announced all of the stars and made a lot of funny comments. He mentioned how talented Justin Credible was for overcoming the lousy gimmick of Aldo Montoya that "my current employer" gave him. He also noted that this was not PG like his current employer and then joked, "I would like to wish myself well in my future endeavors."
It might not be the best card but im happy this week will be pretty good goin to the hall of fame and wm25... Got good seats to both...
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

That's funny...

This week's Smackdown is being taped right NOW. So I guess no live episode this Friday...

There gonna do live cut ins from WWE Axes or whatever the hell its called.
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