Please lock this one up mods

I remember yall saying Ertz was gonna be great, all he has been doin is drop balls and fumbling
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Thanks Chip,

Now he's gonna get fired and left us in horrible shape for the future. Way to go. This is the most disappointed I've ever been mainly because Chip made EVERY move that killed us and it blew up in his face

I'm done
We shore up the O line and get a coordinator who has a clue on the defensive end.

Say what you want but QB is wayyyy down the list after the way Bradford ended the season imo. You bring a rookie QB into this mess next year :lol: yikes

Chip knows he won't be around to develop a new QB draft a QB and we go 5-11 next year he's gone. He's all in on Bradford IMO
Lurie isn't going g make decisions based on record.. we get a rookie qb and the team survives the learning curve and improves, he'll bring chip back

I have no clue what would be considered even a reasonable offer for Bradford and I would rather not find out and franchising him is out of the question
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