Please contribute to relief efforts in Japan! Together, we've raised $20,000 and counting!

hope our JDM NTers and their fam are doing ok
It nice to see everyone pull together on the community but its unfortunate that these are the terms
Since people seem to like the banner, perhaps we should recognize confirmed donors (those who left an email address or username we can use to identify their contribution) with a special badge to appear beneath their user info.  Here's what it would look like: 

I'd grandfather in everyone who donated to this point provided we can confirm it.  (Email the staff account from the same address you used to make the donation - if you didn't donate anonymously.)  Future donors will qualify as long as they include their username in their comment accompanying a donation of $10 or more.  The badge will link to this thread for donation info, so users curious about it can contribute as well and get one of their own.

What do you think, is it worth doing?  

Should we go for the threepeat?


That's cool.  I don't see you on our playoff roster anyway.
Great job so far, NikeTalk.  Let's keep it going.  Japan needs your help. 
I like the idea.

It'll help spread the word, definitely.

Whatever can help, twitter, Facebook, whatever.

You going to announce when you want us to message you our e-mails?
so we send you a screenshot of our email for the banner?

If you included your username or email address when you made the donation, I can just check our fundraising section on MercyCorps and access that.  So, let's say there's a donation on there from Mike for $20 and the email address is [email protected].  The easiest way to do it would be to email me from [email protected] and say "i'd like the badge applied to the moneymike NikeTalk account" and I'll do the rest.  
If you did donate anonymously, you can send me a screenshot of the email if you want and we can try that and see how it goes.  I know exactly how many donations have been made and in what amount, so I won't give credit for the same donation twice.  If I find out somebody's trying to pull something, obviously a ban would be in order.

Some of you already left your screen names in the comments section, and I'll get started on activating your badges now. 

For all future donors: either include your NT account in the comments section or, if you'd prefer, just include an email address so we can confirm your donation and drop an email to [email protected].  I'll do my best to get back to you w/in 24 hours and add the code for your badge.
Wouldn't be easier to just forward the email instead of having to make a screenshot?
Yeah, that's fine, too.  I'm gonna take most people here at their word.  If they say they've donated in the thread to this point, I'll honor it.  (Then I'll go back and do a rough count just to make sure...)
From here on, however, please include your NikeTalk name in the comments or an email address you can easily use to confirm your donation.  Again, just send an email with your niketalk screen name from the account used to make the donation.  If you donate anonymously, I won't have that info to refer to.
Great job organizing and getting this together NT staff.

Spread the word too. Get the word out there. Any donations through any sites help.

Print out fliers and put them on your dorm walls, make wall posts about it on FB, tweet it on twitter, whatever you can, let's do what we can to help out!
It's beginning to dawn on me that, in offering this perk, I've just committed the next hour+ of my life to affixing virtual badges.

I'd appreciate your patience, everyone. I'm the only one on badge detail at the moment (I'm not gonna have the rest of the staff stand down and let havoc ensue on the forums) so this may take awhile.
EDIT:  You don't need to include your email address IN the comments section - that will make it display for the world.  For me to see it, all you have to do is give a name and not donate anonymously.   Someone already made this mistake, but I edited their comment for them to save them some spam.   
Finally donated after work. Very surprised to see how far this thread has progressed. Thanks everyone.
Originally Posted by Method Man

It's beginning to dawn on me that, in offering this perk, I've just committed the next hour+ of my life to affixing virtual badges.

I'd appreciate your patience, everyone. I'm the only one on badge detail at the moment (I'm not gonna have the rest of the staff stand down and let havoc ensue on the forums) so this may take awhile.
I'll tell you what, for all of your hard work and starting the thread/badge idea PM me when your done and I'll donate again for your efforts.

no rush Meth, what youre doin already is appreciated.

edit*. that was quick, thanks a lot
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