People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

Mar 13, 2004
I hate this *%@!....folks would rather speed up and come close to rear-ending the person in front of them instead of letting you in...
I swear, mergingbrings out the worst in people...
one of things that really irks me on the highways. its as if they feel like they'll arrive a few minutes later by letting you merge ahead of them so theyspeed up and tailgate the guy in front. this and when got dam slow people wanna stay on the fast lanes because they think it'll be more free ...
What bugs me are those people that get in the off ramp lane and then try to cut back in at the front.
how about people that dont use signal lights, how lazy do you have to be to not take a sec to flick the switch up or down
Originally Posted by JayHood23

how about people that dont use signal lights, how lazy do you have to be to not take a sec to flick the switch up or down
nothing bothers me more than that, thats how people get in accidents because an idiot does a quick turn without signaling.
Hahaha I do this all the time when I get bored in traffic. I box people just to see how mad they get.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

how about people that dont use signal lights, how lazy do you have to be to not take a sec to flick the switch up or down

My wife is was always getting on me for that. I have been doing better but now it feels like I am the only one using my signal. I turn mysignal on and it is clockwork that the person a couple car lengths behind me in the other lane punches it so I can't get over.
Or what about when you're the only damn car on the road, and the car ahead couldn't wait two secs for me to pass before he turns in? To top it off,they slow the +$$$ down, couldn't they just do that after I pass them? SMH. @%$# pisses me off.
I don't really care too much if its we are on the street but I don't like it on the highway because it's dangerous if I'm going 65 to mergebehind a car and the car speeds up to 80mph to tailgate and nearly rear end me to keep me from merging.

It depends on the timing, I once had a guy speed up like in my example at the same time I went to merge and we were both in the same lane and he nearly causedan accident.
another one...

you're in the slow lane and some one speeds by you in the fast lane and cuts you off and slam on the breaks to get on the off ramp , especially when therewas no one behind you.
I hate that, sometimes you have to NOT signal or put up the hand wave before they even let you in to throw them off
Originally Posted by damilkman619

Hahaha I do this all the time when I get bored in traffic. I box people just to see how mad they get.

thats dangerous. you should consider not doing that anymore
if you had ample time to get over and youre at the end, i speed up ... bama just wanted to get in front of a few cars lol
I hate that too, they speed up, then u get behind them and they wanna slow down

Bout to be in plenty of accidents because ppl don't use their turn signal or they stop, then put it on
what pisses me off is when you're on a one way and a car is trying to turn into the same street you're driving on and they have a stop sign. they pullup, check to see that you're coming and then pull out. i'm sure there are a whole crapload but i'll save for later
I hate that too.

Everybody that drives faster than me is a maniac and anybody that drives slower than me is an idiot.
DJs...your area of the country (DC/MD/VA) has THE WORST drivers i've ever encountered...particularly maryland. DC and VA arent as bad.
I do all of this.

Me and my ex used to always speed up whenever a car was trying to go around us. They'd be behind us and try to pass on the right. We'd speed up, thenmatch speeds with them so they can't get over. They eventually have to get over behind us again then try to pass again. Then we do the samething again. Itonly works well if you got a fast car. V8 FTW.
Originally Posted by Boomatic206

I hate that too.

Everybody that drives faster than me is a maniac and anybody that drives slower than me is an idiot.
, true.
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