Parks and Recreation vol. Ron Swanson ftw

^Keep fighting through Season 1. Season 2 will make you fall in love with the show.

show starts back up tonight at 9:30 on NBC..... get pumped Ron Swanson FTW! smiley: pimp

%#^*@(@ Winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
I'll be enjoying a Swanson while I watch
Super stoked for this season to start. Season 2 was too awesome. Hopefully this season will be just as good. Ron Swanson is straight boss. TH is the man too.
Super stoked for this season to start. Season 2 was too awesome. Hopefully this season will be just as good. Ron Swanson is straight boss. TH is the man too.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

couldn't find a clip, but when he's sleep fighting...

Ron I suffer from a disorder called Sleep Fighting.
Leslie Wow, must be terrible.
Ron: Only when I'm losing.


Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

couldn't find a clip, but when he's sleep fighting...

Ron I suffer from a disorder called Sleep Fighting.
Leslie Wow, must be terrible.
Ron: Only when I'm losing.


i cant wait for this tonight, i love this show. they need more scenes with Jon Ralphio though, that character is hilarious
i cant wait for this tonight, i love this show. they need more scenes with Jon Ralphio though, that character is hilarious
Originally Posted by ed2trey

i cant wait for this tonight, i love this show. they need more scenes with Jon Ralphio though, that character is hilarious
This, the resurrection of DJ Roomba, and more of Tom Haverford's lady 

Also anticipating how Andy and April's relationship will unfold 
Originally Posted by ed2trey

i cant wait for this tonight, i love this show. they need more scenes with Jon Ralphio though, that character is hilarious
This, the resurrection of DJ Roomba, and more of Tom Haverford's lady 

Also anticipating how Andy and April's relationship will unfold 
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