Parks and Recreation vol. Ron Swanson ftw

Aziz has really shown how funny he can be

Dude's lines are hilarious...
^lol, that's the episode that got me hooked. the telethon joint, that's where ron was sleep fighting.
^lol, that's the episode that got me hooked. the telethon joint, that's where ron was sleep fighting.
^ Did you watch the first season? Because it doesn't hit it's stride until season 2. Also, if you watched two random episodes then you wouldn't get the backstory/characters, etc.

Watch the first season, it's only 6 episodes, then try watching a few of season 2.

Hopefully OP updates this thread and keeps up with it weekly so we can try to spread the word some more and have discussion.
^ Did you watch the first season? Because it doesn't hit it's stride until season 2. Also, if you watched two random episodes then you wouldn't get the backstory/characters, etc.

Watch the first season, it's only 6 episodes, then try watching a few of season 2.

Hopefully OP updates this thread and keeps up with it weekly so we can try to spread the word some more and have discussion.
^Keep fighting through Season 1. Season 2 will make you fall in love with the show.

show starts back up tonight at 9:30 on NBC..... get pumped Ron Swanson FTW! smiley: pimp

%#^*@(@ Winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
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