P90X Discussion

I just finished another workout regime. I really wanna give this a try, so I'll take a week off before trying. Will I need a TV next to me while doingthese exercises??
I finished up days 3 and 4....

I can see there will be benefits to the Yogo...however, 90 mins is mad long an its harder to do when you have no idea whats coming next, then gotta look up atthe screen to see what to do.

I didn't fully complete the Yoga...did about half of it, but we also started it at 9pm after a long day.

Day 3 with the arms was pretty solid and of course the ab-ripper kicked my $@#.

Today is back and legs...and tomorrow is hoops.

Been following the meal plan thus far, aside from fish (I sub chicken)...pretty good.
^ The first half of Yoga is ridiculously hard, but you stopped right before it got great...The second half is pretty much glorified stretching (isn't thatyoga?) and it's awesome.
Can't start my workout today until after 7 due to waiting on someone from Clist to come buy something off me. Pretty pissed. lol
WOW. Woke up today like "wow did Yoga yesterday really get me this sore?" haha I loved it though. Man, today was legs and back. I thought it would beanother easy day. Lets just say this will be short because I am tired. Took my BlackPowder (way to much.) I stuck with them on all the leg excersises. I wasfighting through it all. The pushups were getting me exhausted. I was doing the best I could. Not at all like my first day because I am worn out through outthe week. I am VERY hard on myself when I do not do something as well as I feel like I should. I was trying to find a stable mind set that let me zone out andtrying to figure out who I am and how bad I want this. It develops over time. This workout is great. It really gives your legs what they need and incorporatesyour back extremely well. I vomitted right after my workout but that is ok considering I took blackpowder and was really fighting for those extra reps andseconds. I can't believe I am almost done with my first week. I will be back later with the food I ate and reps. To tired right now.
Hey guys, jus got my p90x today. I'm 16, 5'10 and weigh 140. I'm not fat but i do have some fat on my sides. I'm trying to lose the fat and geta beach body type look. So i looked through the videos today and i'm pretty excited. I dont plan on following the diet, just eating healthy. I'mconfused on what supplements or protein shakes/powders to take, and what to take as a "recovery" drink. What do u recomend and when should they betaken? Thanks
Originally Posted by Praise The X I

I vomitted right after my workout

call me crazy but i love this, i was lightheaded as !*@@ after lifting a few days ago, walked out of the gym and puked at the end of it, i went extra extrahard and that feels so good.
Originally Posted by vincecarterwut

Hey guys, jus got my p90x today. I'm 16, 5'10 and weigh 140. I'm not fat but i do have some fat on my sides. I'm trying to lose the fat and get a beach body type look. So i looked through the videos today and i'm pretty excited. I dont plan on following the diet, just eating healthy. I'm confused on what supplements or protein shakes/powders to take, and what to take as a "recovery" drink. What do u recomend and when should they be taken? Thanks
gold standard 100% whey protein
take it within 20 minutes after your workout
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by vincecarterwut

Hey guys, jus got my p90x today. I'm 16, 5'10 and weigh 140. I'm not fat but i do have some fat on my sides. I'm trying to lose the fat and get a beach body type look. So i looked through the videos today and i'm pretty excited. I dont plan on following the diet, just eating healthy. I'm confused on what supplements or protein shakes/powders to take, and what to take as a "recovery" drink. What do u recomend and when should they be taken? Thanks
gold standard 100% whey protein
take it within 20 minutes after your workout
Take a protein shake or eat a high protein meal after your workout. I don't agree with that "set time frame" in which youhave to take a recovery meal in. If you take it an hour later, it wouldn't kill you. It's better than nottaking it. Just make sure you don't neglect your protein intake for the rest of the day though.
I'd recommend taking high-quality whey protein like:
Take something with a high biological value. I wouldn't recommend those famous brands like ON and Myoplex just because as large companies, they try to cutcorners and that lowers the quality of their products. It's just business, nothing personal against them.

You plan to increase your weight (dumbbells) for the second week?

I was doing 20 lbs but at 8-10 reps. For me, the amount of reps would be for size. I was thinking going back to 15 to keep the energy up and doing 20.

I felt fatigued by the end of the week man, haha. And the breaks were a bit longer after three routines. But makes sense if I'm lifting a weight heavy formyself.

Edit: Week 1 complete! Kenpo was interesting. I'll probably post pics in a minute.
Just got off work so I'm gonna take a nap then hit up some yoga...Need to get back on track with the diet. I haven't been keeping up at all on thatend.
Take a protein shake or eat a high protein meal after your workout. I don't agree with that "set time frame" in which you have to take a recovery meal in. If you take it an hour later, it wouldn't kill you. It's better than not taking it. Just make sure you don't neglect your protein intake for the rest of the day though.
There certainly is a time frame window post workout. After roughly 30 min to an hour, a post workout meal becomes much less effective.
wanksta23 wrote:
Originally Posted by vincecarterwut

Hey guys, jus got my p90x today. I'm 16, 5'10 and weigh 140. I'm not fat but i do have some fat on my sides. I'm trying to lose the fat and get a beach body type look. So i looked through the videos today and i'm pretty excited. I dont plan on following the diet, just eating healthy. I'm confused on what supplements or protein shakes/powders to take, and what to take as a "recovery" drink. What do u recomend and when should they be taken? Thanks
gold standard 100% whey protein
take it within 20 minutes after your workout

Take a protein shake or eat a high protein meal after your workout. I don't agree with that "set time frame" in which you have to take a recovery meal in. If you take it an hour later, it wouldn't kill you. It's better than not taking it. Just make sure you don't neglect your protein intake for the rest of the day though.
I'd recommend taking high-quality whey protein like:
http://www.nutrabio.com/P...whey_protein_isolate.htm href="http://www.nutrabio.com/Products/whey_protein_isolate.htm" target=_blank>http://www.nutrabio.com/Products/whey_protein_isolate.htm
http://www.defensenutriti...tein_from_grass_fed_cows href="http://www.defensenutrition.com/defense_nutrition_whey_protein_from_grass_fed_cows" target=_blank>http://www.defensenutrition.com/defense_nutrition_whey_protein_from_grass_fed_cows
Take something with a high biological value. I wouldn't recommend those famous brands like ON and Myoplex just because as large companies, they try to cut corners and that lowers the quality of their products. It's just business, nothing personal against them.

Thanks for the help guys. I'll be taking a protein shake after my workouts now. One more question, I'm assuming that's not enough protein for aday. So, should i take protein bars? If so, how many a day? Do you recommend any? Thanks
Originally Posted by Durden7

Take a protein shake or eat a high protein meal after your workout. I don't agree with that "set time frame" in which you have to take a recovery meal in. If you take it an hour later, it wouldn't kill you. It's better than not taking it. Just make sure you don't neglect your protein intake for the rest of the day though.
There certainly is a time frame window post workout. After roughly 30 min to an hour, a post workout meal becomes much less effective.

I agree that a high protein meal directly following a workout is most effective, but after working out, protein is more useful, so the body willutilize it more than it would have before the workout. A meal would still be effective, but might not supply optimum results. I'm just saying that ifit's not possible to do directly after, then do it when you can.

vincecarterwut, I, personally like to eat myprotein in a block of time, usually 3 to 4 hours. But if you like to have snacks during the day, then just try to focus on high protein foods like Phase I inP90X specifies. If you don't have much time, then a protein bar is good, but I think that they're pretty expensive for the little effect they have.Their protein quality isn't as high as actual, whole foods. Try to have organic yogurt, kefir, etc. for a snack, they're better proteins, IMO.
^ I got a heavy bag and I use that during most of the Kenpo X sets...Talk about drenched in sweat...Feels great though.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

^ I got a heavy bag and I use that during most of the Kenpo X sets...Talk about drenched in sweat...Feels great though.

Dude I was wondering that. I was like if I had a bag I would get RIPPED with this. %#@# was fun though. For some reason I always feel like I'm doing itwrong even if I'm sore and drenched and getting results. I guess it's good because it keeps me wanting to work harder and sweat more. I'll be backprolly tmorrow with pics!
Yeah, I felt like I was doing it wrong or like I wasn't as fluid when I wasn't hitting anything. Once I started hitting the heavy bag though, it allfell into place and I felt like a champ.
LOL. There's no way I can do it with the bag because I do it in my living room or garage. And I gave away my punching bag. =/ Would def like to try though.I found myself saying "take that mother *((*)" on some punches. haha felt stupid of me.
i got the videos from a friend but can anyone hook up the diet regiments cause im not sure what i really should be eating during p90x
Finished week 1 between my posts - followed the diet pretty damn well.

Had a couple brews after helping install recessed lighting in my kitchen on Sat...after the damn Kenpo.

And we have some leftover lasagna and manicotti form my fiance's bridal shower, but I only eat small amounts of that.

When I get home we're going back to Day 1 - only week 2...though the workout certainly can kick your +#%, you feel so good afterwards.
i skipped out on a day so i had to do double duty yesterday....i was never more wiped out in my entire life....could not move for hours
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