Oldboy (2013) has an interesting cast

Why does this need to be remade?

I dont know why people ask such dumb questions. This is Hollywood where executives are constantly looking for good ideas for films. Oldboy is a pretty interesting idea, but its a foreign film. The majority of americans have no desire to see a foreign film of this nature. SO they decided to take the good idea, and make it for american audiences. Pretty much like how the entire world takes things and adapts them for their specific viewers
It's a simple question you prick.
That's the obvious answer, but why?
If spike isn't putting his own spin on it, then why should people especially people who have already seen oldboy watch it?
If this is just an americanization of oldboy, then I think the quality of the film will suffer.

Its a simple, yet dumb question.

While many wont think so, Spike is a pretty competent director, that also needs to pay bills. Hence, why he is attached.

None of us have actually seen the movie, so who are we to say things arent changed. And plus, the producers arent expecting this to be a "blockbuster" in the way f 100's of millions.

Why should people watch the movie? Why should they watch any movie? The film has a pretty good cast( brolin, olsen), a good director, and an interesting yet unoriginal story( that many americans havent seen).

Look at it lke this. How many people have seen, and loved the Departed? Now compare that to how many people have seen and loved Internal Affairs?
1. Most people haven't even heard of Oldboy

2. It actually looks good, but y'all just don't want it to be good off the strength of it being a remake.

3. If you look at the trailer from the viewpoint of someone who's never heard of Oldboy at all, THIS LOOKS LIKE IT WILL BE GOOD!

I get it. You don't want the original tarnished. But y'all are hating on a movie based on a very good trailer.
Pretty much.
Ziggy was the WORST character in The Wire... 
Its a simple, yet dumb question.

While many wont think so, Spike is a pretty competent director, that also needs to pay bills. Hence, why he is attached.

None of us have actually seen the movie, so who are we to say things arent changed. And plus, the producers arent expecting this to be a "blockbuster" in the way f 100's of millions.

Why should people watch the movie? Why should they watch any movie? The film has a pretty good cast( brolin, olsen), a good director, and an interesting yet unoriginal story( that many americans havent seen).

Look at it lke this. How many people have seen, and loved the Departed? Now compare that to how many people have seen and loved Internal Affairs?
It's not a dumb question as I've already illustrated.

I didn't say that things weren't changed. I made a conditional statement.

I liked Departed, but I haven't seen Interal Affairs.

So your comparison was lost on me.

All I'm saying is, this movie should try to appease both people who have seen the korean oldboy and people who have not.

I don't want to watch a movie that I feel that I've already seen.

Amazing Spiderman.
but Mr vengeance isnt even that original really. Just a kidnapping gone awry. Now Lady vengeance sure.

And the Hunger games is based off the book. While yes, thats a blatant rip of Battle Royale( author refuses to dmit it), it isnt like Hollywood hired a screenwriter to steal the idea. The books are popular, itd be dumb not to make movies
To dismiss Mr.Vengence as just a kidnapping going "awry" ...smh
So in the same vein you could say the same for Oldboy as well( that's clearly how they are selling this movie)
Hunger Games was a clear ripe off of Battle Royale and yes she literally sat down and pretty much copied the concept of the manga( which it adapted from), a studio had to green light it...
Lets face it this could be a decent adaptation but I seriously don't see the "twist" happening
Next thing we will see a "Ichi the Killer" or "The Audition" adaptation lol
Edit: if Charlize Theron does "Lady Vengence", I could see it happening because she is a good actress but as a fan of asian cinema and seeing countless remakes and hearing my friends talk about these movies like they are the truth, kinda irritates me
I show them the original movies and their whole mind frame changes... My girl wants to see this but going to show her to OG so she can formulate her own opinion.
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Hey is there a part 2 to Oldboy (The Korean version)?

I watched Oldboy a few months ago and its a sick movie.  The American trailer looks good too.
Hey is there a part 2 to Oldboy (The Korean version)?

I watched Oldboy a few months ago and its a sick movie.  The American trailer looks good too.

There's no number 2
The same director has what is called the "Vengence" trilogy
Sympathy for Mr.Vengence
Old Boy
Sympathy for Lady Vengence
In that order
Now as Ichi the Killer or the whole Japanese horror genre( it'll be funny as well for them to try an sell Machine Gun Girl) I am surprised Eli Roth hasn't tried to touch it, because truly alot of his gore films come from the Japanese horror culture, with over the top killings, etc
But that directors cut of Ichi, man that's a hard watch in a good way lol
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Tyler Perry makes films in spite of white people. He has his own studio, gets barely any screens to show his movies, and yet he always brings in a ******** of money. White guilt would have his movies being shown nationwide in every possible theater, which doesnt happen

He doesnt even need to do movies. he could go back to doing plays and rake in tons. He has Ted Turner kissing his *** and begging for shows, because they get major viewership( 2 of the highest viewerships on TBS).

If he was the recipeint of their guilt, they wouldnt continue to bash literally everything he does, while his fans love it. BTW im no fan of his work, but I respect his business acumen

That buffoonery...

ted turner kissing perry's ***? idk his bank account is already box office, doubt he NEEDS to kiss anyone's ***. those tyler perry shows are hot trash btw

The Spike slander :smh:

Movie looks good to me.

yea def watching this.
Its a simple, yet dumb question.

While many wont think so, Spike is a pretty competent director, that also needs to pay bills. Hence, why he is attached.

None of us have actually seen the movie, so who are we to say things arent changed. And plus, the producers arent expecting this to be a "blockbuster" in the way f 100's of millions.

Why should people watch the movie? Why should they watch any movie? The film has a pretty good cast( brolin, olsen), a good director, and an interesting yet unoriginal story( that many americans havent seen).

Look at it lke this. How many people have seen, and loved the Departed? Now compare that to how many people have seen and loved Internal Affairs?
It's not a dumb question as I've already illustrated.
I didn't say that things weren't changed. I made a conditional statement.
I liked Departed, but I haven't seen Interal Affairs.
So your comparison was lost on me.

All I'm saying is, this movie should try to appease both people who have seen the korean oldboy and people who have not.
I don't want to watch a movie that I feel that I've already seen.
Amazing Spiderman.

That actually kinda proves my point. Internal affairs came first in Hong Kong, then it was essentially adapted into The Departed. Internal affairs is a piece of crap when compared to its American counterpart. Also while you may have seen oldboy, there are alot of other movies adapted from foreign media that people dont know about. This is how alot of Americans would see Oldboy.

Also,hey, this could be an Oscar nominated movie ( just go with it for this example). If it turned out to be 1 of the best movies of the year, would people still be saying the original is better?

but Mr vengeance isnt even that original really. Just a kidnapping gone awry. Now Lady vengeance sure.

And the Hunger games is based off the book. While yes, thats a blatant rip of Battle Royale( author refuses to dmit it), it isnt like Hollywood hired a screenwriter to steal the idea. The books are popular, itd be dumb not to make movies
To dismiss Mr.Vengence as just a kidnapping going "awry" ...smh
So in the same vein you could say the same for Oldboy as well( that's clearly how they are selling this movie)
Hunger Games was a clear ripe off of Battle Royale and yes she literally sat down and pretty much copied the concept of the manga( which it adapted from), a studio had to green light it...
Lets face it this could be a decent adaptation but I seriously don't see the "twist" happening
Next thing we will see a "Ichi the Killer" or "The Audition" adaptation lol
Edit: if Charlize Theron does "Lady Vengence", I could see it happening because she is a good actress but as a fan of asian cinema and seeing countless remakes and hearing my friends talk about these movies like they are the truth, kinda irritates me
I show them the original movies and their whole mind frame changes... My girl wants to see this but going to show her to OG so she can formulate her own opinion.

IMo thats the basics of Mr vengeance. The story isnt as original as Oldboy for me to say that adapting that story would be a huge deal.

As for the Battle Royale thing, lets not get into it. While I do agree that the HG lady stole the idea, I could also go onto say that the Author or Battle Royale stole ideas from various other movies books etc. Running man so on.

My main point in all of this is, they are making movies for an America audience and make money. While I may be able to watch korean and japanese media, I know plenty of people who are just turned off to it, because its too different.
That actually kinda proves my point. Internal affairs came first in Hong Kong, then it was essentially adapted into The Departed. Internal affairs is a piece of crap when compared to its American counterpart. Also while you may have seen oldboy, there are alot of other movies adapted from foreign media that people dont know about. This is how alot of Americans would see Oldboy.

Also,hey, this could be an Oscar nominated movie ( just go with it for this example). If it turned out to be 1 of the best movies of the year, would people still be saying the original is better?
IMo thats the basics of Mr vengeance. The story isnt as original as Oldboy for me to say that adapting that story would be a huge deal.

As for the Battle Royale thing, lets not get into it. While I do agree that the HG lady stole the idea, I could also go onto say that the Author or Battle Royale stole ideas from various other movies books etc. Running man so on.

My main point in all of this is, they are making movies for an America audience and make money. While I may be able to watch korean and japanese media, I know plenty of people who are just turned off to it, because its too different.
I'll take that except The Running Man reference really doesn't work for me in the same vein when dealing with Battle Royale(will just disagree there) and I still feel Me.Vengence was a little more then your opinion but( we can also disagree there)
I just hate how American companies remake movies to water down or dumb down to American audiences I mean I guess when you are a fan of certain things, ie. just a couple off the top of the dome
The Last AirBender
Mario Brothers
The Eye
Just hate seeing the dis-service done to certain things, I will always see Spike for his genius, not only as a great black film director, but he told stories of the eighties and early nineties that told my story as a young man growing up in American Society, but I just can't rock with this remake but hopefully the film will make/peek interest into seeing the OG film
I'll leave with this, this is like if George Lucas/Steven Spielberg/ Ron Howard made an "Akira" remake, I respect all of them for their film making prowess but I just don't want them to touch the story
James Cameron is still making a Battle Angel film due out in 2017 iirc.

And an Akira film will be made eventually, it's just one of those projects that everyone wants to get off the ground but can't quite do it yet. There is still too much interest in it not to be made though so i think we will see an Akira film sometime in our lifetime.
That actually kinda proves my point. Internal affairs came first in Hong Kong, then it was essentially adapted into The Departed. Internal affairs is a piece of crap when compared to its American counterpart. Also while you may have seen oldboy, there are alot of other movies adapted from foreign media that people dont know about. This is how alot of Americans would see Oldboy.

Also,hey, this could be an Oscar nominated movie ( just go with it for this example). If it turned out to be 1 of the best movies of the year, would people still be saying the original is better?
IMo thats the basics of Mr vengeance. The story isnt as original as Oldboy for me to say that adapting that story would be a huge deal.

As for the Battle Royale thing, lets not get into it. While I do agree that the HG lady stole the idea, I could also go onto say that the Author or Battle Royale stole ideas from various other movies books etc. Running man so on.

My main point in all of this is, they are making movies for an America audience and make money. While I may be able to watch korean and japanese media, I know plenty of people who are just turned off to it, because its too different.
I'll take that except The Running Man reference really doesn't work for me in the same vein when dealing with Battle Royale(will just disagree there) and I still feel Me.Vengence was a little more then your opinion but( we can also disagree there)
I just hate how American companies remake movies to water down or dumb down to American audiences I mean I guess when you are a fan of certain things, ie. just a couple off the top of the dome
The Last AirBender
Mario Brothers
The Eye
Just hate seeing the dis-service done to certain things, I will always see Spike for his genius, not only as a great black film director, but he told stories of the eighties and early nineties that told my story as a young man growing up in American Society, but I just can't rock with this remake but hopefully the film will make/peek interest into seeing the OG film
I'll leave with this, this is like if George Lucas/Steven Spielberg/ Ron Howard made an "Akira" remake, I respect all of them for their film making prowess but I just don't want them to touch the story

Im all for bashing remakes if they suck, but I just want people to at least give them the chance to suck first.

And Ill never badmouth Super Mario Bros. I dont know WTF they were doing when they made it, but I still found it awesome

James Cameron is still making a Battle Angel film due out in 2017 iirc.

And an Akira film will be made eventually, it's just one of those projects that everyone wants to get off the ground but can't quite do it yet. There is still too much interest in it not to be made though so i think we will see an Akira film sometime in our lifetime.

Different people have been kicking around the idea for a while now. it just would cost a ton to do.

Its also funny, because I truly think the guy behind Chronicle straight up stole stuff from Akira, but not alot of people noticed
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Plenty of people actually noticed the Akira reference in Chronicle, to those who actually knew about Akira that is, the writer admitted that it was a homage of sorts. The director, writer and actors are well aware of it.

How do you feel about the comparison of Chronicle to Akira?

Tremendously flattered. I love Akira, and Andrew in the hospital gown at the end is definitely an intentional homage. That said, plotwise and in terms of the story as a whole, they really couldn't be more different. They share similar elements, but ultimately Akira is a sci-fi epic, and Chronicle is a drama about a lonely teenage boy.

How much influence did Akira have on this film.

Josh Trank: I'm a huge fan of all things Akira, it's definitely a big influence on the movie. And since you've seen the movie you can tell there are many influences on the film [including] Carrie [and] The Fury. There's so much that we were able to put into this movie because these character are really a reflection of who we were as teenagers.

When I was that age, I would pay as much as an homage to the relationships in my real life from and all my influences, and anime and movies and video games and characters who I would really emulate. I thought that in this film there's a great context for movie homages. But without being too blatant about it. Implementing those influences gracefully and respectfully, without doing a rip-off or playing out the same idea out completely. I love those movies and I really wanted to make my own fresh take on all those things.

The scene between Andrew and the police felt exactly like Tetsuo's rampage through Neo Tokyo. Was that intentional?

Josh Trank: Yeah. Absolutely. It's funny because if you had telekinesis and you were going on a rampage, that's just what would happen. If this was a real event, everyone would say, "that kid just went Akira on everyone." And that was something I used to say growing up, "I'm gonna go Akira on them." When Max [Landis the screenwriter] and I were talking about the script before it was even written we'd just say, "And then he just basically goes Akira on them." So...

Did you get any pleasure out of watching Andrew going all Akira? He beats up on the popular kids pretty hard.

Josh Trank: Yeah, it was cathartic. I think if I was that age and going through whatever I went though then, I'd be doing that probably the next day. Because nobody would know you did that, there would be no evidence. As a more adjusted adult, right now, I would be a lot more responsible. I think the real tragedy is having that kind of godlike ability at that age. There's nothing to really keep you from making a more irrational response to antagonism.
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@blake, Super Mario Bros really,lol
Not mad at you but that and Double Dragon are the worst remakes(DBZ and Tekken( round out my top
Now Street Fighter was so damn awful that it was great, especially high, lol
And I never saw infernal affairs, is that really good??
Wasnt that jack Nicholson and Leo Dicap movie based off that??
I am not bashing it but for me OG concepts stick in my mind, now if I didnt know the story I would go into this with no bias, but old boy is one of my many favorite Asia cinema flicks, so it's hard to go in as a clean slate but I'll try
As long as Michael Bay or (as rumored Nick Cage wanted a piece of Akira) doesnt do it and a directo does it with love and true understanding of source material, I'll be game I guess
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@blake, Super Mario Bros really,lol
Not mad at you but that and Double Dragon are the worst remakes(DBZ and Tekken( round out my top
Now Street Fighter was so damn awful that it was great, especially high, lol
And I never saw infernal affairs, is that really good??
Wasnt that jack Nicholson and Leo Dicap movie based off that??
I am not bashing it but for me OG concepts stick in my mind, now if I didnt know the story I would go into this with no bias, but old boy is one of my many favorite Asia cinema flicks, so it's hard to go in as a clean slate but I'll try
As long as Michael Bay or (as rumored Nick Cage wanted a piece of Akira) doesnt do it and a directo does it with love and true understanding of source material, I'll be game I guess

for me, SMB is the kinda film where, if you completely disregard the fact that it has any affiliton with the games, its a silly 90's movie thats kinda interesting. The rocket boots, the guns etc. I can do that with SMB. I cant with Street Fighter, because they just flat out refused to do things for the fans. Like they interrupted the first Ryu/Vega fight, no fireballs, Guile is foreign etc.

and The Departed was based off of Infernal Affairs.
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