Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


I neeeeed to see Gangster squad I got a thing for Ryan Gosling...and his girl too Eva Mendez, hot damn!![emoji]128525[/emoji][emoji]128523[/emoji][emoji]128540[/emoji]
Jennifer Lawrence is just all around terrific, that much is clear by now. Can do comedy and drama, and excel in both. Funny and likable in interviews, while appearing genuine and honest. Plus she's gorgeous. 

Speaking of awesome actresses



Cute actress with humor :smokin:D
Excerpt from her Rolling Stone cover issue:
"Dude!" says Jennifer Lawrence into her cellphone. "I'm lost as f***! I've been driving around for, like, 10 minutes. Where the hell is this place?"

She's looking for a horse stable. We have plans to go horseback riding in the canyons above Malibu, but neither of us can find the place. I tell her to pull over and I'll come find her.

The most talented young actress in America is idling on a side street in her white Volkswagen, in blue jeans, a gray T-shirt and designer shades. Her naturally blond hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail, and her elbows are sticking out the open window. She's famous for playing vulnerable young women with wills of steel, as with her Oscar-nominated turn in Winter's Bone, or as the bow-and-arrow-toting Katniss Everdeen in the just-released Hunger Games. Right now her face says she means business.

"I have to pee so bad."

We drive a little more and find the stable, which, it turns out, isn't a stable, just a red-dirt parking lot where a horse trailer is parked. Lawrence jumps out of the VW and is off like a flash, running off down the trail in search of a bush. Two twentysomething hiker babes in sunglasses and sports bras, SoCal trail chic, do a double take as she sprints past. Was that...?

Lawrence, 21, has a way of making a first impression. Woody Harrelson, her Hunger Games co-star, still remembers their first meeting. "I was on my bus," he says, "and on my bus I have a yoga swing. Jennifer comes on, and she goes, 'Hi, Woody, I'm J— is that a sex swing?' Her first sentence to me."

Josh Hutcherson, also from The Hunger Games: "When I got cast, she called me up for one of those five-minute 'Excited to work with you, blah, blah, blah' things. The conversation started with her saying, 'Think about a catheter going in – ouch!' and then turns into a 45-minute rant about zombies and the apocalypse."

And here's Zoë Kravitz, who appeared with Lawrence in X-Men: First Class and who is one of her best friends: "I'd met her a few times, and she was like, 'You should come over and we'll hang out.' So I go over to her apartment, and she opens the door in a towel. She's like, 'Come in, sorry, you're early, I was about to shower.' And she drops her towel and gets in the shower, and starts shaving her legs, totally naked. She was like, 'Are we here yet? Is this OK?' And I was like, 'I guess we're there!'"

Lawrence finishes peeing in record time ("I'm the fastest pee-er ever," she says later. "I'm famous for it") and starts heading back down the trail. She's barely had time to button her jeans when the two hikers stop her. "I'm sorry to bother you," one says. "But could I get your autograph? My niece is 15. It would make her year."

Fifteen-year-old nieces are Lawrence's sweet spot right now. The Hunger Games trilogy is the biggest teen juggernaut since Twilight, with 24 million copies of the books in print. And since its post-apocalyptic action-packed love story appeals to boys as much as girls, experts are predicting the movie to make approximately a gajillion dollars, with three sequels already in the works.

Back in the parking lot, we meet up with our guide, Jasmin, who introduces us to our mounts for the day. Lawrence gets a white mare named Nay-Nay, who Jasmin says had a cameo in HBO's Band of Brothers. "Oh!" Lawrence says, petting her on the nose. "You're famous!"
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I just came in here to praise venom for his Top 20-to-look-forward-to list for 2013, but he already posted it. Nice writeup man; you listed some movies I had heard about and wanted to hear more of, and then some I never even heard of.

yea that's the goal, the best part of looking forward and anticipating is getting info on these projects most people haven't heard about yet.

Mark those calenders
Jennifer Lawrence is just all around terrific, that much is clear by now. Can do comedy and drama, and excel in both. Funny and likable in interviews, while appearing genuine and honest. Plus she's gorgeous. 

Speaking of awesome actresses



Jennifer L. in SLP...when she rocked that white dancing outfit :evil:

Wait, he's dating Eva Mendez? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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*dead* at her calling Robert DeNiro "Bob" and not being the least bit smarmy about it, or full of herself or anything.

That chick is as real as it gets.

And if her and Anna do a movie together, I'll be very happy about it. And if there happens to be a steamy lesbian sex scene, hey, it's for the characters. And if Natalie Portman suddenly walks in in a cameo role, good times.
Jennifer Lawrence is just all around terrific, that much is clear by now. Can do comedy and drama, and excel in both. Funny and likable in interviews, while appearing genuine and honest. Plus she's gorgeous. 

Speaking of awesome actresses

:rofl: I had to double take on that. She's getting cooler in my book.
What I shoulda done was rename this the Detroit Pistons season thread and NOBODY woulda ever found us. We'd be in S&T up to 14,000 pages and still not get discovered. :lol:

I shoulda thought of that a week ago. :smh:
:rofl: I woulda been here shocked a Piston thread in this day and age is 900 pages.
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*dead* at her calling Robert DeNiro "Bob" and not being the least bit smarmy about it, or full of herself or anything.

That chick is as real as it gets.

And if her and Anna do a movie together, I'll be very happy about it. And if there happens to be a steamy lesbian sex scene, hey, it's for the characters. And if Natalie Portman suddenly walks in in a cameo role, good times.

everyone calls him Bob in Hollywood, I believe he prefers it.
*dead* at her calling Robert DeNiro "Bob" and not being the least bit smarmy about it, or full of herself or anything.

That chick is as real as it gets.

And if her and Anna do a movie together, I'll be very happy about it. And if there happens to be a steamy lesbian sex scene, hey, it's for the characters. And if Natalie Portman suddenly walks in in a cameo role, good times.

everyone calls him Bob in Hollywood, I believe he prefers it.
Yeah, I forgot who it was that called him that in one of the last movies he was in. Caught me off guard and made me laugh.
I'm pretty sure I've heard Ben Stiller call him Bob in various Meet the Parents (and sequels) related interviews too.
I'm sure he is fine with it, but she was sitting there giving all this praise to Bradley Cooper of all people, being nice to everyone she's worked with, and just casually says Bob without even batting an eye. I thought it was genuine, and just another reflection of who she is. Similar to the article Kev posted about how she met Woody, and Josh, etc. She is just herself, I don't see any Lindsay in her.

If Lohan coulda been more grounded, she'd still be making great movies and our jaws would still be dropped when she walked by. Now I just don't wanna catch anything as she passes me. Very sad what Hollywood did to that once promising chest. Now we all have to watch Mean Girls annually for the next 15 years wondering where it all went wrong. :smh:
New shows are back on :pimp:

The Office
The Big Bang Theory
Family Guy
The Simpsons
30 Rock
Modern Family
American Dad
How I Met Your Mother
Robot Chicken
The Cleveland Show
2 Broke Girls
Two and a Half Men :nerd:
Can't stop watching a show I'm caught up with :wow: :riceboy

Also Workaholics is back tomorrow and Archer on Thursday.


I'm caught up with Archer also :pimp:

Lincoln was great for 2 performances, and everything else was crap. Yet the hype train for that was built in Oscar nods for everyone, it was so wonderful, etc etc, when really it was just boring crap, with a history stamp on it.


I didn't think anyone else thought the same, but I wouldn't necessarily say it was crap, it just didn't wow me
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Holy mother of hell ******g yes!!!!!!

That's M. Night 2.0, though.

Good luck? :lol:

Stock up on Tums?

Here are my most anticipated films of 2013.

You did the damn thing. :smokin

Lincoln was great for 2 performances, and everything else was crap. Yet the hype train for that was built in Oscar nods for everyone, it was so wonderful, etc etc, when really it was just boring crap, with a history stamp on it.

Thanks. Just gonna keeeeeeeeeep kicking that rock down the road.
End up watching it on Festivus or something.

Because the clown in the recent images is upsetting me, here's something better to replace it

Amy and Tina being hilarious, Chastain and Lawrence winning, Affleck winning director and picture, and Tarantino getting screenplay.. all in all, pretty good night

And this was great.

Both of them. Sit on my face.

To whoever said Kathryn Bigelow was robbed... LOL.

Saw Zero Dark Thirty again instead of the GG or the Texan massacre.
Yeah...Hurt Locker was overrated, but that was maybe better directed than ZDT was.

BTW, don't know how many Fringe fans are on here but the 2 hour series finale is on Friday. :frown:

It's just you and me left. :lol:
I don't know how to quit this crazy show.
But that episode, when the daughter :nerd:....too good.

BTW, don't know how many Fringe fans are on here but the 2 hour series finale is on Friday. :frown:

I refuse to watch it unless someone tells me it all fits together in cohesive fashion

I will not get lost again

MR O gave a good description if it

:lol: Yea...I accept this for what it is, even though the dialogue's sorta corny, they kinda wing it, and hit the reset button every 5 minutes.

Seasons 2 and 3 are really surprisingly good, though.
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It's just you and me left.

I don't know how to quit this crazy show.
But that episode, when the daughter
....too good.
Yeah it's gotten crazy at times but I can't quit it either.

And co-sign about that episode.

Gonna miss John Noble being on TV.
Last night's How I Met Your Mother 

I know some of yall hate the show, but I've been on the hook for this show non stop
I swear Clive Owen has been in way more movies than I can keep up with. They always seem to be these movies made overseas and set there so I'm always mad late.

On another note, Billion Dollar Brain :pimp:
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The Thing is showing on IFC at 12:30.

I been wanting to see it for a long time. DVR set

The reboot/prequel?

It's terrible. And that's from someone who has very high tolerance.

EDIT: Oh, JC's The Thing...

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Second best blend of horror and sci-fi, only behind Alien.
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Predator was on AMC a few weeks back...Movie is buns. :lol: I mean 'get to the choppa' is forever, but hot damn. :lol:

Gonna miss John Noble being on TV.

He really should've gotten Emmy love for season 3 or 4. :\

I can't even watch LOTR right again, cuz Denethor is just Walternate. :lol:
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