Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Recent monsters, like aughts up.
I was probably reaching with the apes. :lol:
And not a guy in a mask, but I guess anything that ain't human...ly? :lol:

Lke I loved those dog beasts from Hellboy. They fit so smoothly into that world and just had a new little twist every 5 minutes.
And that scene in the cave. :smokin

This year....damn...just went blank. :lol: Pacific Rim...are there monsters in After Earth?

Benicio stays doing his thing in everything he's in....Blake Lively though. :smh: Can she even act? Or is it just cuz I'm not a fan?
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A lot of them are crap because many rely on CGI, and if it's not great CGI, it's terrible.

The years of Harryhausen are dead. Practical effects for the most part are dead.

As for monster movies? Yeah, there haven't been many.

The Descent, Slither, The Mist, Cloverfield, Pan's, Predators are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

There was some indie project called Monsters a while back. Made by a guy named Gareth Edwards. I guess it was good enough that Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are backing him for the blockbuster Godzilla reboot. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

There was also Clash of the Titans and Wrath of the Titans recently. Clash was a gigantic meh, and I picked up Wrath but haven't watched it as of yet.
A lot of them are crap because many rely on CGI, and if it's not great CGI, it's terrible.

The years of Harryhausen are dead. Practical effects for the most part are dead.

As for monster movies? Yeah, there haven't been many.

The Descent, Slither, The Mist, Cloverfield, Pan's, Predators are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

There was some indie project called Monsters a while back. Made by a guy named Gareth Edwards. I guess it was good enough that Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures are backing him for the blockbuster Godzilla reboot. :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

There was also Clash of the Titans and Wrath of the Titans recently. Clash was a gigantic meh, and I picked up Wrath but haven't watched it as of yet.

Anyone have the leaked Comic-Con trailer? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: Heard it looks amazing :smokin


Just saw Stand Up Guys and mannnnnnn! That's one of my favorite movies of the year! :wow: :smokin iMDB ratings aren't doing it any justice :smh:

I also knocked out Hit & Run haha, i liked it.
Raised the bar imo, but people held it to the ideal and nostalgia of the original.

Nostalgia? 4 years later? >D :lol:

You could just tell...that they were reaching as hard as they could. And that this was very much never meant to be more than 1 film.

Let's just get this outta the way...the fight scenes in Matrix: Reloaded were some of the greatest action scenes in film ever to me. The staircase, the car chase (Trinity on the bike :x), the fight with the Asian dude...even that little 1-2 at the start of the movie. They were so far ahead of their time and they still hold up fine today, even making that tacky techno get over. :lol: I could see how some people would think the effects are ehhhh and it's corny now, but every once in a while something will remind of them and I'll hit up youtube real quick.

But outside of the action...this film had so much going for it, but it would just break into long philosophical monologues out of nowhere, just rambling on like one my posts. :lol: Momentum be damned. And I'll admit, some of my gripes with Reloaded came from seeing it with new eyes after Revolutions. It was like trying to look at Lost the same way after seeing season 6. As awesome as a Smith army was, knowing how it ends takes from that. It just does for me.

And even on it's own...I'm assuming the Merovingian was the French guy who mind****** chicks and just stood there shooting philosophy bullets at Neo, then siccing his boys on him? :smh: No, I was not about that then, and it's still groanworthy now. :lol: You could see some of the calculated menace there, but it turned into camp with the editing and blocking, where they'd have everyone stop and let the bad guy talk for 10 minutes, killing all seriousness.

And the architect scene...THAT was a joke to me. All this build up, all this mystery and mythos. Epic battles and prophecies and the fate of everything on the line...all leading to...Colonel Sanders? :rofl: That was so damn stupid to me. And there were little nuggets of knowledge in there, but the plate was filthy as hell.

There was nothing more fitting than when Will Ferrell went in on it at the MTV Movie Awards. :lol:

The script is just halfbaked and overwritten. The Matrix was a philosophical and intellectual story that expressed itself through fantasy violence that evolved and informed on the characters and rules of its world while they were happening. Matrix: Reloaded is big action setpieces with random philosophical speeches and ******** tension and story as an excuse to set them up, all coming to a head with the dumbest speech of all and the filmmakers leaning back like they think they just blew your mind again. I mean...it gets The Avengers treatment from me, where I can just sit through the action, but at least the last hour of Avengers is 1 big action scene and it ends well.

The Matrix: Reloaded is the birth of Lost-speak. That's the birth of kinda talking about something real, but not really and not giving you answers, but telling you the answers will blow your mind, and please keep following me down the rabbithole, but don't get too close cuz you're not ready for this. Oh and it's the most important thing ever, but I can't tell you how or why or what you need to do next...just trust us. Oh and in true Lost fashion, Matrix: Reloaded doesn't have an ending.

The first Matrix was profound. Is profound. Is timeless. It has value without its action scenes, because it's good storytelling. Reloaded tries to be profound by holding its allegiances until the end, where we find out that Neo's wrong, you can only beat The Matrix from within, and that you've got to conform in certain ways to help the most people. But it does so with the stupidest message carriers and writing of the series. Not to mention, every actor in the cast took a step back in their acting. :smh:

But that's just me. :lol:

I wanted to get to this but couldn't from my phone last night.

I probably worded nostalgia incorrectly. Shock doesn't fit, surprise? The "where the **** did this come from" feel of Matrix 99. The hype for Reloaded was off the charts, but the newness was worn off. It was better, but it wasn't "newer" ya know what I mean?

I agree with your point, you look at Reloaded now, and bring Revolutions into the fold with it. Prime1984 (friend of mine, doesn't post as much on NT anymore but he was in our Drafts) is a HUGE movie guy, knows everything, he fought with me over and over that the first Matrix was meh. I loved it, he thought it was overrated. So he would give me **** when I was excited for Reloaded, when I walked out of that theatre, I was giddy. Absolutely giddy. I called him as I was still walking out of the place, and told him he's a fool if he doesn't go see it right away. So he did. He called me, as he was walking out as well, and he said it point blank, I was right, this is the new Star Wars. It brought him in, FULLY. We thought it was going to get real big, real fast. More sequels, all kinds of stuff, we were excited as hell, 6 months later, Revolutions happened. :smh:

A part of me died that day. I was so upset man. 2 hour film, it had 15 minutes of what I felt The Matrix was about. The scene in the club where Trinity Morpheus and Seraph attack the Marovingian's club. And of course, the final scene with Smith and Neo. All that Zion **** missed me BIG time. **** a Zion, the movie is THE MATRIX, take care of the world IN THE MATRIX. I was so bitter about it. Just crushed. So I get why you hold onto that, but that's not on Reloaded.

Yes, it could be a bit long winded, maybe shallow, and empty as you say, maybe the fit wasn't "right" but hearing those lectures, about Causality, the meaning of Purpose, the systematic anamoly of the Matrix that was Neo were indeed interesting. If you took that dialogue out, and went all action, and cheesy dialogue, everyone would give them hell for it, at least they TRIED to give full, thoughtful dialogue, maybe they just bit off more than they could chew.

Iono, whenever I see it on, I watch, and happily. I NEVER watch Revolutions other than the final scene, that's how bad that one cut me. :smh:
God this was one of my favorite cartoons (maybe the favorite) of my youth...


Commercial Director Nic Mathieu in Talks to Make ‘Robotech’ at Warner Bros.
Posted on Friday, January 25th, 2013 by Russ Fischer


It was only a couple weeks ago that a trailer for fan-made Robotech movie cropped up online. At the time, we mentioned that Warner Bros. had been developing a live-action adaptation of Robotech for a while, but things had been quiet on that front for many months.

While it may seem that interest in the fan film that spurred WB back to action with an adaptation of the fan-favorite anime series, in fact the studio has been chugging along with the property for a while, and trying to hire a director since last fall. And now commercial director Nic Mathieu is now in talks to make the film.

THR reports that WB has been working on setting a director since late last year. Mathieu, who was already signed to make the David Koepp-scripted The Wind for the studio, evidently made his case well. (I wonder what kind of reel he used, and if we might end up seeing that sooner rather than later.)

Alfred Gough, Miles Millar and Lawrence Kasdan have all worked on scripts for Robotech over the past few years, but we don’t know what draft is in play now. More than likely, a new writer will come on board to work on the property.

The Robotech series broadcast in the US was in fact a re-edit of three different Japanese TV series, with each of the three series representing a generation in the fight between humans and aliens. Presumably the film will adapt the Macross Saga, which was the first chunk of the show. It goes as follows:

The Macross Saga begins with humanity’s discovery of a crashed alien ship and subsequent battle against a race of giant warriors called the Zentraedi, who have been sent to retrieve the ship for reasons unknown. In the course of this chapter, Earth is nearly annihilated, the Zentraedi are defeated, and humans gain knowledge of the energy source called protoculture. Humanity also learns of the Robotech Masters whose galactic empire the Zentraedi protected and patrolled.

Here’s the commercial that probably best points to the reason(s) WB tapped Mathieu for Robotech. Another of his spots, ‘Turbulence,’ for Cadillac, follows that, and you can see more of his work at Anonyous Content. (Warning: autoplay videos start at that link.)

Here's a link to more Nic Mathieu Cadillac commercials -

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Ahhhh...okay. I see what you wanted outta The Matrix movies, now. I get that. I can see how, in its own way, it was a new Star Wars. And if they followed through, I could maybe deal with Colonel Sanders.

And yeah, how are you gonna have a Matrix movie, where almost none of it takes place in the matrix, and half of it follows some new lames playing Final Fantasy in Zion? :lol: Movie never had a chance.
Aaliyah is the one that said it was the Star Wars of this generation. She was going to be in the sequels as Zee before she passed. :smh:

Her replacement looks a lot like her. Kills me everytime I see her.
Once: 9.5

It's a musical, but not in a Glee or Rent kind of way. Brilliant. Charming. Delightful. Honest.

Silver Linings Playbook: 9.0

Too easy. Right up my alley. Jennifer Lawrence is a must-see from here on out.

Trouble with the Curve: 4.5

I like Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake, but the story was tired and the baseball was even worse.

Baseball desperately needs better films.
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The Words: 8

Pretty good movie starring Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Zoe Saldana, etc.

Officer Down: 5

It was koo, shout out to Soldier Boy :lol:
If anyone was a former fan of The Office but gave up, the documentary crew stepped in front of the camera for the first time tonight... which was a pretty big deal. Roughly ten episodes left until they finish and despite the quality declining greatly over the years, it's going to be pretty disappointing when they finally end. 

30 Rock has its series finale next week and they're ending on the highest of notes. They're wrapping up everything and everyone in a really impressive fashion. The show was never the most heartwarming or genuine, but they're hitting all the right notes as they take their exit.
If anyone was a former fan of The Office but gave up, the documentary crew stepped in front of the camera for the first time tonight... which was a pretty big deal. Roughly ten episodes left until they finish and despite the quality declining greatly over the years, it's going to be pretty disappointing when they finally end. 

30 Rock has its series finale next week and they're ending on the highest of notes. They're wrapping up everything and everyone in a really impressive fashion. The show was never the most heartwarming or genuine, but they're hitting all the right notes as they take their exit.

I know it isn't the same, but I've been loving the latest episodes, 30 Rock for being random and The Office knows what it's doing again :smokin


Complete 2012 Movie List (for the most part)


How many did you miss? :nerd:
I've actually found 30 Rock to be worse than usual and for it was usually around average. I'm sitting down and paying attention to these final eps and I'm getting no laughs. I find a show like Go On funnier.

NBC really needs to work on their new comedies when they neglect greatness like Community.

On another note, I'm looking forward to Do No Harm on NBC next week. Doctor with a split personality that has the other more darker personality take over his body at night. Hope it's done well enough that I could enjoy it for a few seasons. Premise is interesting enough.
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30 rock has been wrapping up nicely IMO. Pretty much clearing every story arc and even random characters like spaceman who becomes Sargon general. It's definitley better than the office.

My favorite sitcom since Seinfeld. Super consistent.
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The Following... Like it so far.. Didn't known they can show all the gore and **** on regular tv :lol:
Looper was awesome. JGL, Bruce, everyone in the movie, they were all dope. The story was interesting and fun, definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. I wish I had seen this in theaters, really really dope movie. The film-noir undertones were a nice little addition. Rian Johnson is a great director.
I encourage you guys to constantly scan IFC. They had the OG thing and at 3:30 sling blade which I've never seen before
Huge news about the new X Men. Rogue, Iceman, Kitty Pryde all will be back. :pimp:

That cast is getting HUGE.
^Yes they are, just saw it in the other comic based movie thread. Same for the actors that played Ice Man and Kitty. So that's the guy that's in The Following and Juno.

On another note Appaloosa :pimp: Viggo, Jeremy :smokin
The Perks of Being A Wallflower: 9

Hermione will have an acting career outside of Harry Potter :smokin

Total Recall: 7.5

Long movie and the future looks pretty dope

Modern Family
Parks & Recreation
The Office

Going to start New Girl soon 8)
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