Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Another film where you're not going to enjoy the film as much if you don't see it in theaters.

You just don't get the same experience watching a movie like The Avengers on your computer screen/TV screen, or at a theater.
Sounds right. I didnt watch it in theaters, and it wasn't as impressive as my friends were making it seem after I watched it at home. Just wasn't all that imo, but the theater experience would have probably made up for what I thought was lacking.

Training Day is on AMC :pimp:
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Sounds right. I didnt watch it in theaters, and it wasn't as impressive as my friends were making it seem after I watched it at home. Just wasn't all that imo, but the theater experience would have probably made up for what I thought was lacking.

Training Day is on AMC :pimp:

Is it more impactful when The Hulk is 15 feet tall on the theater screen, or a foot tall on your plasma, or 3 inches tall on your laptop screen?

It's much easier to suspend your disbelief when you're sitting in a dark theater, as opposed to sitting at home, on your laptop, on your phone, or with things going on in the distance.

It's just one thing that irks me about when people say they don't enjoy a film, when certain films really bank on the theatrical experience.
^if you want a big theatrical type experience, watch Dredd. Just watch Dredd in general.

Spiderman just lost me at the b-ball scene. It was everybit as cheesy as when Tobey Maguire was strutting down the streets of NYC in SPiderman 3. Once that happened, there was no bringing me back :lol:

I just hold every superhero movie to the Christopher Nolan standard. I feel like I've been spoiled by his efforts and I would love to see other superhero franchises go in that direction (dark).
All of this.

It's why I don't think I'll really watch all of Avengers or TDKR again.

O-Neg you watched Fringe's series finale yet? :nerd:

Uhhh....kinda put it on in the background and half-watched it... :lol:
Gonna check it out again forreal.
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I heard Dredd was an absolute blast. I'll pick it up when it gets a little cheaper.

It's just something about taste I guess. People want their superheroes to act like Nolan Gotham all-of-a-sudden, and I feel like it's the same people who don't like over-the-top films like The Cabin.
What didn't you like about The Avengers?

I don't know...I think I've just been spoiled by Christopher Nolan's take on the Batman series and I just can't take cartoony superhero movies anymore. :lol: No real reason other than that.

*I was moderately interested in spiderman until the basketball scene. :lol: After that, I turned it off.
Nolan's Batman really isn't a superhero movie though. You shouldn't even compare the two.

The way I see it, for what the Avengers are, Whedon's Avengers is superhero movies done right, especially for a superhero team where the majority are big name guys.
I just hold every superhero movie to the Christopher Nolan standard. I feel like I've been spoiled by his efforts and I would love to see other superhero franchises go in that direction (dark).
All of this.

It's why I don't think I'll really watch all of Avengers or TDKR again.
I love that dark style but you guys are taking it too far if that's the best of the best to yall but since you think that's the current pinnacle of superhero movies I guess you'll love Frank Miller's Justice League :lol:

There has to be more to making great superhero movies than doing loose adaptions of superheroes and making the atmosphere super serious and the tone dark and gritty.
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Lawless was terrible. Damn shame especially since the main cast was great. Guy Pierce was also a treat. Dredd was indeed awesome. Too bad most of us ignored it assuming it would be trash...having 3D in the title did help either. Would of loved to see a sequel.
^didn't care for it either, I shut it off part of the way through. Tom Hardy's mumbling was so off putting
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So TDKR is bright and bubbly? :lol:

It's not a dark and gritty tone. I just want some of the characters to be grounded and for it to not be stupid (at least out loud). Amazing Spider-man isn't Transformers or Green Lantern stupid, but it sure wasn't aiming too high. How is this all you wanted to say? This is that apology for Spider–man 3? Could this even hold Spider-man 1's jock? It was almost like they were saying 'get used to less now.' And that's a shame, because it felt like Marvel drew a clear line of what the minimum was and what worked and what didn't. But I guess all the other studios will just keep doing them.

I didn't love Avengers or TDKR. They were great theater movies, but I saw them both a couple times outside of that. There are scenes I really liked, but they're choppy movies to me. I'm not sitting down to watch either all the way through again. Avengers is just kinda hollow to me. Maybe a good hollow cuz it does make me want more and it feels like these characters are finally done right, but still... And TDKR...I love that it aimed high. Higher than any other comic book movie. But I think that needed another 45 minutes to tell it's story...and Bane, Miranda, and the plan never get better for me. :smh:
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To this day, I still will never understand how Spiderman 3 got knocked off the tracks. 1 was solid, set the tone. 2 was an upgrade, and we were on our way. 3 announces Venom, and EVERYBODY is just bursting to see that one and that franchise would just go nuclear from there and then..... limp richard.

How the hell did that happen? :smh:

I think Amazing Spidey did much the same. It has set the tone, darkened it a bit, and with Foxx comin in next, I think 2 could surpass and set us up for another horrible Venom Spidey 3. :lol:

As for this

I just hold every superhero movie to the Christopher Nolan standard. I feel like I've been spoiled by his efforts and I would love to see other superhero franchises go in that direction (dark).

Don't do that. What Nolan did is beyond 1 in a million. It's like saying that every Sci-Fi movie has to be Empire Strikes Back to be good. Or every gangster movie ever done needs to be Godfather II. That's not happening. You have to view Avengers on a singular level. The same, but opposite of TDK. In a way, Comic book movies are supposed to be bright colored, flashy toys, fun, humor, sexy chicks runnin around in high heels kickin ***. Little teenage boys dreams. Avengers does that, but keeps it grounded. They do everything you would want, but makes it as realistically as possible, considering Aliens droppin by for lunch in New York and what not. Gotta give a little, to take a little.
Dark Knight ain't that. It's hard feelings. Dreary. Depressing. One lone shining light of hope. An entire police force is corrupt, but one guy, oh he can make all the difference. In a way, that's just as unbelievable as Aliens in New York, but in a realistic way. (if that makes sense) COULD an entire police force be corrupt? Yeah, I guess. But is there really gonna be one, ya know, outside the LAPD of course. :lol: Nolan makes you think it's all based in reality, and it COULD be possible, or true, and no hokey fantasy stuff, but I'm sorry, filthy rich billionaires don't usually fly helicopters around that no one can detect. And I find it a smidge on the um, not possible side that one man can swoop in on a town, and for THREE MONTHS be chillin in town, and the US government doesn't do **** except sit at the bridge and watch. :lol:

Again, I'm making light of the two, but in a movie sense, you have to view them on their own. Personally, yes, I prefer what Nolan did, no question, but that doesn't detract what Avengers pulled off. Multiple super heroes, all on screen together, doesn't get jumbled, pretty straight forward, performances were all good, dialogue was decent enough, pace was perfect, little to no drag, if there was no Dark Knight, if Nolan never does that, Avengers would be the beacon for all comic book movies. It would be unquestioned as the leader in the clubhouse. Just as Heat, or Casino, or Goodfellas would rule the gangster genre, were there no Godfather. Make those movies any less outstanding? Not at all.

But that needed another 45 minutes to tell it's story- Bane, Miranda

The Sound of Music thinks that movie would be too long.
Lawless seems to be really polarizing. Love or hate. I haven't been able to watch it yet, but I'm intrigued.

Also, I hear the 3D in Dredd was awesome.
Movies you love ain't a process of elimination thing.

If The Dark Knight never existed, I would still feel mostly the same about Avengers. I'd just compare it to X2 and Spider-man 2. Avengers was a lot of things all at once...it was a piece of the real Iron Man 2 that I wanted, down to a Black Widow that wasn't a joke. It was some of what Thor shoulda been, some of what I wanted out of Captain America , and an Incredible Hulk I liked more.

But Avengers...that's Festivus. That's the airing of the grievances. That's a little apology for every one of those ehhhh Marvel movies. And this is what Joss Whedon does. There just wasn't enough time to give everyone what they needed. They actually had depth...but there was so much on the checklist that this was the speed dating version of character building. Cuz even though you knew all the players, he distilled them to the point where I don't really wanna watch any of that stale Phase 1 again. But I'm cautiously hyped for Phase 2. I respect what Avengers is, but it makes me want more, just not more of it.

It's a foundation...it's righting the ship. You already know how I felt about all the Marvel movies being mostly ehhh to me. This was better than ehhh. The best out of all of them so far, but it's still hollow, because it's the new 1st movie. It to me is the X-men 1 of this. It's that...oh...this could really work down the line, bring on more. But if you keep checking for X1, it starts coming apart at the seams and feeling pretty corny and disjointed, but hey, it set the tone and made X2 happen.

Avengers made me actually want to see more of these at a point where I was pretty much checked out. It made me think that the dialogue can actually be good. The action can be better than generic. If anything, it wasn't TDR, but Avengers that made me really not like AS-M, because that's back on that old basic ********.

And yeah...TDKR needed more time to show Gotham going to hell...and to completely change Bane's voice, and make his plan less literary (movie stupid) and more practical. Or maybe if they had more time, they could give it depth and sell it better? Iono. You can feel the problems with the movie, but pinpointing what needed to be changed is so complicated, because the movie's complicated.

And Lawless...didn't hate it, but it was so disappointing.
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So TDKR is bright and bubbly? :lol:
Nah it just wasn't that good. Regardless of atmosphere or tone. The story wasn't all the that good, the character beats and overall plot was weak. Plus it continued some of the same weaknesses and flaws in the main character from the beginning of the trilogy.

Bringing a serious tone to a movie regardless genre is a completely different thing though and that's something I don't think was completely and successfully done except for in TDK. I mean hell Daredevil had that but didn't make that good.

Anybody gonna watch The Following? :nerd:
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Lawless seems to be really polarizing. Love or hate. I haven't been able to watch it yet, but I'm intrigued.

Also, I hear the 3D in Dredd was awesome.

Slo Mo :pimp:

TDKR was the weakest of the series. I havent been able to sit through it since the Bluray dropped.
I'm so ******g sold.

It's silence of the lambs without a rookie lesbian. An in his prime Hannibal with modern methods.

And an army of problems on the horizon.

Kevin Bacon putting booze in a water bottle, on the clock? Where do I sign? :pimp:
Silver Linings Playbook :smokin damb famb that was a great movie

Flight :pimp: *myman

Hope Springs :D

I Stand Alone 8)
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Wtf is this thread? How did it become 900+ pages? Or did i miss something
I'm so confused 
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