Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Keep your lame movie about some lowly, British electronic store manager forced to conquer a zombie attack; I like movies that challenge the viewer and force the audience to sit and pay attention to the parts of the world they are most likely intentionally ignoring or just altogether ignorant towards, movies like White Oleander, Powder, Precious, Enough, and The Green Mile.
Enough?  The one with Jennifer Lopez?  I'm not saying its bad, but it wouldn't have occurred to me to put it in the same category as Precious or White Oleander. 

Or with good movies.

It is UNREAL that you bring up Enough Ska, I literally was thinkin about that movie less than an hour ago, but it is not a movie that I ever thought would be brought up in here. 

My wife HATES Jennifer Lopez, so when they made a movie about her getting her @#$ kicked, she was all for watching it. 
  Certainly, the message is a tough viewing, but we still laugh for some reason at it, except for the parts that concern the little girl, those scenes we obviously do not laugh at.  But JLo gettin worked over?  Yeah, have some. 
  If you're wondering why wife hates JLo so much, it's cuz CP loves him some Jennifer. 
Enough?  The one with Jennifer Lopez?  I'm not saying its bad, but it wouldn't have occurred to me to put it in the same category as Precious or White Oleander.
Like I said, all three of those movies (and nearly all of my favorites) shed light on a reality that people are turning a blind eye towards. Enough? It definitely strays farther from reality than Precious or White Oleander, (which aren't too far from reality at ALL), but I hear people say all the time "Why is she still with him? She should leave his sorry @%%." Enough shows exactly why she doesn't leave him. And you can't really understand that situation unless you've been closely attached to someone dead in the thick of it.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Enough?  The one with Jennifer Lopez?  I'm not saying its bad, but it wouldn't have occurred to me to put it in the same category as Precious or White Oleander.
Like I said, all three of those movies (and nearly all of my favorites) shed light on a reality that people are turning a blind eye towards. Enough? It definitely strays farther from reality than Precious or White Oleander, (which aren't too far from reality at ALL), but I hear people say all the time "Why is she still with him? She should leave his sorry @%%." Enough shows exactly why she doesn't leave him. And you can't really understand that situation unless you've been closely attached to someone dead in the thick of it.
Definitely an important message.  Coincidentally, thanks to my wife, I can tell you that seems to be the theme of pretty much every movie that airs on the Lifetime network. 

Just got out of Sherlock Holmes: Game Of Shadows... Downey Jr. was once again a solid Sherlock, but the movie dragged in spots. Jude Law just annoys me in the role of Dr. Watson, and he and his wife feel like a perfect match because she annoyed the #+#@ out of me too. I liked Holmes' brother, not sure who played him but he provided some brevity in spots. The end was awesome, but like I said the middle was slow.

Wonder how much they paid Rachel McAdams for her small, small role in this movie. Ballsy for them to do what they did.

The scene in the woods was awesome, the sounds, the camera shots.


I'm on MI:4 right now... It's now two straight movies where my buddy and I are the only ones in the theater
I thought SH2 was around a 7. My only gripe was that for a little while it seemed like Holmes as just runnin around doing nothing (then it all came to fruition in middle of the 2nd act), and the overuse of slow-mo and Holmes' playing out scenarios "methods." Other than that, and Rachel McAdams mailing in her small part, good movie. Jared "Lane Pryce" Harris was great as the villain. Jude Law doesnt annoy me that much, just his characters incessant complaining got to be too much near the end.
Jude Law's a weird one. Like every movie I gotta figure out whether I'm gonna like him or hate him.

I really liked dude in Gattaca and Road to Perdition and Enemy at the Gates, but can't stand him in so many other movies.
And it's not like he'll do anything extra or over the top...iono...just seeing his name on a movie makes me wanna see it less.
Speaking of Jude Law, have any of you seen the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus? Bought it on blu-ray a long while back and completely forgot about it till now. Might have to throw it in in a bit.
Just came back from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In short, and I hate giving these out, but it was a 7/10 for me.
Additional thoughts:

Spoiler [+]
Went into the film completely cold (no knowledge of the original film and novel) so I'm judging this in a vacuum. Fincher's direction was solid, but I never got the feeling he put his stamp on the film. Not that he did a bad job, but if you watch his most recent work, The Social Network of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, there's a certain flair in those films, opposed to this one. It's pretty straight forward. The detective story was interesting, but I really didn't get drawn in. The gravity of the girl's death really didn't matter to me, and I just kept waiting for Mara and Craig's arc to collide. On that note, I loved Mara's performance and the character of Salander. From a story standpoint, even though the end was appropriate, the last 10-15 minutes as a whole was unnecessary IMO. I understood the reason in tying up the loose ends, but it just dragged after the climax. BTW, what was the target audience for the novel? I'm just wondering because I saw some youngsters in the audience, and the abundance of sex and nudity was absurd.
It will probably suck, but I'm looking forward to this Edgar Allen Poe movie.
A fictionalized account of the last days of Edgar Allan Poe's life, in which the poet pursues a serial killer whose murders mirror those in the writer's stories.
All I know is that that is Heath Ledger's last film, nothing more really.

Mission Impossible 4.... blah.

Not certain at all how it got a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes... seemed just like any of the other three to me. Part of it I guess is I just don't understand how films with Cruise leading are supposedly solid anymore. No emotion, all violence, nothing else. Reminds me of Jason Statham without the accent. This is how it always has been with him though, back to the All The Right Moves days.

I felt like they held back on using Jeremy Renner... definitely under-utilized. He's a bigger star than Tom Cruise these days
, and he was put on the back burner. I mean I know it's Cruise's series, but still.

Cruise chasing Wilstrom in the sandstorm was awesome, other than that I was kind of unimpressed. How that one dude fell like seven stories and didn't die on impact is beyond me. I turn my brain off for these movies, but to believe that I would need to not have a brain. The whole thing with Cruise scaling the Dubai building was just so far-fetched, ugh. That entire scene was

I even thought Simon Pegg was not used properly. You know he's funny, yet his lines weren't.

Not a fan of this, at all.
Saw Dragon Tattoo tonight too... I liked it, but agree with ill...

Fincher never took any chances here and it showed... It was lacking something. I don't know if some of the tension was lost on me because I've read the books and seen the Swedish films, but it just never reeled me in like so much of his other stuff has...

I was a little surprised that it was so... By the book, I guess? I dunno, I'll sleep on it and come back with more in the morning.
An interesting question to throw at yall.

If you had to live with one actor to be a lead for a movie, who would you choose?

You can spin this however you want, but give me Kevin Spacey, quite possibly my favorite actor I've ever seen. It might be an odd choice, but I love this dude. Whatever he's in, small part or big.

Just watched two trailers; the first for The Hobbit, and the second was for The Raven.

The Hobbit looked like it'll be on par with the LotR trilogy, which is fine to me. I enjoy the films, not as much as the avid fans, but I do enjoy them.

The Raven? Ehh. I don't doubt it could be a decent film, and I really like Cusack, but Poe is never portrayed properly in my opinion. The guy was morbid. From the looks of the trailer, Cusack looks like a more dreary Sherlock Holmes. I'm not too thrilled to see it, but I probably will. That's the thing with the Poe films, even back to the old Lorre/Karloff/Price films, there just isn't enough there to build an entire film around. Shorts? Sure. Feature-length films? No. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but most of Poe's work is very short, not to mention very bleak. I don't know, I just can't ever seem to see any film adaption of Poe where it seems like he is portrayed properly.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

An interesting question to throw at yall.

If you had to live with one actor to be a lead for a movie, who would you choose?
Spacey is good, but limited.  I don't see him being much of a tough guy if that was the role you were goin for. 

Short list, Tom Hanks, DeNiro, Leo, Pitt are the first I thought of, Cruise, Smith and Damon would be in the discussion I would think as well.  Can't go wrong with any of these really.

Thinking of it though, Hanks may very well be it.  Comedy, Drama, Action/Hero-#+*, though it's his biggest stretch of course, but Saving Private Ryan shows he can pull it off.  Pretty tough to beat Hanks. 

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

An interesting question to throw at yall.

If you had to live with one actor to be a lead for a movie, who would you choose?
You can't go wrong with a lot of the elite performers in film today, but just to give my biased opinion, if I had to have one, based on versatility and acting chops, I would go with Gary Oldman. Here's a list of character's he has played during his unappreciated career.
Sid Vicious (Sid and Nancy)

Dracula (Dracula)

Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK)

Drexl Spivey (True Romance)

Stansfield (Leon)

Jim Gordon (Batman Trilogy)

Sirius Black (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)

George Smiley (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)

I know, most of these are "serious" roles, but he's shown me enough that he could go the comedic route and still deliver.
I can't decide between Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, or Johnny Depp

Tom Hanks is no tough guy; that was my only knock on Road to Perdition. No matter what the scene was that required him to lay down the law, I just didn't buy it, not from him.

I can't see Leo pulling off comedy.

Damon? I hate to say this because I was once a big fan of his, but I think he's the most limited of everyone mentioned so far.

No way I'm buying Cruise in a lead comedic role, and I don't buy Will Smith as a lead comedy actor like Fresh Prince anymore, but more of a lead role who can be funny while everything blows up (like Bad Boys & Independence Day). "What about the MIBs?" Even though that was more of a comedy, it was still 'role who can be funny while everything blows up'.

But Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, or Johnny Depp? If I were handed 4 sealed envelopes that had different types of movie scripts in them, and I was told I had to pick one actor to play all 4 lead male roles, I'd have a hard time choosing between those 3 dudes.

Inglourious Basterds (
), Moneyball, Oceans 11/12/13, Seven, The Mexican, Fight Club, Babel

Secret Window, Blow, Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Public Enemies, Chocolate Factory

Goodfellas, Analyze This/That, Meet the Parents/Fockers, Casino, Wag the Dog (effing LOOOVE this movie), Raging Bull, Bronx Tale

The range
And I know with guys like Tom Cruise and Will Smith and Matt Damon, you can throw a list out there of movies that range from comedy to serious to superhero… but they don't pull those roles off as well as DeNiro, Pitt, and Depp. Like I said, I just wasn't buying tough guy Tom Hanks in Road to Perdition, or even Saving Private Ryan for that matter. Matt Damon in Stuck On You? C'mon. Will Smith as a superhero? Wasn't terrible, but definitely didn't feel right.

In the end, I'd probably go with Johnny Depp, and then shoot myself when I open the 4 envelopes and find out that 2 of the movie scripts are mob movies, and DeNiro's already left the studio.
Raven looks awesome. 

And The Hobbit looks just like the book, boring as @#$% for the first 60% and then a great final 40%. 

Vin Diesel confirms Fast 6 and 7 are coming soon.  Big J and I weep with joy. 

JPZ, Ill, and Dirk, I'm updating your 2011 lists.  Kev, anything to add? 
Uhh... I think this is where I am:

The Adjustment Bureau
Attack the Block
Battle: Los Angeles
Cedar Rapids
Crazy, Stupid, Love.
Hall Pass
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Hobo with a Shotgun
Horrible Bosses
I Am Number Four
Just Go with It
Kill the Irishman
The Roommate
Scream 4
Super 8
Win Win

It looks like I won't be seeing a lot of the better !+%* before the year ends, so I guess it doesn't matter much anymore.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

And they're shooting them back to back too. I'm very excited.

I thought they said "might" go back to back, but hadn't confirmed yet.  Something announce this morning?  Either way, I cracked open my Fast Five Blu in honor and watched it happily last night. 
  What's funny is, the entire time I watch the movie, I hear Simmons and Corolla in my mind.  The mocking of Vin Diesel poignant moments, the accent on "thisss is  BRA-ZZZIL
He and the Rock fighting for 10 minutes, going thru walls, glass and everything else, and nary a cut on their faces. 
  @#$% is too good. 

Kev, you're updated. 
I was going off of a blog/website's headline I read that said they're shooting back to back. It was discussing Diesel's comments from today and in that he didn't specifically say they're doing them at the same time, but just that their plans for the 6th were too large for one movie and they're writing them together. If they're writing them at the same time, and if it might be a two-parter or two separate movies, it only makes sense to film together. The biggest advantage would be Diesel wouldn't look 50 years old by the time the 7th one came out.
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