Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Not connecting but you get to understand why Michelle Monaghan's character matters in latter films.

got it. will do the whole slate

i have an OCD with TV and movies anyway where i have to watch it "right" and not skip. and where i have to finish once i start. so makes sense
C CP1708 I think you'll side with you on the rewatch on the enemy and plot, I'll blame my tiredness for not buying in 100% the first go around. Atwell was a great addition though, she was capable but still out of her element, which provided some great entertainment.
C CP1708 I think you'll side with you on the rewatch on the enemy and plot, I'll blame my tiredness for not buying in 100% the first go around. Atwell was a great addition though, she was capable but still out of her element, which provided some great entertainment.

You know what was fascinating to me about her? She is model gorgeous and they pant suited her the entire film. They hid her as best they possibly could. Zero showing off.

And she's still white hot. She was mesmerizing while they literally tried their best to not oversex her.

Paula Patton was shown off as best you could. They had her in revealing clothing the whole film. They didn't do that with Hayley and she still melts the screen. That is impressive as hell.

I'm going to watch again this weekend. Will study for more details as well. Hopefully you like the details a second go thru.
Breaking up the lovefest for MI and Tom, I finally got around to Infinity Pool last night. Interesting would be an understatement. Not as engrossing as Possessor was, but the boundaries for practical effects and the lengths the story went, we're certainly pushed beyond Cronenberg the Younger's first outing. Maybe. Actually idk, thinking back Possessor had some WILD ****. But I also liked it more than Infinity Pool. Idk, both movies delivered what a "Cronenberg" film should.

Alexander Skarsgard is carving out a nice little niche in the indie world, which is good to see after True Blood ended and he kind of floated along aimlessly for a minute (sans Big Little Lies).

On the other side, Mia Goth is ******* electric and she definitely delivered a fantastic unhinged performance. She's great. Can't wait to see her star blow up.

6/8 knee-jerk reaction.
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Somebody say the T word?
*Me seeing Titanic at No. 3 in Netflix’s trending knowing young people are seeing it for the first time*

Is there an unwritten protocol on how many consecutive days we, as a people, must mention this cotdamn movie?! :lol:
It’s also dropped from 3 to 4 on the months most watched films.
I think it’s picked up steam in here though.
You ninnies watching on DVD instead of NETFLIX or what?


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Wow, I didn’t have this on my 2023 bingo card. Just found out I have a relative who is an actor. It’s my grandpa’s brothers son. Sooooo my 2nd cousin?? I didn’t think I had any Turner relatives still alive :pimp:

The plot thickens!!!!

So a tiny backstory on me. Skip it if you don’t care.

My mother has been a heroin addict her entire life. When I was an infant, a neighbor did a welfare checkup on her apartment and found her passed out with a needle in her arm and I was crying and laying in poopy diapers. So obviously she lost custody. Her sister and husband (my aunt/uncle) adopted me and raised me. I never knew my biological father.

My mom was such a burden on her parents that when my grandpa passed (I was maybe 4? ) the Turner family completely disowned her. My aunt hasn’t spoken to her in 30 years. They blame her for bankrupting the family. Grandpa paid for all her expensive rehabs.

Anyways, I know NOTHING about my real family for that reason. Nor do I know why I’ve been obsessed with film/theater so much. Fast forward to this Ross dude dropping this gem!


Mind blown! It all makes so much sense now!
The plot thickens!!!!

So a tiny backstory on me. Skip it if you don’t care.

My mother has been a heroin addict her entire life. When I was an infant, a neighbor did a welfare checkup on her apartment and found her passed out with a needle in her arm and I was crying and laying in poopy diapers. So obviously she lost custody. Her sister and husband (my aunt/uncle) adopted me and raised me. I never knew my biological father.

My mom was such a burden on her parents that when my grandpa passed (I was maybe 4? ) the Turner family completely disowned her. My aunt hasn’t spoken to her in 30 years. They blame her for bankrupting the family. Grandpa paid for all her expensive rehabs.

Anyways, I know NOTHING about my real family for that reason. Nor do I know why I’ve been obsessed with film/theater so much. Fast forward to this Ross dude dropping this gem!


Mind blown! It all makes so much sense now!
I'm happy for you bro :pimp: This must be a crazy feeling. I know it's happening fast but do you have any plans to connect w/ Ross and whoever else? Man you might legit have a path into acting if you wanted to take it :lol:
I'm happy for you bro :pimp: This must be a crazy feeling. I know it's happening fast but do you have any plans to connect w/ Ross and whoever else? Man you might legit have a path into acting if you wanted to take it :lol:

Dude I’m having like a panic attack right now. Thinking about how much different my life would have been if I would have been surrounded by these family members lol

Yeah I just messaged him and said we’re meeting in person 100%. He’s on board. Also told me that his dad (my great uncle) is super into genealogy and absolutely loves talking about the family. Told me I should contact him and that he’s super nice and would love to chat with me.

As for the acting thing……not a chance :lol:

That ship sailed a long time ago, and I’m not deluded enough to think that I could just meet a guy and then become a working actor.
I’ve talked plenty of times about wanting to go back to school for screenwriting though. I’m sure he could at least be a shoulder to lean on for advice in the industry.
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