Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The people who do love it are just loud and include some pretty high profile folks.

I've seen Scarface multiple times but just for the hell of it, sometimes in new circles, (new job, I'm an outsider at a new basketball gym, just whatever,) if people are talking about movies, I'll say that I've never seen Scarface. The reaction. 😬😬😬😬
What makes it overrated?

It's aged well and still watchable for the newer generation
From a quality standpoint, it's a terrible movie, yet it is extremely popular. I don't know how other people define overrated but that's it for me.

I've seen Scarface multiple times but just for the hell of it, sometimes in new circles, (new job, I'm an outsider at a new basketball gym, just whatever,) if people are talking about movies, I'll say that I've never seen Scarface. The reaction. 😬😬😬😬


I’ve never had that experience. I’ve hardly met anyone IRL who actually loves it and it has come up at all the places I’ve worked.

I’ve never had that experience. I’ve hardly met anyone IRL who actually loves it and it has come up at all the places I’ve worked.
Man I need to get a law degree and rub elbows with your people then. 🤣
This Scarface discussion we’ve got going inspired me to do a little googling. It came out in 1983, and just for fun, I wanted to see what other movies came out that year. Apparently, there was a T.V movie with…Jim Carrey? Has anyone seen this?

Let me know if Copper Mountain is worth a watch :lol: ... seems like that movie 'Going Overboard' that Adam Sandler did right as his movie career started.

Temple of Doom: 5.6/8 ... the last 30 minutes saved it for me, I need to go on that Mine Ride at Disneyland :lol: ... loved Richard Wang/Data from the Goonies/Shorty.

The blonde chick that played the second lead, Kate Capshaw, man... was literally useless. If you look at her IMDB profile, my god who owed her a favor. She never did anything else and that was like her third movie and she books that? Something had to be up.

The Kali Ma uniforms were sweet on par with the '01 Sixers.

Thought Indy was going to use the floatable as a parachute when they jumped out of the plane. No way that thing wouldn't be punctured once they hit the ground, and then again once they went off the waterfall. And no way at the end they would've been able to jump from the broken train tracks RIGHT to the tracks of the other side of the broken train tracks. Obviously, we are pushing the bounds of reality, it's an Indiana Jones movie.

You can tell the franchise was trying to branch out from the typical setting to China and then India... and I'm assuming The Last Crusade returns to somewhat of the Raiders of the Lost Ark setting. Will be watching that soon.
I've been blowing through my sopranos rewatch... Man. That show is so ******* good

Also watching tropic thunder right now. Such a classic comedy.

I also hit My 10-year anniversary at my job today officially so I've had one or four bourbons and a cigar and celebration so I apologize if there is any rambling speak to text post from me in the next hour or so
Since Titanic deserved it whatch you talkin about?

Rolling Stone magazine called it the best film of all time.
How could I not they surveyed many people and James Cameron's still alive and we are good
From a quality standpoint, it's a terrible movie, yet it is extremely popular. I don't know how other people define overrated but that's it for me.
A film can be overrated and still be good…or even great.

But a terrible movie in terms of quality?

At best that’s hyperbole.

…at worst it’s a moderator trolling.
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