Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

New matrix is divisive to say the least lol

Can’t fault anyone for thinking it’s bad, its not the best movie but it doesn’t take itself too seriously which I like. Also, it doesn’t take anything away from the original imo which is a plus.
Will watch the first couple episodes of Severance on Apple TV, probably when I wake up tomorrow. I think you’re supposed to watch the first half of the season when you’re at your place of work doe, second half when you’re at home.
My Top 10 Films of 2021:

Green Knight
Cmon Cmon
Power of the Dog
Don’t Look Up
French Dispatch
The Suicide Squad
(10th spot reserved for licorice pizza which I haven’t seen yet.)

I haven’t watched the spider movie. Matrix was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in a long time. Bond was just meh to me. Im interested in west side story but not sure it can crack my top 10.

Oh also really liked Pig but it’s prob just outside my top 10.
Will watch the first couple episodes of Severance on Apple TV, probably when I wake up tomorrow. I think you’re supposed to watch the first half of the season when you’re at your place of work doe, second half when you’re at home.
So I watch one half in the 2nd bedroom and then the other in the living room


I'm super interested in this though
Glad I didn't see The King's Man in theaters.

It's quite boring besides the actions scenes. This and Golden Circle got me worried about Matthew Vaughn.
New TCM already leaning into cliche tropes 1 minute in. Scruffy redneck with gun making veiled threats. ROLLIN COAL BABAAYYYY
Bruhh this movie is a mess. Fede should have fired this writer the second he read the 2nd act in the script. "Guns are traumatic BUT ******* AWESOME BRO THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN AMEN".
Man I was hoping for something more ridiculous or surreal, or at least something that was *more* than the TCM we got. The loud "anti-woke" messages and total disregard for the predecessor ruined any chance of enjoyment. The tropes that were unironically used were perplexing. The violence, save for like 2 character deaths, was surprisingly subdued. Maybe not subdued... more, idk, glossed over. Most of it was cut and edited so messy that it really had no impact. And that's just what I have the energy to complain about.

2/8. Malignant was a fun and ridiculous recent horror and I'd suggest watching that a 2nd or 3rd time instead of this disrespectful interpretation of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The King’s Man:

Not for me.

Rasputin shoulda been the villain the whole time. 3.8/8.
An hour and 15 into licorice pizza and I have no idea what's going on 😂🤦🏾‍♂️. This Sean Penn dinner scene has me like
You kind of have to go into it expecting the unexpected lol, if that makes sense. Kind of like with Napoleon Dynamite how there's not really a central plot. It can be very quirky at times but does have its serious moments too. I thoroughly enjoyed it and going to catch it again soon now that a good quality stream is out.
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